Chapter 12

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"Someone is in a good mood" breaks an amused looking Claire into my thoughts

Startled I look up from my phone where Claire was sitting.

"Why are you still here? Your shift ended an hour ago?" I ask confused

"Tammy is running late so I said I'll cover for her till she gets here."

"O, okay that's nice of you."

"Yeah. So why are you looking so happy?"

"O nothing was just talking to my mom on the phone. I haven't had a chance to catch up with her since I moved back. So I just filled her in on all that has happened the past few months."

Getting a knowing smile on her face she gets up as Tammy enters the room. Grabbing her bag she heads over to the door but stops before going out.

"By the way how did your date go last night?"she asks with a concerned look

"O very well thanks up to the point where he tried to sneak out of my apartment this morning and Brandon caught him." I conveniently left out the part about me and Brandon nearly tearing each other's hair out.

"He stayed the night?" she asks her eyes growing as big as saucers. "I thought it was just a friendly thing."

"No he spend the night. It was a proper date. Thought he liked me. Clearly wrong though."

"Sam he's dating Sarah" says Claire

"He is what?" I say dropping my bag to the floor. Tammy has stayed frozen to her spot deciding this was really juicy info.

"Yeah he phoned her up this morning and asked her to breakfast. She just texted me a moment ago that he made it official this morning."

"Shit" was all I could manage after Claire left a while later.


"Brandon! Brandon where are you?"

I drop the picture I have been staring at causing the glass to shatter. I didn't hear the front door opening or closing. Quickly kicking the pieces under the bed I get up and headed to the front of the apartment.

After Sam threw me out of her apartment I couldn't get the look on her face or what she said to me out of my head. I have been sitting here for the past twenty minute just staring at the picture John took at the dance.

I felt bad for what John did to her but I felt angry about what she did to me. I was trying to get my mind back to that day to feel the happy I felt but I just got angrier.

"Hey babe. You are over early. Thought I was only seeing you much later?" I say giving her a long kiss wiping Sam from my mind. Or trying to.

"Didn't feel like going to my apartment and I missed you so I decided to just come over now." She says pushing her fingers into my hair and kissing my neck.

I swear every time she did that my knees wanted to go weak and make us tumble to ground. Laughing against my neck as she felt the reaction I had to her doing that she looks up at me.

"I love doing that to you."


"Because I love your reaction to it. You cannot fake it or act it. It is one of the most pure reactions you have and it was the first true reaction you gave me when we started dating."

"What do you mean?"

"You were so guarded when I met you that I could always feel you holding back on me when we were together. Then the one night after dinner I leaned in and kissed your neck and you had that reaction. And I knew it was pure and true. So ever since then whenever I felt unsure I would kiss your neck and check your reaction and I would calm back down."

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