[ 7 ]

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"Hyuckie!" Chenle says running into the store.


"What time do you get out of work?"

"At 3, why?"

"I need you to come somewhere with me."

"Umm, I'm afraid that I cannot! I am sorry but I have....umm.. things to do. Yeah things to do"

Chenle tilted his head to the side and observed his best friend. He knew Donghyuck like the back of his hand and if Donghyuck was lying he'd know.

"What?" Donghyuck questions.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"I-I am not though, I really am doing something after work."

"Yeah, me." Mark whispers as he grabs his tray with pizza on it. He winked and walked away to his table.

Donghyuck almost died at the counter, his face turned red immediately.

"Hmm, what was that about?"

"Oh that? Nothing. He just said thanks for the pizza that's all."

"Sure, well anyway what are you doing after work?" Chenle asked folding his arms like some serious adult waiting for an answer from their child when they do something bad.

"Um I am um..cleaning up my room and my mom would not let me get out of doing it since it's been awhile that I actually cleaned that messy space."

"Fiiine! Whatever you say hyuck. I'm just gonna ask Jisung if he wants to come. Who needs you?!"

"Well, apparently you needed me since you asked me to come wherever it is that you are going with you."

"Aish shut up!" Chenle says storming out of the pizza shop.

Donghyuck sighed out of relief, he didn't want Chenle to know that he is going to be out with Mark after his shift. All because of their mini age gap, Chenle see's a problem with them just even talking friendly. He could only imagine what Chenle would do if he found out.

"Ugh, can you get me a cheese pizza?" Johnny asked giving Donghyuck an annoyed look.

"Sure stealer."

"Don't play with me you son of a-"

"Son of a what?" Mark asks looking up at Johnny.

"Aish Mark, go away."

"No. I'm here to stay buddy." Mark smiles and Donghyuck could feel stomach tie into knots. It was the cutest thing that he's ever seen.

"Just get me my cheese pizza!"

"Kun prepare a slice of cheese pizza"

"Coming right up."

Johnny then walks off and waits to side until his pizza is ready.

"So, here's the tray. I've finished my pizza."

"You come here everyday, you should know that the trays go on top of that counter over there by the trash not over here at the register."

"Oh right, maybe I just wanted to see you." Mark smiles, showing his perfectly small white teeth.

"Oh, really?"

"I said maybe, so who knows right?"

Donghyuck smiles.

"I cannot wait until after your shift, I am gonna pick you up in the front k?"

"K." Donghyuck nods.

It was after his shift and Donghyuck made sure that he cleaned up well. The store was clean and he even told his mother he was going somewhere with Chenle. He felt bad for lying but no one can know.

Donghyuck quickly dashed out of the store, locking it up and waiting patiently in front of it for Mark.

Just then a black car pulled up while honking it's horn and Donghyuck wanted to dance around out of excitement that it was Mark but instead he just walked casually to the car.


"Hi, Mark."

"You ready to go?"

"Sure, but where are we going exactly?"

"To the zoo!" Mark smiled brightly.

"To the zoo?"

"Yes, is little miss princess too good to go to the zoo?"

"No and I am not a misses."

Mark chuckles.

"Button your seatbelt so you can be safe." Mark says but before Donghyuck could even get his seatbelt Mark stretched over him and did for him.

Their eyes met for some time.

"So um lets go shall we?" Mark says breaking the eye contact.


Donghyuck sighed this was going to be one long afternoon. He doesn't know if he could actually survive next to this charming guy... he could only hope.

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