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"What about eli?" jasper says playing with amiees hair as she lay on his lap.

"I like jeremiah" amiee says rubbing her tiny bump.

"What if it's a girl?" Esme asks bringing amiee a cup of coco.

"I like fenna" amiee confesses sipping her coco.

"I haven't really thought about it" jasper says looking down.

"Don't lie" Edward says with renesmee sat on his lap.

"Tell us jasper" amiee says getting excited.

"I like the name Jane after my mother" he says looking into amiees eyes as they tear up.

She nods her head and wipes the tears away. The alarm on her watch starts to beep. "It's time" amiee says getting up.

"Time for what?" Jasper asks.

"Well what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't teach you how to use your newly found powers" she says and clicks her fingers. 6 books appear in front of her. "These are no longer just my books they are yours too, feel free to write in any of them there are more upstairs but these are the one we will be using today" amiee explains.

"What are they?" Jasper asks sitting on the floor across from amiee.

"For now they are the Swann spell books but when we are bound they will become the whitlock family books" amiee says.

"The books have great history, each witch will keep her own collection till she is bound to her mate then the books become the possession of the mate and offspring of them, making them family books" illiana explains.

There are 6 books in front of jasper one red, one green, one blue, one white, one purple and one brown.

"Pick one" amiee tells jasper and he picks up the green one. Amiee, illiana and Emilia giggle as he picks up amiees favourite spell book.

"What is this one?" Jasper asks opening the green bound leather.

"That one will teach you how to bend the earth elements" amiee says.

"How would I do that?" Jasper asks.

"Do what the first spell tells you to do" Emilia says.

Jasper reads the first page. Step 1, open up your hand into a cupped palm.

Step 2, clear your mind

Step 3, think of a flower and how it grows

Step 4, focus that thought into your hand.

Jasper does all 4 steps and a small flower bud starts to grow out of his hand, the shock makes him loose concentration and the flower bud wilts away into ash.

"It's okay, it's hard to keep concentration at first and these spells may not help you in combat" amiee says picking up the purple book and passing it to jasper. "These are my fighting spells, I want you to study this book it will help you if it erupts into a fight" she says passing him the book.

"I already know how to fight" jasper says.

"It's always good to learn new skills" amiee argues.

"I'd listen to her if I where you" loui says appearing in the room in a puff of smoke.

"Who summoned you?" Amiee says standing up and folding her arms.

"Emilia did actually, something about a fight?" Loui says antagonising Amiee.

"We may be in need of your service if it come to it" Amiee says rather politely.

"Ah, how is my little demon hunter? My whispers tell me something big has just happened, again" he jokes.

"I'm good, thank you and your whispers can buzz off for all I care" she sarcastically states

"That's my girl" loui laughs "I guess training will be needed.

"Yes I was hoping to cash in that favor" amiee says picking up denver.

"And what may that be?" Loui asks

"Would you train jasper as you trained me, it would give me a lot more peace knowing he can protect himself in ways I protect myself" amiee asks shyly.

"That would not be a problem, we can start now if you would like" loui extends the invitation to jasper.

"Sure" he says following loui out to the forest.

"It's nice that you worry about jasper the way you do" Alice says from her windows chair.

"Don't speak to me" amiee says abruptly

"I'm sorry" Alice says turning away.

"Sorry for speaking, or sorry for stopping me from telling my mate I was pregnant with his child?" Amiee says putting denver down and uses her magic making it so he hears music instead of shouting.

"It was for your own good" Alice spits back getting up from her seat.

"Don't play that with me, I make my own mind up not you" amiee shouts

"I'm sorry for that but jasper has been my friend longer than he has known you 10 times over" Alice says making amiee laugh right at her.

"That doesn't matter when you're mates with someone"

"Don't laugh at me slut!" Alice shouts and amiee goes red.

"Amiee, amiee no!" Jeremy shouts and lunges for amiee as she bursts into flames. "Alex start playing" while clutching to a fireball amiee on the floor. 

Emilia runs and grabs a guitar and passes it to Alex and he starts to play as Jeremy starts to sing into amiees ear.

" Coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go
I just can't look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Cause I'm Mr Brightside" by the end of it amiee calms down and is no longer in flames.

"And that's why we call her firecracker" Alex giggles.

"Are you okay?" Jeremy asks amiee as she just nods and giggles.

"I'd leave her alone if I was you" rosalie says to Alice in a stern voice.

"She will kick your ass" Jeremy says over his shoulder.

"Best fighter in the room" Alex says.

"You know it!" Amiee says jumping up with a smile on her face.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now