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"I need to go" amiee says to Jane through gritted teeth, before Jane can even look around Amiee is gone, and when she turns back around her friends have gone too. suddenly she hears her mother's voice in her head, it's distressed and Jane runs towards the pull from her mom.

"Amiee!" Jasper shouts running around the forest looking for her.

"Over here" he hears her say. He looks behind himself to see amiee sat inside of a hollow tree. Birds dead around her, she is out of breath and sweat pours from her forhead. He is at her side in seconds, holding her close and not letting her go.

"Mom!" Jane shouts running through the forest frantically. "Mom!"

"Over here sweetheart" amiee gets out. Jane turns around to see jasper and amiee embraced. Jane looks confused and jasper can feel the turmoil inside her, he tries to change her emotions, but this makes Jane get angry.

"Stop I don't like it" Jane shouts. Then the realisation hits her, it's her father. Her posture goes shy and she holds her head low and places her arms behind her back.

"I thought I'd never see you again" jasper says to amiee, placing a hand onto her flushed cheek. Amiee can't get her words out and starts to cry into jasper's shoulder.

The rest of the cullen's and amiee's clan come running towards jasper's scent. Jane can see them running towards her and gets into a defence stance. "Jane it's okay" amiee says as she calms down. Jane gets out of her stance and goes to sit by her mother.

The cullen's come running around the hollow tree to see jasper huddled up to amiee with a Jane sat close by. "Amiee!" They all shout when they see who it is. Denver cannot control himself as he stands in the back next to emmett. He let's a tear fall from his eye as amiee looks around the group.

Her eyes lay on her son, who she has missed dearly in the time of her imprisonment. Amiee unable to find the words, jumps up and runs towards him, and slams into an embrace. Amiee holds Denver as he cries softly into her shoulder.

Jasper looks at Jane, and Jane looks at jasper. A tear falls from Jane's eye, and jasper puts an arm around her "I'm not going anywhere, I'm not going to let any of you out of my sight again" jasper whispers to Jane and places a soft kiss to the top of her head.

After Denver had stopped crying amiee steps back to look at him, he stands a lot taller than her, his hair still curly and his face still sweet. Amiee looks behind her to see Jane cuddled into jasper's shoulder. "There's someone I want you to meet" amiee says leading Denver to the hollowed out tree. "This is your sister, Jane.  Jane this is Denver, your brother" Jane and Denver look at each other and smile. Jane didn't know about Denver, amiee never told her. Throughout the years amiee kept a lot of her past shielded from Jane. Unable to speak the words herself finding it too hard to talk about every time Jane brought it up.

"Has all the crying stopped?" Jeremy asks walking round the corner.

"Oh haha very funny" amiee says sarcastically, this confuses Jane,  she has never seen her mother, be sarcastic, loud and funny before.

"Come here fire cracker" Jeremy says holding his arms open. Amiee runs towards him and jumps on him.

"I missed you" amiee says into his shoulder.

"Shut up, you're back now that's all that matters" Jeremy says setting her down on the floor.

"Would you like to go home?" Jasper asks amiee, getting up and walking towards her. Him feeling that she is going to need a lot of space over the next few months, he doesn't want to rush her into settling back down. He can feel the fear inside her, the fear he drove away all them years ago, it's back with more force than before, he doesn't try to touch her without her permission. Over the years he had been getting glimpses of amiee's memories from her time in the volturi. Most of them induced a hot rage causing jasper to feel worse about letting her go.

"Yes please" amiee says looking at jasper with so much love in her eyes, his unbeating heart aches knowing how long he has waited for her return.

When they get to the Cullen house nobody is home, Carlisle and esme are at work. Amiee feels a sense of belonging that she hasn't felt in a very long time. Amiee looks around the living room not much has changed. Pictures now hang on the walls and Amiee finds one of the day her and jasper met. Amiee hasn't left jaspers side since the forest, finally feeling like she belongs again.

Everyone is sat in the Cullen living room, in silence, unknowing of what to say. Amiee is snuggled up to jasper. Jane is sat reading her a book, everyone else looks upon the couplr not wanting amiee to leave again. "Would you like something to eat?" Jasper asks amiee as he play with her hair.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry" she says in a soft voice. Amiee looks over at Jane "do you need to hunt?" She asks knowing it will be hard for her being around so many humans today.

"I'll be okay" Jane says not looking up from her book.

"Are you sure? I could take you if you would like?" Jasper asks, being able to feel the burn in the girls throat, it's just as harsh as when he first left the army.

Amiee feels the hesitation in Jane, "go darling, you will feel a lot better" jasper kisses amiee softly on the head and gets up out of his position.

Jane follows jasper out to the back as they start on a run into the forest. Once they get to a clearing they stop. "This is where our family hunt, all beyond here is our land, I'm sure your mother taught you how to hunt properly, she used to do it for Denver when he was a baby" jasper adds

Jane looks at the floor "I've never hunted animals before, I wasn't allowed to in the volturi, aro taught me how to hunt"

Jasper can feel the regret and embarrassment radiating from Jane. "Before I met your grandpa Carlisle, I was the same" he says walking towards Jane and leading her to a tree where they can sit down "it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's not your fault" he says putting an arm around her.

"Mom never told me much about you, she said it wasn't her place to tell me, I didn't want to pry, she tried to keep the bad side of her life away from me, she kept me busy with studying" Jane says.

"The bad side of her life?" Jasper questions.

"The constant abuse she took from Chris, she tried to keep it from me but it's hard not to hear things when you have vampire hearing. I know everything he did to her, hitting her, shouting at her, having his way with her, there was nothing I could do about it, nor anyone else as she was his prisoner, I was not, my mother had aro and Marcus protect me from him" Jane says as a tear slips down her face

"Your mother isn't there anymore, and I will not let anyone take her away again, that goes for you as well,  I'm not loosing you both again" he says

"Dad?" Jane says testing the waters.

"Yes sweetheart?" Jasper says, enjoying the fact his daughter is comfortable enough with him to call him dad.

"Can we hunt now?" Jane says, jasper laughs as  they hop off the tree and start into a sprint.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now