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"Are you okay amiee?" Jeremy says bringing her a hot mug of coco. Amiee stays say at the windows staring out into the tree line. It's been 2 weeks since jasper and Alice left and amiee has been getting worse every day.

Everyone has started gathering witnesses and the house has started to get crowded. All amiee does is look after her son and sit at the windows waiting for jasper's return. "Do you mind if I sit?" Carlisle asks as she sips her coco. She shakes her head a burys herself into the huge jumper that she found in jasper's room, "he will be okay you know" Carlisle says placing a hand on her knee.

"I know, it's just the way he left, no note, nothing. Also with everything that is going on with" she subtly points at her tummy "it's getting too much I need him Carlisle" she says tears filling her eyes.

"I know you do, Emmett and rosalie are still out looking for him, they will not return until they find him, we need to think about the little one don't we?" He says in hushed tones with a smile on his face.

"Yeah" she says lips turning up in one corner to flash a small smile.

Denver crawls over to a mire and pulls himself up to stand "dada?" He says looking at amiee questioning where jasper is.

Amiee leans over to pick him up "he's not here baba, soon" she says tears in her eyes.

Denver crawls off her and over to Carlisle and smiles at him. Carlisle laughs and puts the toddler back down on the floor.

Meanwhile Emmett and rosalie have picked up on jasper and alices scents, they're about 2 days old but it's shows they are on the right track.

"Where do you think they went?" Emmett asks

"My guess is that they have gone to get Peter and Charlotte, I do feel sorry for amiee though" she says keeping up with Emmett

"Yeah with the baby and everything" he says

"How could jasper leave Denver like that?" Rosalie says with a stern voice.

"And amiee" Emmett says

"I like her a lot more than I do bella" rosalie says laughing

"She's helped jasper out so much, I'm gonna kick his ass when I see him"

"You and me both" rosalie says following their scent as it gets stronger.

At the house Carlisle gets a text from Emmett, they've found their scents, they should find them soon" he tells amiee who breathes a sigh of relief.

"This should cheer you up" Jeremy says as he walks in with an old decorated cardboard box.

"You still have them all?" Amiee asks getting up from her seat and walks towards Jeremy.

"Every last one" he says smiling.

"What are they?" Esme asks.

"All of our shows and gigs we did back in arizona" amiee says picking up the laptop and plugging a usb into the drive.

A list pops up on the screen and amiee clicks on a video.

"It's me and jeremy" amiee says.

"We got picked to represent the US in a dance competition and this was our piece" jeremy follows up as bella and Edward huddle closer to watch the screen.
"The looks technical" Edward says.

"It was, a few bashed heads and kicks to the face but we got it I  the end" jeremy says.

"It's beautiful though" Esme says. Just as the video ends Carlisle phone starts ringing.

"Hello" he says.

"We found them" Emmett says down the phone and everyone in the living room hears it.

Back to Emmett and rosalie, they have just come across the strong scent of Alice and jasper, far further south than they had anticipated.

"They're close" Emmett says

"Hush we might spook them" rosalie whispers. The sneak a further few 100 yards and Emmett spots Alice and jasper in the thick of the trees. He points to them to show rosalie.

She quickens her pace but before she can reach them she is pinned to a tree by a small blonde girl, shouting in her face.

"Who are you!" She shouts and jasper and Alice turn around.

"Charlotte stop!" Jasper shouts and she let's go and rosalie storms towards jasper.

"What the he'll do you think you are doing?" She yells at jasper.

"Getting Peter and Charlotte" he says as if it's nothing.

"Do you know how broken amiee is?"

"I haven't been gone long"

"Two weeks!" Rosalie hails.

"We are going to head back tonight anyway" he argues

"Whatever jasper, I'll let amiee tell you herself!" She spits at him

"Tell me what?" He yells as she walks away.

"Why don't you ask your little pixie friend"

Two weeks ago

"He's been gone 3 days he cannot be hunting" amiee shouts she had been getting more and more worked up everyday.

Carlisle and Esme try and calm her down while Edwards pulls rosalie and Emmett to the side.

"What's the matter Edward?" Rosalie asks

"It could be something or nothing but I saw Alice have a vision the day her and jasper left" he explains

"What was it?" Emmett asks.

"It was amiee telling jasper that she's pregnant" Edward says.

"So you think, she didn't want jasper to know? Why?" Rosalie asks.

"I don't know, I think you should go after them, find out and make sure you get him back, this isn't good for amiee" Edward explains looking over his shoulder at a hysterical amiee shulmped up into jeremys arms.

"Why didn't you want him to know?" Rosalie shouts at Alice.

"You wouldn't understand!" She shouts in her little voice.

"Try me"

"I can't see the magical element in amiee, that bit is masked, but so I saw her leave and jasper be distraught"

"What and fall back into your arms? His love died for you a long time ago you know that!" Rosalie scolds her.

"I know but I saw it happen, I didn't think it would go this far!" Alice shout as jasper backs away from her.

"You told me we needed to go because this is the only way you saw that amiee wouldn't die!" Jasper shouts "you lied to me!"

"It's true, you need this time apart, it's what makes you stronger you have to believe me" Alice pleads but jasper just walks away in the direction rosalie and Emmett came.

"Peter Charlotte come on, we have a lot of ground to cover, I want to get back by tomorrow!" Jasper shouts and starts into a run.

Rosalie and Emmett catch up and leave Alice trailing behind. "What is amiee going to tell me?" Jasper asks them both.

"It's not our place to say, but it's big" Emmett says and jasper quickens his pace to get to his love faster.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now