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The clan are in the forest, making sure that the area is secure. "I can't smell anyone for miles" Jeremy says coming up behind amiee.

"good" amiee says with tears in her eyes.

"what's the matter?" Alex asks

"I had an argument with jasper its nothing" amiee explains.

"We don't have to do this" illiana says .

"Yes we do" amiee argues leaning against a tree.

"Why" Emilia asks. Amiee sighs and walks towards the group who are stood around a tree stump. Amiee casts her arm in front of her and then towards her left in one swift motion making all the belongings fall to the floor beside the stump. Amiee sits on the stump and all her clan members put a hand on her.

Meanwhile at the house jasper is frantic.

"Why would she do this!?" He exclaims

"Why would you think the baby isn't yours, after everything amiee has done for you and this family" emmett says pissed at the fact he cannot go and help fight.

"I know it's mine okay, I was just" jasper starts.

"Stupid" Joe says finishing jaspers sentence

"It's doesn't matter about that, she's going to get hurt" jasper says and Emmett laughs at him.

"Amiee can defend herself better than everyone in this room put together, you haven't seen it" emmett says.

"How would you know?" Jasper says.

"Jeremy and Alex showed me" emmett says

"Yeah, your new best friends" Alice huffs from the corner.

"At least I am making the effort, it's only me, rose, esme and Carlisle that have made the effort to make them all feel welcome here" emmett says

"I've spent time with her friends just as much as you have" jasper starts to argue.

"Only when amiee has been there or denver, or she's been unconscious and they have been sat in the same room as you" emmett argues back.

"That is not true, I've been hunting with George, and I've been training with the girls and loui" jasper spits at emmett.

"Instead of arguing why don't we just go after them?" Joe says bluntly

"It's too dangerous" Carlisle says simply.

"screw danger that's my sister, and you're not my alpha, Jeremy is, I go where he goes so I'm gone, you two coming?" Joe says walking to the back door.

"yup" emmett says, he walks over to rose and leans down and places a passionate kiss to her hard pale lips, soft under his. They pull back and he strokes denvers curly hair as he turns to walk away.

"Give me a minute, I'll catch you up" jasper says walking towards rosalie. He picks denver up out of her arms and walks up to his room. Denver nuzzles into his neck and holds onto him tightly as he starts up the stairs.

Back in the forest the clan are stood around amiee, with one of their hands placed somewhere on her.

"Memories like voices that call on the wind                                                                                                   Medhel an gwyns, medhel an gwyns                                                                                                                    Whispered and tossed on the tide coming in                                                                                                Medhel, oh, medhel an gwyns"  as Amiee sings, flashes of a brutal battle get sent to their head making them watch the moment jasper is ripped apart by Chris while Amiee is held down in the snow made to watch the whole ordeal. 

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now