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Jasper and amiee are walking back to the house, it's dark in the woods at 3 in the morning.

"Can you see okay?" Jasper asks sorrow still in his voice

"It's a bit dark but I think I'll be fine" she says in a soft voice. They haven't spoke much, amiee doesn't know what to say and jasper feels weak, not physically but mentally. "I was so worried"

"How did you know?" he asks

"I felt it, I could hear your song, it broke me down, I couldn't listen so I came to find you" she says and flips her fringe out of her face. There's a small cut on her head, when she touches it, she winces.

"What happened?" Jasper says becoming more alert and stopping in his tracks to inspect the wound.

"I fell when I was running to find you, I lost my slippers and hit my head" amiee explains.

"We need to leave it's not safe" jasper says. He swiftly pulls amiee onto his back and starts running towards the house, as a sinister English laugh can be heard in the distance.

Meanwhile at the house Jeremy is arguing with Edward. "How can you just say jasper will be fine, after what you just heard" Jeremy argues. They where unable to turn the radio off and where made to listen to all of what jasper was feeling.

"you don't know jasper" Edward says sat on the sofa.

"Neither do you by the sounds of it, I bet you don't even care how I know that" Jeremy says sitting down and getting cocky, folding his arms.

"Go on" Edward snarks

"I haven't once seen you ask any of us about magic and what these girls can do, well jasper can do them now as well.  Him and amiee are bonded her magic flows through him and she sealed the bond with a spell, because that's what they do when they sing like that, it's them casting their spells. So jasper singing like that comes from the heart and how he truly feels yes, so how can he be fine when we have literally have just had to listen to him in one of his worst moments the night before a potential battle. I guess you didn't care to find out that if jasper at any point dies, amiee will die too, the magic he harnesses inside him is part of her soul, if it dies the rest will wither soon after" Jeremy rants getting in and out of his seat the whole time and ending it walking out of the door.

"Is that why it's dangerous for them to be apart?" Rosalie asks the rest of the clan left in the room.

"Sort of" alex says "it's more like the further away amiee's soul is away from part of the soul that is in jasper, both of them will have, mood swings and become uncontrollable till the part of the soul dies because it cannot be kept alive with out the original soul is it is the source of power" he tries to explain.

"So they react off each other, and when they are apart basically part of amiee is slowly dying" Rosalie asks

"Yeah pretty much" Emilia says.

"Is that how amiee could feel jasper's song?" Edward asks.

"Yeah, amiee can feel every spell jasper conjures up" alex says.

"Because it's her magic that flows through him" Edward adds.

"Yeah" alex says.

in the forest jasper is still running, the laughter cannot be heard anymore but jasper can still sense danger around him.

"jasper stop, please" Amiee begs  with tears in her eyes.  jasper slows as he sees the glow of the house in the distance. he comes to a steady stop and sets Amiee on her feet. "it was his laugh" she says collapsing to her knees.

"I know" jasper says holding her close.

"how do you know?" amiee asks feeling the comfort of having jasper hold her close.

"we had a conversation, I couldn't see him but I knew it was him." jasper explains

"what did he say?" amiee asks scared of what jaspers answer might be.

"that Denver wasn't his and that you cheated on me, that child isn't mine, and your only acting the way you are to protect yourself basically" jasper says not looking at amiee.

"and do you believe him?" amiee asks.

"no" jasper says unable to make eye contact with amiee.

"oh my god you do." amiee says in disbelief, getting up from his hold and makes off into a run towards the house. jasper stays sat on the ground, every ounce of him wants him to not believe it but with everything that had happened to him in the past, he doesn't know what to believe.

as amiee is running, she cries and keeps her eyes closed, hoping not to run into any trees on her way back.  suddenly as amiee is thinking, she comes to a realisation, she shouldn't be upset because jasper believes roumours. this fuels the rage within her and something in her mind is now made up.  she wipes her tears away and runs faster towards the house.

at the house Jeremy is sat on the porch looking up at the half moon and the stars. he sees amiee running in the tree line and gets up to his feet. "what's wrong?" he asks as she gets closer to him.

"nothing, but get ready, were gong out tonight, we're going to hunt these vampires down, fuck talking it out" amiee says walking through the door inside the house. 

"whats going on amiee?" emilia asks.

"I'm taking leadership of the clan"  amiee says going to her room to change, with illiana and emilia following her.

"I'm glad you think youre ready but is this a good time?" illiana asks.

"its the perfect time, we go tonight" amiee says closing her door in their face. moments later amiee comes out in leathers and is all suited up with weapons.

"tonight, but Carlisle said" emilia starts

"I don't care what anyone else says, our clan is going out tonight" amiee says walking past them and down the stairs.

"amiee" illiana says.

"boys!" amiee shouts and alex, George, Jeremy and Emmett stand in a line. "Emmett" amiee says.

"I would like to assist your clan" he stays not making eye contact with the small woman.

"its not that I wouldn't enjoy your company but you don't know how to fight like we do, it wouldn't be safe" amiee explains. Emmett nods and sits down, he was told by Jeremy not to argue with her. "you ready girls" amiee asks as illiana and emilia come down the stairs weapons and armour at the ready

"yeah" they say together. 

"right, chris is here, I heard him, we need to go out now, if we have the element of surprise, we can kill them easily" amiee says as jasper comes through the door. "they think we are going to meet them in the morning, but if our clan can strike tonight we wont have the conflict tomorrow" amiee explains not looking at jasper.

"amiee what are you doing?" jasper asks

"none of your business, come on guys ill brief you on the plan on the way there" amiee says walking away. jasper grips her arm tightly and she swings round and slaps him hard in the face. "if you do not think this child is yours, you have no reason to touch me" she says shrugging his grip off her, and walking out of the door with the rest of her clan.

"but what about Denver" jasper shouts after her

"she asked me to look after him" Rosalie says holding the toddler in her arms.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now