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"Are you okay?" Jasper asks amiee as she runs through the woods.

"No!" She says and runs faster, she feels helpless not being able to do anything and wait around.

"It's better for the family, if we do I this way" he say pushing to get closer to her.

"Yeah well its not better for me, the long game does not work, go in and get it done that's the best way! It puts less people in danger" amiee stops to a halt and shouts and jasper.

"And you going with 3 guys is putting you in more danger" he says with a stern face.

"You seriously underestimate me" she says stomping away. Jasper goes to grab her arm but before he could even touch her, he was thrown to the floor by his neck with a knife pressed to his neck.

"Amiee!" Jasper shouts

"Don't underestimate me" she says getting up and walking away. Leaving jasper led on the ground unknowing of what to do now.

Back at the house tensions are high.

"I don't see why we can't just track them down" Jeremy says rubbing his eyebrows

"Because you would be slaughtered" Emilia responds

"Then what's the plan?" George asks.

"Gather as many witnesses as we can and wait for them to come" Carlisle says.

"If you say so" Alex says. Jasper walks back in rubbing his throat.

"What's wrong?" Alice asks seeing the was jasper is focused deep in thought.

"Amiee" he says not averting his gaze.

"You get a knife put to your throat?" Jeremy asks him and he just nods.

"She's angry, she wouldn't have meant to" Alex says and jasper stays stood there not moving and inch.

"Jazz come with me, I need your help" Alice says waltzing off up the stairs. Jasper follows behind with the same expressionless face.

"So witnesses, I know many people who would be willing to help up but it may take us some time to gather them all" Carlisle explains.

"Are all your friends animal drinkers like you?" Alex asks

"No, I'm afraid not" Carlisle says

"And you are going to have them around the children?" Amiee says stood at the back door.

"They will respect our wishes in my home" he says sternly.

"Do you know where jasper is? I kind of overreacted with him in the forest I want to apologise" she says watching denver, carlie and renesmee play together on the rug.

"He went to go and help Alice with something upstairs" emmett says pointing towards the stairs.

"Thanks" she says rushing off up the stairs.

"I'm just going to make sure she is okay" Carlisle says and follows amiee.

Upstairs amiee checks jasper's room and Alice's but she can't find them, she starts to panic as Carlisle finds her slumped against the wall in the hallway.

"Amiee what's the matter?" Carlisle says crouching down to her frame.

"I can't find him" she says with heavy breaths.

"I'm sure they just went hunting, you need to calm down" Carlisle says picking her up and taking her to his examination room.

"I know, I'm sorry about before I just can't deal with all the stress right now" amiee says trying to control her breathing as Carlisle lays her down on the bed.

"I understand that you want to do something to help, but going to Italy and fighting, would you risk it in your condition?" Carlise says in hushed tones.

"I know, but the longer I'm waiting the more I will get stressed" she says.

"Have you told jasper yet?" He asks flipping through one of amiees books to refresh his memory on a few things.

"No not yet I haven't found the right time" she says sighing

"Are you worried about telling him?"

"A little, we have only been together for 5 months and half of that time I have been some sort of unconscious" she says with a giggle.

"You're his mate amiee, I think you forget that sometimes" Carlisle says

"Yeah, he's devoted to me 100%, I let my own insecurities get it the way of things and I'm trying to stop that and it's getting better" she rambles

"I know you love him amiee, I don't doubt that" Carlisle says pressing a cool hand to her forehead to calm her down.

"Thank you" she says as Carlisle places his hands on her abdomen to examine her.

Downstairs illiana is in a trance she is seeing something, something bad.

"What does she see Edward?" Emilia asks

Edward closes his eyes and tries to focus on illiana's thoughts. "She is seeing, amiee, screaming, and alone in the woods, her clothes are ripped and there's blood on them, there's someone coming through the woods, I can't see who it is. He's getting closer, I don't recognise him, he's tall, about 6 ft, he's got really curly brown hair, he's pale and his eyes are red" illiana flops onto Emilia and the vision stops.

"That better not have been Chris" Jeremy says sternly.
"Dude sound like it" George says.

"But he cant" Alex says

"I think you will find that he is" Emilia says.

"Yep" illiana says.

"We cannot tell amiee" Jeremy says

"Why not?" Bella asks

"It will kill her" Alex says looking Bella straight in the eye.

"What will kill me?" Amiee says hopping down the stairs.

"Nothing, denver fell over and banged his head really hard, I said we shouldn't tell you cause he's fine and you would just worry for nothing" Jeremy lies to her.

"Jez he's half vampire half witch he wouldn't of felt it and it would have healed the minute he hit the floor" she laughs.

"Did you find jasper?" Emmett asks

"No he wasn't up there must have gone hunting with Alice or something" amiee says picking up denver and poking his nose.

A few hours later, jasper and Alice still aren't back and amiee is starting to get worried.

"Where is he?" Amiee says looking at the clock for the 3rd time in 10 minutes.

"I'm sure he is fine, he should be back soon it's not like him to be out so long" esme says putting a hand on amiees shoulder.

"What if?" Amiee starts to say but gets cut off by Jeremy.

"Don't bother, your going to work yourself up" he says
A moment later bella walks In with a shocked expression on her face.

"What's the matter bella?" Carlisle asks.

"I went to go and get jasper, for amiee, and their scent it's really faint and it's no where in the forest either" she rambles.

"What do you mean?" Amiee says

"I think they're gone" bella says with worry in her eyes and amiee just looks at bella as tears build up in her eyes hoping it isn't true.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now