Chapter 2

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"Claire so when is this boyfriend of yours showing up?"

"He should be here any second he just picked up his best friend for Sarah to drool over."

"Hey I don't drool over John. I just stare at him when he isn't looking."

That should have been clue one. . .

We all burst out laughing. I have only been working with them all for a few weeks but they have all became good friends. I never thought I was going to come back. Not after what happened at the end of it but here I am again.

But this time -

"O look there they are. Brandon , John over here." Says Claire interrupting my thoughts

And the penny drops, I mean the wine glass. . .

'Crash' goes the wine glass

I had my back turned to her at that moment as I was busy paying the barman for my refill. I had about three glasses of wine since we got here thirty minutes ago and the fourth just ended up on the floor.

"Sam?" came the questioning look from Claire

"Sam!" came the shocked whisper from Brandon

Me I just stared between the two of them gap mouthed not being able to process what my eyes are seeing.

Her Brandon was my Brandon. Well he isn't my Brandon anymore. I made sure off that four years ago now didn't I. It is like the world had stopped at that moment. The music faded away, Claire's confused face even disappeared the blood circulation along with my ability to breathe also disappeared at that moment.

I had to be dreaming, this cannot be real. I mean I know I moved back but I chose a different town in a different state making sure that I will not bump into him ever in a million years and it's as if the universe looked down on me and said

'Haha Sucker!!!!!!!!!!'

Claire's voice breaks me out of my state.

"Wait, you two know each other?" and before either one of us can get a word out John arrives grabbing me around my neck and pulling me into a bear hug lifting me off the ground.

I think if looks could kill they would need to be planning my funeral now judging by the look on Claire & Sarah's faces.

"Off course they know each other." Says John after he finally puts me back on my feet. "The two of them use to be madly in love in high school." With that said Brandon's face froze into a look of horror.

Again before I could get a word out John jumps in again seeing as everyone is kind of frozen at that moment.

"But then she up and left and broke poor Brandon over here heart. But luckily you fixed him again Claire."

Please earth swallow me now. Please I am begging you. Open up below me and just take me. Please take me as I do not want to die by the hands of one of my employees, but take John with you so I can have the pleasure of killing him myself.

But no the universe likes messing with me so I stay just where I am and the look of horror transfers from Brandon to Claire. Brandon at the moment had a death glare on his face just for John and me well I just kind of stand there trying my best not to laugh at the whole situation.

Jap that's what I do in situations I cannot handle. I either laugh or cry or try and kill myself. But I haven't tried that last part in really long. So my body chose laughing at that moment instead.

I mean how funny is this. My ex (kind of) is currently dating my favorite employee (who I had hope to be friends with) while the both of us are in Cape Town at the moment. The one place I didn't think I would ever see him again.

I look around the room to see if maybe Kimberly will also pop up somewhere just for the fun of it you know. But nope looks like the universe is keeping that one for a later stage.

The first words Brandon utters are

"She didn't break my heart."

"Yeah she did. You didn't want to look at another girl when she said she is not coming back. Claire had to practically drag you to dinner that first time or you would still be pining over her."

Okay time to defuse this situation. As I can see it was about to turn ugly. But then Claire beats me to it

"This is the girl you told me about from High School?"

I still had to utter a word. Clearing my head, or more like trying to, I finally get my mouth to work.

"Hi Brandon. Small world isn't it?" I finally say trying to smile and make light of the situation.

"Very small indeed." Says Claire through her teeth

"Hey John why don't you buy me a drink!" says Sarah

Everybody is brought back to the present when we hear what Sarah says. Now for a completely different reason the entire group is frozen, well all but John and Sarah.

Because if what Claire told me this afternoon about Sarah and John is true then this was the first words they uttered to each other all on their own with no help from anyone.

"Yeah sure. What would the lady desire?" he asks while putting his arm around her and guiding her to the bar.

Go Sarah! I cheer in my head at their retreating backs.

"Yeah, I'll come with you. Think I need a shot, no make that two." Says Brandon

"You want one to Baby?" he asks her while giving me a very pointed look. Look sayings 'see so not heartbroken over you anymore'

"Make that four." She says and takes his hand following behind John and Sarah. Giving me the same pointed look.

So much for making friends and settling back in to live a normal life. You know if this keeps up I am going to leave South Africa someday and never come back. Because not once since I left and came back did things work out for the better for me.

I think I stood there for about five minutes before Sarah popped up next to me with two shots of Tequila. Without giving it a second thought I took them both and downed them, to Sarah's amazement as I'm sure one of them was meant for her. But I needed something strong and I needed it to work fast.

The rest of the evening went amazing. Brandon avoided me like the plague, Claire took turns glaring between me and Brandon, I witnessed an awkward conversation between Brandon and John, Sarah and John flirted nonstop and even ended up leaving together, seems like they at least they had a good evening and well me I took turns downing my glass of wine or my tequila shot, which even the bartender thought I needed as he kept placing one of each in front of me.

I think I left with the bartender, but I'm not sure as I woke up alone fully dressed and severely hangover the next morning.

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