Chapter 14

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Brandon made a run for it after he kissed me. He ran to fast for the door the bottle of wine went crashing to the floor, and for a second time I had to clean up pieces of glass right after Brandon kissed me.

I don't know why he ran away. I wasn't the one who kissed him he was the one who kissed me, both times. The one moment I was trying to apologize and the next moment his lips were on mine and all sense had left me.

This time I couldn't ignore it and after a week of avoiding me I decided to march over to his apartment and demand an explanation.

That was what I was doing standing in front of his apartment in my fluffy sheep pajama pants and a t-shirt three sizes too big for me, banging on his door at ten o'clock at night.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I hear him shout from inside.

The next moment I hear the lock turn in the door and then it flies open.

"What?" he says a little irritated

"What is your problem?" I ask him just as irritated

"Excuse me you are the one banging on my door so hard it wants to fly off the hinges at ten in the evening might I add. And you are asking me what my problem is?"

The irritation was flying between the two of us. And before this argument became part of the apartment gossip mill I pushed him in and closed the door behind me. I had startled him with this move and I used it to my advantage.

Poking my finger into his chest I start my rant. Not sticking to my speech I prepared but saying what I needed to say.

"Why are you always kissing me, scrambling my brain then taking off leaving broken glass in your wake for me to clean up. Then when I hook up with someone else you lose your shit like I was cheating on you when in actual fact who I hook up with has nothing to do with you."

All the while I was poking him he keeps backing up until his back hits the wall and we find ourselves a few inches of each other again. My finger was still pressed into his chest waiting for him to answer me.

"Damn you are sexy when you are angry." He says before grabbing me again and kissing me.

Not what I thought he was going to say.

It took me a few seconds to register what was happening but when my brain caught up it also kicked in. Bringing my knee up into his groin as hard I could I take a step back to watch him crumble to the ground.

A look of utter shock and pain on his face.

"Don't you ever kiss me again. You are dating Claire. You claim to love Claire and then you go and kiss me. I am not my mother or my father. I will not break up a relationship. Sort your shit out or stay away from me." I say to him as I turn on my heel and march out of his apartment again.

Slamming my door closed I lean against it taking a deep breath. At least he didn't break any wine bottles again. Although he might not be able to perform as well as he should for the next few days.

Kneeing him the groin may have not been the best plan ever but that was all my brain could come up with at that moment as my heart was quickly winning the argument and something needed to be done to break the spell.

Shaking all over from the adrenaline and kiss I head to the kitchen to poor me a glass of wine. I needed something to clam my nerves. But I was shaking so much that bottle slipped from my fingers and went crashing down to the ground.

Looking at the pieces of glass mixing with the wine of my floor I burst out laughing at the irony of the entire situation.


After Sam left I crawled to the kitchen and helped myself to some ice. That woman knew how to make a man fall to his knees. I don't think I will be able to breathe easily for at least a week by the looks and feel of it.

What was I thinking kissing her again? I was with Claire I shouldn't be kissing her at all. In fact I should be staying away from her as far away from her as possible. Clearly she is messing with me head and I need to stay focus.

I'm asking Claire to marry me in a few months and I cannot lose sight of that. I was only confused because Sam at first didn't tell me what was going on and I was angry. So I kissed her?

Then she finally did tell me what went down that day four years ago and I was angry again. So I kissed her again?

And then she was angry. So I kissed her again?

What is wrong with me? When you are angry with someone you don't kiss them. When someone is angry with you it's not an invitation to kiss them either. So why for goodness sake do I keep kissing Sam?

She has a point I need to sort my shit out and I need to apologize to her. She is not her parents and I will not let her think that she is. I did that once and it nearly ended her and I will not do that again.

Grabbing fresh ice I settle back on the couch.


I must have fallen asleep because I was being woken with kissed to my neck. My mind automatically jumping to Sam, I wanted to moan her name when the scent of the perfume hit me and another face popped into my mind.

My eyes popping open it focuses on Claire's blond hair. Claire! It was Claire kissing my neck. Not Sam. Claire!

O boy! I'm trouble. I'm in big trouble.

"Hey baby. Didn't mean to wake you." She says still kissing my neck.

Sitting up nearly throwing her to the ground I catch her just in time to settle her next to me.

"Sorry, I must have dozed off waiting for you. What time is it?" I ask

"It's two o'clock in the morning. Got stuck at work a bit later than expected. But I couldn't wait to get home and have my way with you." She says crawling into my lap.

Wincing a little as she settles on my lap I was in no mood for her to have her way with me. Throwing my arms in the air and faking a huge yawn I mumble something about being very tired.

"Awww okay" she says with a pout and she gets off my lap the disappointment clear on her face.

The tension in my shoulders automatically relaxing when she was standing next to me. Slowly getting up I take her hand and lead her to my bedroom. As we got dressed for bed Claire kept talking about a difficult guest at the hotel and how he was being an extra pain in the neck.

Mumbling a reply here and there I crawled into bed closing my eyes instantly. Hoping Claire took the hint that I didn't want to talk. She did but that didn't stop her from wanting to cuddle. As she crawled into my arms making her head comfy on my chest I couldn't help my mind drifting over to Sam.

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