[ 38 ]

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From Mark:
Run away??
10:20 a.m

From Mark:
Hyuck, are you joking with me rn or????
10:20 a.m

To Mark:
no, i am being serious mark.
10:21 a.m

From Mark:
I love you, and ofc I miss you,
like more than anything.
But, are you sure that running away
is such a good idea??
10:22 a.m

From Mark:
I mean, where would we even go???
10:22 a.m

To Mark:
i don't know. i have no idea where
we'd go. but i don't care about that,
i just want to be with you.
10:23 a.m

To Mark:
i really don't care where we go,
as long as i get to see you.
i can't stand being away from you
any longer.
10:23 a.m

From Mark:
But I start college next week.
10:23 a.m

From Mark:
And you start school soon too.
10:24 a.m

To Mark:
i know, but what about us? are we just
going to give up on us?
10:24 a.m

From Mark:
10:25 a.m

From Mark:
I'll figure it out.
Just pack your things I'll pick you up
10:25 a.m

To Mark:
okay, i can't wait to see you.
10:26 a.m

From Mark:
Niether can I princess.
10:26 a.m


Mark walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice, he sat down and thought about what he was going to do about he and Donghyuck. He knew that running away wasn't necessarily a good thing to do, but what else could they do really? He wanted to be with Donghyuck and maybe this is all they had left. Maybe, this was really their only choice.

"Hey Mark, how you feeling today?"

"I'm okay."

"So, I'm going to start sending out some invitations to people for your party tomorrow."

"My party?"

"Yes, the one we discussed having the other day?"

"Shit." Mark says.

"What happened?"

"Don't send those invitations."

"Why not? Tomorrow is your birthday, you deserve to celebrate and have fun."

"You're right, but I totally forgot that I made other plans."

"Other plans? With who? For this past week you've been in your room all sad about the break up. So, how the hell did you manage to make plans?"

"It was before the breakup that I made these plans, that's why I forgot. I just remembered today." Mark lied.

"Okay, So who are these 'other plans' with?"

𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 | 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now