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"We have ice cream!" Illiana says walking through the front door of the Cullen house with rose following her.

"Emmett go and take amiee to the did room to pick out some films, and no complaints" rosalie says to Emmett with a big smile on her face.

"If you weren't pregnant right now, we would be on to our 11th shot right now" Jeremy says to amiee who is snuggled up to jasper by the fire.

"Fun times" amiee giggles.

"We will have to get drunk when you give birth I used to love our Saturday night adventures" George says sitting on the back of the couch.

"Vampire's can't get drunk" Emmett says "trust me I've tried"

"There's so much you need to learn!" Jeremy says

"You've been shadowed your whole existence, witches in the olden days, experimented on vampires, this made vampires resent us, then there where the purgings and loads of bad stuff, anyway the vampires never got to see the findings of the experiments so there for do not know what they are truly capable of" amiee explains.

"It's true she has shown me, I sleep most nights now" jasper says.

"Things like what though" esme asks coming down from putting denver to bed.

"Dimming your sparkle in the sunlight, um dulling the burn in your throat, amiee even worked on a vampire cure when we met George and chris" Jeremy explains.

"A vampire cure?" Carlisle asks.

"Oh it was amusing" Alex says.

"Hey it worked" amiee says.

"Could someone please fill me in?" Carlisle says clearly getting frustrated.

"Sorry Carlisle" Illiana says "when we first met Chris and George, amiee was able to de-strengthen, their skin and draw blood from their veins. She looked at that through a microscope for a week and then started welding cages for vampire rats, and began developing a compound that could break down the venom"

"And it worked!" Amiee expresses.

"Yeah and then the rats died after 3 days"

"Yeah the compound broke down the human genetics as well as the venom" Amiee huffs.

"Wow you did all this in high school?" Emmett asks.

"I was on loads of different programmes and extra activities, I was never at home always at the apartment, Joe saw me occasionally but I was never In, after school I had magic training and I was developing a çure, I used to be so passionate" Amiee explains.

"Yeah it was hard though I never saw you" Joe says, for the past few weeks he has immersed himself in school life and has his own circle of friends, Amiee enjoys the fact that he has found himself moving up here.

"I'd love to see you in your prime" jasper says from behind amiee.

"Oh wow you would have loved it, singing, dancing, acting and ice skating. All of the shows you would have gone to, and all of the after parties" Jeremy buzzes.

"We could show you" Emilia says.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asks. Emilia giggles and jumps over to Jeremy and puts both hands on his head.

"You could have asked" Jeremy says as the television screen Emilia is focused on starts flashing with clips from jeremys memories of amiee.

"Just" Emilia starts to say but gets cut off by Jeremy.

"Stay focused on amiee I know"

On the screen jasper watches clips of amiee belting out powerful ballads in performances, and ice skating competition. Jeremy focuses on amiees performance in an ice skating competition, she skated to hallelujah. Jasper is fixed on the screen as he watch amiee jump, twirl and spin on the ice.

The television then flashes to amiee dancing at a festival, and then to a clip of her making eggs in illianas apartment. Suddenly the screen flashes to a clip of Chris and amiee jumping off a cliff into crystal clear water. The seven of the friends where stood on the edge as Chris proclaims his love to amiee for the first time, he pulls her into a deep and passionate kiss. Then the clips stop as Emilia takes her hands of Jeremys head.

"you're a dick, why would you think of that!" Emilia shouts at Jeremy. 

"Guys I'm fine" amiee says, then starts looking at jasper, "are you?"

"He's British?" Jasper asks.

"Yes" amiee says.

"Southern gentlemen are so much better" he says burying his face into her neck.

"I second that" Jeremy says.

"He's not what I expected" emmett says. "Looks weak if you ask me"

"I hope you never have is displeasure of meeting him" Carlisle says.

"You know him?" Amiee asks.

"I met him once, while I was in the volturi. He was an arrogant man who payed off his punishment with stolen jewels and his charm" Carlisle explains.

"Let's get off that subject" jasper says.

"Good idea" amiee says.

"How's your transition into lycan life joe" Carlisle asks.

"It's going good sir, smooth so far" joe reply with respect, something he has been learning from Jeremy to keep control of the beast growing inside him.

"Good, and school" Carlisle asks

"Getting A's sir" joe replies. Amiee looks at her brother proudly, she is happy he is adjusting to everything as she knows it is a lot to take in.

"Guys!" Alice shouts coming down the stairs.

"What's the matter Alice, it's not a good time for amiee" rosalie spits out.

"The volturi have changed their path they will be here in 2 days not 2 weeks" she rushes through the sentence.

"Emmett run and get Edward, Jeremy can you run and get the pack, we will need them for the plan" Carlisle  says

"Yeah sure" Jeremy and emmett sprint off out of the room. Jasper gets up from behind amiee and goes to stand by Carlisle. Amiee looks on with wide eyes worried of what could unfold in the next few days.

"Are you okay darling" esme asks amiee.

"Yeah just worried, about denver, he cannot be around humans for much longer, and the volturi will kill him if they get their hands on him, I'm all he has and if I get killed, I don't know what is going to happen" amiee pours out her heart to esme.

"It will not come to that" esme says.

"But if it does" amiee tries to argue.

"It will not" jasper says over hearing the conversation between the two women.

"Jasper I'm so scared" amiee says tears in her eyes as Edward bursts through the door.

"I told you" Edward starts to say before he could finish his sentence jasper has him pinned to the floor begging him to say it again.

"Jasper enough, amiee is sat there" rosalie says.

"Amiee has been working hard on a plan, that I can say, will work and is fool proof" jasper explains and getting to amiees side as he does.

"We let's hear it then" Edward says getting cocky .

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now