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"you ready jasper?" joe asks as he comes running towards the tree line.

"Yes" jasper says running past Joe and into the forest.

"I guess we follow him" joe says to emmett as they both start into a run.

Meanwhile the clan are sat around a fire as the night gets darker and colder.

"So why just us? why can't jasper be here? He knows how to fight like us and I'm sure he could" George starts.

"Please dont" amiee says holding her hand up to signal George to stop.

"What happened?" Jeremy exclaims making amiee look at him.

"He doesn't think this baby is his okay" amiee says getting up and goes to prepare for the upcoming ambush.

"I don't see how he thinks he couldn't be" Alex says, suddenly Jeremy is alert.

"I can hear someone getting close" he sniffs the air "very close"

"everyone in position" Amiee whispers. Amiee gets to the back of the group and gets into a stance Jeremy stands behind her starting to conjure  a spell, and the rest have run to the bush line till they know who has approached them.

"Amiee!" they hear someone shout "please I was wrong!" they hear the voice shout again.

"jasper?" Amiee whispers  suddenly his blonde locks come into  the tree line. Amiee lets out a sigh of relief when she sees him. his honey eyes full of sorrow and regret as they lay themselves upon her tiny frame.

"hold it there lover boy" Jeremy says standing in front of Amiee "not a step further, till you explain" Jeremy commands

"I let her ex get into my head, its nothing to do with her, I was weak, I'm sorry"  jasper confesses

"get out of my way"  Amiee says pushing past Jeremy and runs into jaspers arms.

"I'm so sorry" jasper says burying his head into Amiee's neck, holding her close.

"that doesn't matter" Amiee says her feet almost off the floor.

"joe convinced me to come, I cannot believe I was going to let you do this alone" he says setting her down on her feet. as he sets her down on the floor, Emmett and joe come running round the corner.

"wow bro fast much?" Emmett says and then he lays eyes on Amiee, who looks angry and the anger is directed at him.

"you better get running" Amiee says

"where?" Emmett says on high alert

"too late" Amiee says and charges for Emmett at full pace.

"woooahh" Emmett says as Amiee hits his chest like a bettering ram. he blocks her every punch and dodges her blasts of magic.

"what is she doing?" jasper asks Alex

"she's testing him, she's clan master, he decided to be here, its his choice" Alex explains

"his choice for what?" jasper asks

"to join the clan, its why Amiee didn't let him come before" Alex explains. looking back at the fight Amiee has the upper hand, suddenly she grips him by the neck and gazes into his eyes, her eyes glow purple, Emmett cannot look away from her stare, his eyes start to glow purple. Amiee throws him to the floor and he sits there holding his throat with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"I didn't want to do that" Amiee says walking past jasper to grab the syringes of her blood. she throws one to each member of the clan except jasper, Emilia and Iliana.

"why don't I need one" jasper asks

"they will help everyone harness my powers for a limited time, you already harness my power and my power is a sister power of the girls so it wont affect them, its more of a spell protection, so the guys wont get affected by the mass spells" Amiee explains

"so what's the plan?" jasper asks.

"I can use my necromancy to paralyse the volturi, but it may not be powerful enough so Jeremy is going to conjure a lusting spell, while you guys go in and slaughter the volturi while they are paralysed" Amiee explains 

"Why does Jeremy have to do the spell?" Jasper asks.

"He has the most vulgar mind I know" amiee says simply.

"I would like to try" jasper says, everyone laughs.

"you sure man, do you know how to do sexy?" Jeremy asks. amiee lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes at Jeremy, knowing he is trying to show off.

"you have no idea" japer says.

"show us then" Jeremy taunts sitting down on a tree stump.

"Um we don't have the time for that or the power" amiee says "if he tries to do the spell now he will just burn out"

"Good point" Jeremy says.

"But my powers are getting stronger" jasper says.

"Jasper just do as I say" amiee says and walks off, grabbing emmett by the scruff of his neck and taking him with her.

"It's nothing personal man, she's just worried about everything" Alex explains.

"But I can help" jasper says

"She doesn't see it like that, you are something she has to protect in her eyes" Jeremy explains.

"But she let's you two look after her" jasper argues.

"She knows we can handle ourselves" Alex says. "She hasn't seen you fight or how you handle loss or anything, don't forget she saw you at your most vulnerable point"

"I understand" jasper says looking down at the floor.

"Show her you can look after the both of you and she will change" Jeremy says.

Meanwhile amiee is shouting at emmett.

"Why would you undermine my decision like that! In front of my clan making me look weak" amiee exclaims in emmets direction.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was" emmett says.

"Do you even know what you did?" Amiee asks

"Not really" emmett says.

"By coming here tonight you pledged your loyalty to me, your now part of the clan"

"But what about my family" emmett asks worried about what he may have just gotten himself into.

"Your loyalties lie with me now if our clan is in trouble you will fight and die in our name" Amiee says

"But rosalie" emmett says with sorrow in his voice.

"Emmett I told you to stay, I'm going to have to leave soon, and I'm not going to ask the family to come, how could I?, they have a life here, you made your decision" Amiee says

"But Carlisle won't let me and jasper leave without the rest of the family will he" emmett asks.

"You can ask them to join us but I'm not going to be a part of it, you made your bed now you can lie in it" Amiee says storming away from emmett.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now