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"Amiee why are you still awake we need you at your best for tomorrow" Carlisle asks as he walks through to the kitchen where Amiee is sat on the floor surrounded by books and candles.

"There's too much power flowing through her veins, it will keep her energised until the end of the battle" Louis explains. He is sat on a stool coaxing Amiee to enhance herself.

"For the devil you're a lot nicer than I thought you would be" Carlisle says taking a seat with Louis.

"I would do anything to help Amiee, as she did me" loui confesses.

"May I ask you to explain?" Carlisle says politely.

"I met Amiee a few years ago, she killed my demons that where guarding Alex in the underworld, I was in a dark place at the time, lonely with no one but slaves who didn't care about me. Amiee showed me that though I do rule the underworld, some people who are there are not there by their own accord" loui explains.

"I'm not sure I understand" Carlisle says.

"Well take you for example, because you're a vampire your soul automatically will come to me when you meet the eternal death, but you did not choose to be a vampire, and you have done more good than evil in this world, therefor you will not be dammed to an eternal hell" loui explains.

"Oh" Carlisle doesn't really know what to say.

Meanwhile in the forest jasper is sat on a cliff, he told everyone he was going to patrol the area, but he just needed some time to himself. He watches 2 deer prance in the moonlight as he holds the pictures of him, Amiee and denver.

As the weeks have gone on, jasper has been able to harness his powers more and more. He feels himself becoming less and less of a vampire every day. He strokes the picture of amiee, her soft hair in curls, the essence around her so elegant. He feels the tears come into his eyes, knowing that by the end of tomorrow it could all be taken away from him. His emotions take over and he finds himself sobbing. The wolves around him howl and the wind picks up slightly. His blurred vision making it hard for him to see the pictures. He wipes his eyes and clutches the pictures in his hand, trying to fight the sobs. Suddenly a twig snaps behind him.

"Not as stealthy as I thought" an English accent says in the darkness. Jasper gets to his feet and looks around he cannot see the man in the shadows but he knows who he is. "She is a pretty picture isn't she" he says referring to amiee.

"She is mine" jasper shouts proclaiming his bond with amiee.

"And her son the spitting image of his dad don't you think?" The man taunts jasper. "I know it must be hard playing dad to a son that isn't yours" than man taunts again.

"It's not so hard when his dad is coward" jasper spits.

"It's so then why do you sob like a little girl" the man taunts but jasper stays quiet. "Oh she's pregnant again I forgot, unfortunately, as I know of last time, that child isn't yours" the man taunts and jasper is confused.

"That child she is baring is mine" jasper says behind gritted teeth.

"Unfortunately, it's not, vampires cannot bare children" the man says.

"Unfortunately, you are wrong" jasper says.

"It's obvious she cheated on you, open your eyes, how well do you know her, the real her, cause I've been watching for a while and from the way she has been acting that's not amiee" the man says.

"Events happen that change a person" jasper says trying to taunt the man he thinks is in the shadows.

"That may be so but I'm just warning you, she is a hunter and a killer, she can lie and snake her way through the trickiest situations, that's all I shall say I bid you good day, my enemy" the man says and with another snap of a branch the man is gone jasper can no longer feel his presence. He sits back down and looks at the now wrinkled pictures. He can feel his emotions flooding him, the stress of everything and amiee being pregnant it's too much for him. He can feel himself fading, then he remembers something that amiee told him 'you cannot lose control, it will send you into madness, it's the magic, trying to take over, you cannot let it, believe me, it's almost impossible to come back from' he knows he needs to release some energy.

He looks at the picture and he feels his emotions flood him once again.

Back at the house, amiee is sat in the living room with everyone reading one of her spell books, when suddenly she gets an overwhelming feeling of fear, regret, love, loss, hatred and anger engulf her, making her cry out becauseof the internal pain.

"What's wrong amiee" Jeremy says going to her side.

"Ja-a-as-per" she gets out between breaths.

"Is he okay?" Jeremy asks urgently.

"R-r-a-dio" amiee says and Carlisle passes her the small radio beside him. As soon as she touches the radio, a song starts playing and amiee is able to calm down.

" And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain" voice sings sobbing their heart out. Tears start to fall down amiee's face. Feeling that her mate is in so much pain is breaking her heart

"How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me" this is all amiee can stand before running out of the door in her little pyjama shorts and tank top to look for jasper.

It's dark in the woods amiee can barely see the trees in front of her as she runs in the direction of the pull she feels with jasper.

She falls over a tree root losing one of her slippers and banging her head on a tree trunk. She picks herself up and discards her lone slipper and carries on in the way of the pull.

A good few miles later amiee comes behind jasper who is sobbing perfusely. Amiee tries to approach him without startling him. Watching him in such a state of need, makes her let out a single sob into her hand. Jasper can hear her but he cannot stop himself from sobbing.

Amiee paces towards him and sits beside him on the cliff edge, she pulls him towards her and embraces him in a loving hug, kissing the top of his head waiting for him to be able to stop.

"It's okay, I'm here, I love you"

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now