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"What's wrong with you?" Jeremy asks emmett as he walks back into the clearing.

"Amiee chewed my ear off" he says sitting down on a tree stump.

"Yeah she can be pretty feisty, she did tell you not" Alex starts.

"I know, she told me" emmett says.

"Where is she?" Jasper asks not seeing Amiee anywhere around the clearing.

"She set off before me I thought she would of been back by now" emmett explains.

"You let her walk off on her own!" Jasper exclaims.

"She's stronger than me, it's not like I could do anything she can't already do" emmett says.

"Then where is she" jasper exclaims at emmett.

"Why she's right here" a tall British man says, pulling amiee along, her wrists bound by amalgam chains, her face bloody and bruised, her own knuckles bleeding. It was obvious she has been in a brutal scuffle.

"If you touch her!" Jasper shouts being held back by Jeremy and George. 

"Oh but I already have" he says dusting off his knuckles jolting amiee forward every time he time he does so. Jasper grunts and wriggles against the boys grip. "So you must be the god of war" the British man taunts. "He is going to save you?" He turns to amiee and laughs "I don't think so" he taunts.

Amiee looks at jasper her eyes red from crying, her hair matted from where it had obviously been gripped. "Please just let her go, I'll do anything" jasper pleads getting free from the boys grip.

"Why would I do that when  the only thing I want is her?" Chris says.

"Ugh! Your such a dick! Why can't you just leave her alone and let her be happy" Emilia exclaims.

"Shut up! She is mine! She still would be if she didn't get pregnant!" Chris shouts, rage filling his eyes, his rage elevates making his turn and slap amiee making her fall to her knees. Jasper runs towards Chris getting ready to strike.

"He has denver" amiee shouts, staying silent till now, knowing Chris has her child.  This makes jasper stop just before he strikes, he stands in front of Chris who stands about 3 inches under him.

"that's what I thought, the volturi have agreed that your family will be left alone if she comes with us, your family and friends will be safe, they will no longer bother you unless a serious matter may need to be addressed" Chris explains.

"You're not taking her" jasper says sternly

"Then we kill the children, even the unborn one" Chris says as 3 volturi soldiers walk into the clearing with the children in their grasp.

"No!" Amiee screams "ill go with you" looking at the children who seem so scared, renesmee and carlie are crying and denver who squirms in the arms of a soldier.

"Amiee please" Jasper says venom pooling in his eyes

"There's no other way" amiee says looking into him eyes. Chris laughs at the display.

"this is so pathetic" Chris says and flicks his fingers and the soldiers let the children go, denver crawls straight to amiee holding his arms up to be held, but she cannot her hands are bound. Jasper bends down to pick up the infant and Chris kicks jasper to the floor. Denver crawls to jasper and cuddles into his frame on the floor.

"Do do this in front of denver" amiee says to Chris.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of killing anyone in front of your son" Chris says as his hand caresses her bruised jawbone.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now