[ 39 ]

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"So, where are we going to stay?" Donghyuck asks, as he watched Mark drive.

Mark placed his right hand on Donghyuck's thigh and used his left hand to steer the wheel "I was thinking a hotel for tonight until we figure things out, is that okay baby?"

"It is." Donghyuck says, placing his hand on top of Mark's and slowly caressing it.

"You know, I really missed you."

"I missed you too Mark."

"So, uh I see you drank alcohol for the first time this week." Mark says completely changing the topic, in a calm like composer. His hand was now intertwined with Donghyuck's. But despite the calmness in his tone, Donghyuck could still tell he wasn't so happy about him drinking.

"Yeah, but I swear it's not something that I plan on continuing to do, I was just hurt you know? I wanted to temporarily numb the pain, I didn't want to feel anything in that moment. I was tired of crying and moping."

"I just don't want you to damage yourself Hyuck, so please don't drink again okay? After all, you shouldn't be drinking right now anyway."

"Says the one that's been drinking since the beginning of high school."

"I know, and I'm not saying that it's right because it isn't. Okay? So please promise me you won't drink again." Mark says, his tone turning into a serious one as well as his expression.

"Only if you promise me that you won't drink until I turn the proper age to drink with you." Donghyuck knew he wasn't going to drink again, he honestly hated the strong bitter taste, he just wanted to make sure Mark stays healthy.

"Okay, I promise." Mark says immediately with no hesitation.

"And I promise too." Donghyuck smiles.


"So, what have you been doing this past week?"

"I was a mess, I rather not get into that right now."

"Well, you won't have to be a mess anymore because I'm right here next to you now and that's how it's going to stay."

Mark smiled, his eyes still fixated on the road. "I know princess."

After a half an hour drive, the two finally reached their destination. Donghyuck looked around, seeing a hotel with just about 8 floors. The sign in the middle read, 'Seoul's Hotel' flashing in bright neon colors. The atmosphere was welcoming, it looked safe and it was pretty quiet. There wasn't much people around, it looked more like a private property rather than a public hotel.

The hotel overall looked like it was a pretty decent place to stay. They both walk inside, Mark carrying both he and Donghyuck's bags while Donghyuck just walked inside starring at the interior of the place in awe. It was so pretty and clean. The aroma of clean sheets filled the air, as if they've been washing sheets for the beds all day. Scratch that, all week.

The floor was carpeted, and the walls were white. It was comfortable and really welcoming no doubt. "Mark, I can help you pay for a room. I brung some money that I saved up from my job with me."

"No, it's okay princess. I got it, don't worry you should save that money just in case."

"You sure?"

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