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"Hey firecracker wanna go for a walk?" George asks amiee they where never really close but they enjoy each others company.

"Sure just let me get dressed" she says and bounces off to her guest room. With all the time she had been spending at the cullens esme thought it right that she had a small space to call her own.

Hopping back out of her room, in a pair of shorts boots and a jumper, amiee grabs a bottle of water and her and George head out.

"How have you been coping" he asks

"I haven't" she says tearing up.

"I know that this is probably a bad time, but I don't think I ever apologised for Chris, he was my friend and I should have known"

"It wasn't your fault, there was no way you could gave stopped what happened" she cuts him off.

"It know what he did was totally unacceptable, but he was my best friend and as much as I hate him I miss him" George confesses

"I know what you mean for a while, I missed him too, I remembered how proper he was and the times where he was gentle and loving and everything, but then I remembered the bad and how scared I was around him, how when I found out I was pregnant I felt like I needed to protect my baby from him, every rose has a thorn and it's how much the thorns hurt is what makes you decide to discard the beauty" she says.

"That was beautiful" a voice says from behind them.

Amiee turns around towards the voice and immediately spots jasper's honey blonde locks and soft honey eyes.
Her eyes well with tears and her feet unconsciously move towards him in a fast run . dropping the water bottle on the ground, She leaps on him sobbing into his shoulder, him clutching to her small frame just tight enough for him to not crush her.

"I'm so sorry I left" he whispers in her ear.

"I thought you left for good" she sobs

"I would never leave you, you mean everything to me"

"Promise me you will never do anything like that again" she says to him not releasing her grip.

"Never, I promise" jasper vows. "Can I know what this news everyone knows about bar me?" He chuckles but amiee goes tense and he can feel it under his embrace. 
"Can I tell you when we are alone?" She asks in a shy meek voice.

"You guys go on ahead, I need to speak to amiee" he says walking away with amiee still in his arms.

He sets he down when he cannot hear the voices of the others anymore. They walk towards a fallen log in silence and he helps her get up to sit on it.

Once he gets up himself he takes her hand and makes her look at him. "I don't care what it is doll, I won't get mad"

"I know we have only been together a short while and for most of it I haven't been awake. But in the time I have been awake it has been amazing and we have been through so much in so little amount of time" she pauses. "Jasper I'm pregnant" she looks at him to search his expressions on his face. A small smile creeps to the side of his mouth and venom Wells in his eyes.

"I can't believe this!" He says sternly

"I'm sorry" amiee says taking her hand back.

"No darling not you" he says taking her hand back "Alice"

"Why what happened?" Amiee asks

"That doesn't matter right now" he says hopping off the log and helping amiee off. "I love you amiee" jasper says as he sets her on the floor.

"I love you too jasper" amiee says as his arms snakes around her waist and hoists her up so his lips could press to hers in a loving and passionate kiss.

Meanwhile at the house Alice is the center of attention as Carlisle drags the family out to the clearing to settle their differences he doesn't want the arguing in front of the guests or the children.

"What exactly did you see?" Carlisle asks Alice

"I saw amiee telling jasper and then amiee dying" she says.

"I didn't see the part where amiee died" Edward says

"I saw it walking later on when she decided she was going to tell him, but we had already left when I saw the possibility or her telling him" she says looking down

"Why would you do that Alice?" Bella asks anger written all over her face.

"Because she loves jasper, always has, she thought your sister would just be a crush because she couldn't see the magical bond she had with jasper, she also didn't see amiee agreeing to stay" rosalie spits out.

"Calm down rose" emmett pleads with her.

"Them being apart makes them stronger I saw that she wouldn't die because I led him away" she shouts.

"If you say so Alice, it will take a while for everyone to regain their trust in you" Carlisle says unwilling to argue about the as he sees a happy amiee and jasper walking hand in hand, in the distance.

"But Carlisle" rosalie starts.

"Let's go back she has said all she has to say and you do not need to believe her nor forgive her but I do not want this tension around the children or amiee" Carlisle says sternly and starts to walk back inside.

The rest follow leaving Alice dry sobbing at the edge on the forest.

Jasper and amiee are talking about the baby and what jasper has in mind on what he thinks needs to be done.

"With Bella turning and everything, you also need to disappear soon, am I correct?" Jasper asks the tone of their conversation taking a serious turn.

"I can't really have denver around humans when he turns 2, he will be impulsive and he will not know what he his doing, the magic will try to fight off the thirst but sometimes it will not be enough, as his mother it is my responsibility to protect him" she explains coming to a halt.

"It's going to be hard for us to be around here for much longer as well,  Carlisle is meant to be much older than he looks and we cannot have people catching on the he isn't ageing" jasper explains.

"So what do you suppose we do?" Amiee asks.

"Well I have to run it by the family, but I have a plan" jasper says

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now