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after amiee and her friends do their usual lets fall backwards into a giggling heap, leaving jasper, who is still pretty high from amiees spell, casually bopping to himself in the middle of the room. suddenly he comes to his senses and shakes his head side to side.

"what just happened?" he asks smile still on his face. amiee just looks at everyone and bursts into a fit of laughter on the floor.

"mc jazz-eyyy" Emmett comes up behind jasper wrapping one arm around his shoulders and holds his phone up so jasper can see.

"delete that" jasper says trying hard to keep a straight face.

"what and miss out on a good couple of centuries worth of torture? do you think I'm that stupid" Emmett says. jasper grabs for his phone but Emmett soon darts off with jasper following after him.

amiee picks herself up off the floor still giggling. Edward reads her mind and gets frustrated how she has not even got the volturi in mind, no body in the room does at the moment. everyone is there to help protect him and bella's daughters, but they are not even thinking about what they need to do.

"that's enough" Edward shouts from his seat making everyone stop and look at him. he starts to point towards amiee, "you need to stop distracting the major and let him get on with what needs to be sorted" amiee crosses her arms and glares at Edward with fire in her eyes.

"YOU need to stop being a control freak, who thinks the volturi is coming just for his family, well heres a news flash for you, I have a half immortal child too, and another one on the way, get your head out of your arse and stop leaving jazz to think of all the strategies, you will not even listen to what I have to say about the matter, remember you thought that I have no input because I'm not a vampire, well heres another news flash, I may not be a vampire but I am immortal and ive killed more vampires than there are standing in this room" Amiee spits at Edward, as jasper walks back into the room apologising to Emmett who is holding his phone which is now in pieces.

"how did you know what I was thinking?" Edward asks, paying no attention to the telling off he has just received.

"you're not the only one that can read minds you know" amiee huffs.

"and you where going to tell us this, when?" Edward says trying to put blame on amiee. jasper is watching the exchange, amiee and Edward have not been getting along lately.

"do you really want an inventory of spells I can cast really?" amiee says sarcastically.

"as a matter of fact I would like one yes" Edward snarks. this makes Jeremy stand up.

"her spells are none of your business" he spits at Edward.

"she casts them infront of us they are hardly secret" Edward argues

"enough!" esme scolds them. "amiee is right, you need to stop putting everything on jasper he has a family to think about now"

"and what about my family, what about us?" Edward shouts at esme, making Carlisle stand up with a stern expression on his face.

"do you not think amiee is our family?"

"Carlisle you know I did not mean it like that" Edward tries to defend himself.

"then how did you mean it? because where I am standing from, bella is your wife and amiee is her sister, jasper is your brother, and she his mate, her children are his children. her guider is my friend, a girl who I class as family, she also classes amiee as family they are bound by magic, so Edward how did you mean it?" Carlisle quizzes Edward, Carlisle has been watching the way Edward acts around amiee, and he doesn't like it.

"she hasn't been here for even a year yet and what she walks around the place acting like she owns everything, there is not a day where she is not here causing trouble and being loud, its exhausting being around her" Edward explains his true feelings to everyone.

"yeah I'm still here you know" amiee says as jasper steps towards her.

"you haven't been here to see bella, not in all the time she has been in forks, she never talks about you, in fact I think she said she hated you. then you just show up and your friends come and you snatch my brother up and get everyone to be oh so happy with you, it took me months to get everyone on board with me and bella" Edward spits out

"bella was human, amiee is a witch" jasper says behind gritted teeth.

"and the fact that I had a child and I had my own shit okay, I could be here, I couldn't be around her, I couldn't be around anyone" amiee defends herself.

"I don't hate her anymore either" bella says from behind Edward.

"thanks bel, but I know where I'm not wanted" amiee says going to walk away, but jasper grabs her arm and Carlisle shifts to get in her way.

"you have every right to be here darling, I see you as a daughter too" Carlisle says putting his two hands on her shoulders watching the tears well up in her eyes. "I think you need to go back to your cottage for the night" Carlisle says to Edward watching the emotions build up in amiee, knowing it is not good for the baby he find this the best solution for now.

"but what about the volturi" Edward says as bella packs up carlie and renesme's things

"not tonight Edward" Carlisle says, making Edward storm out of the house with bella and the children in tow.

when hes gone amiee falls to the floor in a shudder of tears and sobs, her pregnancy and the stress of the situation making it hard for her to keep control. the lights start to flicker and the candles go out. the curtains blow although no windows are open.

"esme, get Denver upstairs please" jasper says kneeling down to amiees small frame. esme rushes up the stairs with Denver in her arms. Rosalie rushes to illiana.

"what can we do for her?" Rosalie asks with concern in her voice, she has become quite close to amiee in the past few weeks, they talk baby stuff and bitch about the things that bother them, they are small encounters but Rosalie noticed she was going out of her way to spend time with everyone in the family.

"to be honest nothing" illiana says as she watches jasper try to stop what is happening to amiee.

"whats happening to her?" jasper asks getting scared for his mate and unborn child.

"shes having an episode, her emotions are all out of whack, she trained to keep control of her emotions, mind and powers. if she loses control of one, this happens" Illiana explains.

"how long will it last?" Carlisle asks.

"if she just had an argument with Edward id say right about now" alex says as the curtains stop blowing and the lights stop flickering. amiee sits back against the wall and breathes heavily.

"I'm sorry" she says to jasper

"shhh, don't be, its okay" jasper reassures her. Rosalie pulls illiana to one side.

"what can we do for her?" Rosalie asks illiana

"chocolate ice cream and movies in pyjamas, shes a simple girl" illiana giggles with rose as they walk out of the door to go to the store.

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now