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As it gets later into the night, Jane and jasper are still out hunting, amiee is sat in jasper's old chair by the fire as denver sits at the piano showing her what he had been learning.

Amiee let's herself fall into the melody, closing her eyes and letting herself relax into the music. She doesn't hear jasper and Jane come through the door. Jasper sits next to amiee on the arm of his chair.

"The weight of the world, takes restless hold, shaking free the waking hours, till the evening breathes in soft retreat, till dreams, until dreams, take me." Jasper strokes amiees soft hair as he sings to her in a soft melody, letting his southern twang help guide his voice.

"Where certain weary wonders, of world and woe, go quiet into tired hands, so rest the body rest the soul, without the love spirit, you're so near it can't you hear it, it's calling to you." Amiee looks up into his golden eyes, knowing this is his song for her. He walks towards where denver is playing and picks up the six string and brings a stool next to amiee.

"I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow, I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow, I've done some dumb things, I've done some dumb things, and I've done things I can't remember" jasper starts playing a piece on the guitar as amiee watches his hair fall into his face as he watches the strings as he plucks.

"Broken days, running nights, they're flowing like a river down, broken tree, it's blowing leaves, knows something of the wind, and change, seasons change, reasons change, and all there is, is what remains" amiee can feel her eyes going heavy.

"I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow I'm a better man today, than  yesterday,  I'll be a better man tomorrow" by the time jasper is finished singing to her she is asleep in the chair. He lays a chaste kiss to her forehead and puts the guitar back. He returns to amiees side and hoists her small frame into his strong arms and carries her up to his room.

Jane sits on the couch dumbfounded, she has never seen her mother asleep before, the stress from living in the volturi, never letting amiee relax. Jasper comes back down the stairs with a satisfied smile on his face, his love is home he knows she is safe and finally he can be the man for her, pledging to himself that he will always be there for her from now on.

"That's if she let's you" Edward says not looking up from his book.

"Don't start Edward, amiee hasn't been back for a day yet" rosalie snaps.

Jasper ignores Edward and goes to sit in his chair, Jane goes to sit with him and he shows her the only pictures he has of amiee and him together . A couple of minutes later esme and Carlisle come through the door, the could smell the familiar scent of amiee from outside but the couple couldn't put their finger on who the scent belongs to.

"We're back" Carlisle says as he closes the door. Esme turns to everyone in the living room and her eyes immediately fall on Jane.  The spitting image of her mother, with the same colour hair as her father. She let's out a sob knowing amiee is home and their family now complete. "What's the matter" Carlisle asks and then he sees Jane,  a smile creeps onto his face as he puts his hands on Esme shoulders.

Jane and jasper don't look up from the pictures and are engulfed in conversation, "what was she like?"

"Happy, fun, your uncles used to call her a firecracker" jasper says letting a giggle escape his mouth.

"She's not like that anymore" Jane says looking down at her lap.

"What is she like now?" Jasper asks.

"She never smiles, and she's very strict" Jane explains.

"Does she still sing?" Jeremy asks from behind.

"I didn't even know she could sing" Jane says.

"She's an amazing singer" Jeremy says "would you like to see?" He asks cautiously. Jane nods as Emilia stands behind Jeremy. The room goes dark, pictures of amiee on stage start to appear on the TV. Her in a gypsy costume singing 'god help the outcasts' from her performance of the hunchback of notre dame. Jane eyes go wide as she is captivated by amiees voice.

The pictures change to a dark campfire as amiee and Alex sing some nights, by fun. They smile and make funny gestures towards each other as they sing making the rest of the friends around them laugh loudly.

Jeremy starts to tear up and in image switches off as he lost focus. "Sorry" he says and wipes his eyes.

"Has the crying stopped yet" someone says at the top of the stairs.
Everyone looks up and amiee is stood there with a beaming smile on her face.

"Shut up, I missed you okay" Jeremy says trying to put a brave face on. Suddenly he gets zapped by a purple blast of magic.

"Play?" Amiee says holding her hand flat, creating a ball of magic.

"You're on" Jeremy laughs. Jeremy runs after amiee and they jump out of the nearest window.

"What are they doing?" Jane asks

"They're out in the garden, fighting." Jasper says with a smile on his face. "Hey emmett, want to join them" he says getting up from his chair.

"Hell yeah" emmett says joining jasper outside.

Denver is laughing on the floor with Jane. When they stop denver looks at her "can you fight?" He asks.

"Yeah" jane  says "wana go?"

"You're on sister" when the two get outside amiee has Jeremy pinned to the floor and emmett has tackled jasper to the floor.

"Do you know how to use your magic" Jane asks

"I do" denver says and zaps her with a blue stream of magic

Jane tackles denver to the floor and he uses his wind power to fling Jane half way across the garden. Jane gets up and makes a large pink ball of magic and throws it at denver he deflects it and they start to run towards each other at high speed. They hit each other and it sounds like a rock being smashed. By now jasper and emmett have finished their fight and so have amiee and Jeremy.

Jasper walks over to amiee "she's defiantly my daughter" he laughs refereeing to how good Jane is at fighting. Amiee laughs and jasper puts his arm around her, pulling her close to him so she is cuddled into his chest. Jasper feels the love amiee has for him among the total comfort and happiness mixing in her emotions. Though her can feel all that he can also feel the darkness within her. Jasper knows it will take a long time for her to heal and be truly comfortable and happy.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now