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100 long years have passed, amiee is still a prisoner of the volturi, jasper still misses her, she still misses him, she doesn't even know if he is still alive. She hasn't been able to feel anything from him in a long time, their mating bond almost destroyed by the distance that has been kept between them. She had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Jane fenna whitlock. amiee has told Jane, about jasper, and why she cannot see her father. Jane has developed a hatred for Chris and stays close to her mother.

Aro and Marcus have become quite fond of amiee and Jane and have surprisingly tried to make their life as comfortable as possible. Amiee and Jane have opened their eyes to the possibility of living in peace and they in return have taught amiee about why they have their rules. The two elder vampires have grow tired of having to pardon Chris on his indulgence in human blood and is therefore on his last warning.

Jane has had to sustain herself on human blood also, amiee getting Aro to teach the girl How to hunt, a personal favour amiee asked of the man who kept her company and had grown fond of over the first few months of her being there. He was appalled at the fact Chris had taken her away from her mate, something he felt strongly about, always promising her there will be a time where she would be able to leave and find him again.

Having amiee around had softened The volturi, over the past hundred years they have changed significantly and have become less harsh on enforcing their laws and have killed many who just seek power and blood lust.

Walking through the underground stone corridors of the volturi castle, amiee and Aro walk arm in arm discussing basic life.

"How are Janes studies coming along?" Amiee asks Aro, knowing there is always something more to learn and Aro so willing to teach the beautiful girl everything he knows.

"She loves it now we have started to look into the history of America, she told me, she wishes she could go, to find her father, I haven't kept track on the cullens, I can't seem to find them now, so even if she could leave I'm afraid I couldn't tell her where to look" Aro explains.

"Aro, I doubt we will be getting out of here any time soon, Chris will find us if we run, I couldn't put that on Jane, she hates killing once a month to sustain herself, imagine what she would be like if she went into battle" amiee says sitting once they get to the library.

"I wouldn't put it past her according to bran, she is quite the little warrior" Aro says picking up a book "and according to Marcus we may have to take chris's immortal life, Diego, saw him last night with many women, covered in blood claiming his immortality to them" he explains, amiee's eyes brighten, and Aro smiles at her "I think we may have to start looking harder to find the cullens don't you?" Amiee smiles and starts looking through the Cullen's record file.

A few hours later amiee has found something, a new paper article, a boy aged 17 wins knowledge competition, Edward Cullen. "Look Aro" amiee says showing him the clip.

"That was 20 years ago" Aro says re reading the date. Amiee huffs as Marcus comes through the door.

"Aro" he speaks softly, Aro just nods and follows his brother out of the door.

"Pack" he says as he shuts the door leaving amiee alone in the large library where she has spent many hours getting lost in her imagination.

"Mom?" Jane says coming through the back door, her honey blonde hair hangs in long ringlets down to her hips, her face sweet freckles, scatter across her nose, the bright green eyes the epicenter of her face. It is striking how much she resembles her mother.

"Yes sweetheart?" Amiee answers trying not to get Jane too excited before it is even certain they can leave.

"They're going to execute chris" Jane says waltzing over to her mother.

"How did you find out?" Amiee asks

"Diego told me, he was the one who found chris, apparently he was sprawled out in the street drunk on blood surrounded by about 6 dead naked women" Jane says with as much enthusiasm as amiee used to have. "Does this mean we can leave?" Jane asks getting timid as she asks. Amiee's eyes well up with tears as she nods and hugs her daughter.

A few hours later amiee and Jane are packed and Aro has set everything up for them so they can start their new life, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out more" Aro says as he hugs amiee.

"Don't be silly, we couldn't thank you more" amiee says putting a bag in the bag of the car.

"You will come back and visit, or if you need anything" Aro insists.

Jane and amiee smile at them as the drive off into the night wondering what lies ahead for the two women.

The Cullen's currently reside back in forks knowing they will not be remembered and silently hoping amiee will come home,  the weather is cold and dark jasper is sat by the windows as he does most nights for the past 100 years.

"Dad?" Denver says walking through the living room, he's grown very tall and bulky, his face still as sweet and hair still as curly.

"Yes Denver" jasper says as Denver takes a seat across from him.

"Do you think mom will ever come back?" He asks tears pooling in his eyes

"I don't know son, but I believe that if she could find us she would" jasper says trying to console his son.

"It's been a 100 years today" Denver says.

"I know son, we have to be patient and try to get on with our lives" jasper says and goes back to staring out of the window.

"I miss her so much" he says breaking down.

"Hey, come here" jasper says pulling his son into a one arm hug. "We will see her again, I promise" tears filling in his own eyes.

meanwhile Amiee and Jane are flying to Washington. Amiee wants to go home even if the Cullen's are not there. Amiee stares out of the window at the ocean below, feeling freedom for the first time in a long time.

"mom?" Jane asks

"yes dear?" she says not turning away from the window.

"tell me more about my father?" Jane says. Amiee looks at Jane with a smile on her face.

"what would you like to know?" Amiee asks thinking of all she can remember of jasper.

"I don't know, what did he like reading?" Jane thinks off the top of her head

"history books" Amiee says thinking of the countless times she would watch him sat by the fire reading contently as Denver slept in his arms.

"I like reading history books too" Jane says looking out of the window "will I ever meet him?" Jane asks tears filling her eyes.

"I hope so darling, were going to forks, its where me and your father met so hopefully you feel closer to him just being there" Amiee says taking her daughters hand trying to reassure her that everything will be okay.

"mom? what if I my powers freak me out I haven't been around large crowds of people before?" Jane says

"Janie you will do fine, ill do as much as I can to help you, and if you cant stand the atmosphere around you, change it" Amiee says

"the only thing my dad has ever given me" Jane laughs, Jane inherited jaspers powers, she can feel and manipulate peoples emotions.

"he gave you more than that, look at your hair" Amiee says, janes hair is long blonde and curly like jaspers. Jane nods and continues to look out of the window.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now