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"Jane were going to be late" amiee says stood at the door of their small two bedroom house which resides further into the forest than the rest of the houses around them. A minute later Jane is at the front door, as excited as ever to go to school.

"Ready!" She shouts walking out of the door.

Meanwhile the cullens are driving to school, a normal day for them, jasper is driving with denver Alice and Joe in the car.

"I heard there's 2 people meant to be starting today" joe says looking out of the window. 

"That's cool" denver says not getting his hopes up, the disappointment building up over the years not letting him get excited that he he might see his mum again.

Amiee and Jane pull into forks high school, everything still the same, except for the cars that are parked outside. "We need to go to the office to get signed in and get all of our files sorted" Amiee explains to Jane, as she picks up her bag and gets out of the car. Amiee looks around to see if she can see jasper, knowing that it is a long shot. She has no luck and walks with jane inside.

As the doors close behind them, jasper pulls into the parking lot, with the rest of the Cullens and clan behind them. "That's a nice car" Joe says looking at amiees chrome, bugatti.

"New girls must be flashy" Alice adds.

"Like you don't already know" jasper says bringing the car to a halt next to amiees car.

"I haven't seen them actually" Alice says slamming the car door as she swiftly exits.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asks as he closes his door in emmetts car.
"Jasper is moody again" Alice says

"Just leave him alone, you would be moody too if Joe got kidnapped, and you had not seen him for 100 years" rosalie says going to jaspers side.

Meanwhile inside Amiee and Jane have signed in and gotten their sceduals. "I have, history, gym, music, lunch then psychology then English" Jane says "what does the a mean next to all my classes?" Jane asks unfamiliar with mainstream schooling.

"It means advanced, you'll be with the seniors for most of your classes" Amiee says looking for hers and Janes lockers.

"Will I have any classes with you?" Jane asks.

"We have music 3rd period, but that's it" amiee says  showing Jane how to open her locker.

"When do classes start?" Jane asks putting her bag into her locker

"9, do you want me to walk you to history so you don't get lost?" Amiee asks

"Yes please, m. . Sis" jane corrects herself. Amiee smiles at her daughter as they walk towards Janes first class.

When they get to history, Jane is the first one there with 14 minutes till the bell rings. "Okay I'm going to my classes, will you be okay?" Amiee asks jane.

"I'll be fine, if not I can always get in contact with you" jane adds.

"Okay well ill see you later" amiee says walking off. Jane walks into the classroom and the teacher is sat at his desk.

"Hello" jane greets the teacher

"Ah,  hello, you must be miss whitlock" the teacher greets amiee

"Nice to meet you" jane says politely.

"Your seat it the one in the corner by the window, Mr hale should be here shortly he's always early, he will be your partner for the year." Jane nods her head and takes her seat. As she sits she thinks about her father, amiee didn't tell her his name, to avoid disappointment, if she met a man with the same name as he does, she knows she has her fathers last name, and that he has blonde hair and that he is a vampire. That's about as far as it goes.

"Hello" jane hears from beside her, she turns her head to see a tall pale, blonde haird man. His beauty is striking and his eyes a burnt amber.

"Hello, sorry did I take your seat?" Jane says flusteredly.

"No it's just you look like someone I used to know" he says sitting down and laying his books on the table. "Anyway I'm jasper" he says extending a hand.

"Jane" she says taking his hand and shaking it. They talk until the bell rings and get on with their work.

At the end of class amiee looks at her scedual. "What do you have next?" She hears from beside her.

"Gym" jane says getting up from her seat.

"I can walk you if you don't know where it is" jasper says feeling a urge to protect the small blonde girl.

"If you're sure" jane says picking up her books as jasper leads them out of the room and into a busy corridor.

"So why did you move here?" Jasper asks as they walk.

"I'm looking for my father" Jane says "I know he used to live here, I know it's a long shot coming back but being in America just makes me feel closer too him" Jane says hugging her books.

"I understand" jasper says feeling the sorrow in the girl. " so what does your mother do?"

"It's just me and my sister amiee" Jane says swifty, they reach the gym.

"Did you say amiee?" Jasper asks

"Yeah, she's really cool, anyway thank you for helping me" Jane says, jasper nods and walks to his class, leaving Jane confused as to why a wave of hope flooded her when she said her mother's name.

After gym amiee is stood outside waiting for Jane. "Did you have fun?" Amiee asks seeing the bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, I made a few new friends" Jane says as the set off to music class.

"That's great" amiee says "you should  sit with them at lunch" she says as they walk through the doors to music. Amiee cannot see any familiar faces, making her mood dull as they sit and listen to the teacher.

After class amiee and Jane walk to the cafeteria "how are you enjoying school?" Amiee asks jane.

"It's great, but the smell is getting a bit too much" jane says, holding her breath as much as she can.

"After we eat we will go into the forest to get away for a little while" amiee says opening the door to the cafeteria. Jane walks through first and follows behind her. "What would you like?" Amiee asks as jane looks over all the food.

"Just some fruit" jane says simply and picks up a small carton of fruit salad. Amiee puts a cookie and a drink on her tray to make it seem like she has more to eat. Amiee chooses herself a piece of pizza and gets a drink and an apple.

"Where would you like to sit?" Amiee asks jane. Jane looks around but before she could find a place, she hears her name being called from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Jane!" A tall bulky guy shouts. Jane and amiee turn towards the sound, as amiee looks around her eyes lock with a familiar set of burnt amber orbs.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now