Chapter 25

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The next day I received three calls of which I only answered two. The first was from Claire. She spend a good two hours telling me every detail from Brandon picking her up at her apartment to him going down on his knee at the café, and ending off with how they spend the most amazing evening at his place afterwords.

I had to bite my tong not to tell her I know all about the last part as I witnessed the lovely moment and then I had the unfortunate pleasure of listening to their amazing after party celebrations in his apartment.

They clearly had no clue that the walls were paper thin. But I bit on my tong and forced the excitement and happy wishes through my teeth as much I could. But after a while I couldn't hold in the tears so I told her I was still not hundred percent and needed a bit more sleep before I had to work the next day.

I was halfway through my second container of ice cream when Sarah phoned me. I had half a mind of ignoring the call but I knew if I didn't answer and sound like I was fine she would be coming over and I really didn't have the energy for that.

So very reluctantly I answered the call and spend the better part of another two hours ensuring her that I was more than okay and that I was as happy as I could ever be for them and I just wished them the best future ever.

She finally believed me and hung up. I had just finished my ice cream when my phone rang again. I nearly threw it at the wall but my eye caught on Brandon's name and I couldn't let go of it even if I tried.

So I just looked at his name flash across my screen and allowed the fresh tears to roll over my face. The bastard stole my perfect engagement and used it with Claire and for some reason seeing him there on one knee in the café, knowing full well I told him that was my perfect idea for an engagement, it hurt way more than I thought it would.

I honestly thought I would be able to fake my happy and just move on from it all but my heart shattered that moment and I don't think I will ever glue it back together ever again. I was worse off than Humpty Dumpty.


"Sam can I have a word with you please?" asked Claire breaking me out of my bubble.

Looking up at the stock sheets I was busy with Claire and Sarah both stepped into my office. My eyes flicker down to her left hand ring finger the same way it always does when I see her. Plastering a smile on my face I wait for the two of them to make them comfortable across from me.

"Sure, is there something wrong?" I asked the both of them.

"No nothing is wrong. I just want to ask you a favor." Came Claire's sweet voice. Her eyes were dancing with excitement and I had a feeling I was not going to like were this was going. Risking a glance at Sarah only confirmed my suspicion. Ensuring my smile was well in placed I braced myself for whatever bomb Claire was about to drop on me.

"Well Brandon and I are getting married in eight months and I asked Sarah to be my maid of honor but I was hoping you would be my bridesmaid. Brandon asked John to be his best man and another teacher at the school to be the second groomsman and I would really like it if you would be a bridesmaid. If I could I would have made both of my maids of honors but you know I can't do that." Came all the words bubbling out.

Good thing my fake smile is well practiced because if not the horror I was feeling inside me at that moment would have been so visible poor Claire would have been scarred for life. Not trusting my voice I just nodded my head yes, the same way she did when Brandon asked her to marry him, and that's when the cheering started.

"See Sarah I told you she would love to be part of the wedding party and that it's not weird at all with Brandon being her ex."

Not weird at all no. The little fact that I asked your groom to be to not marry you but me just a few weeks ago doesn't matter one bit, nor the fact that he stole my perfect engagement to ask you to get married to him and then just to add insult to injury I now have to watch you marry the one guy I love with my entire life.

Making sure I kept my smile in place I could see the concerned look on Sarah's face. Getting up and giving the both of them a hug is ask Claire.

"So what is the date?"

"14 July 2014." She says bouncing around my office very excited.

"I have to call Brandon and tell him the good news. I'll be right back." She says bouncing out of my office already dialing Brandon.

"Are you okay?" asked Sarah

"Yeah I'm just peachy." I hit back with all the sarcasm I could. It was either that or tears.

"You could have said no."

"And gave what reason Sarah? O sorry I cannot be your bridesmaid as I'm in love with your husband to be and wished he would not marry you but me instead?" the irritation and sarcasm bubbling out again.

Seems like when the tears and anger leave the sarcasm takes over.

"Sam" Sarah says with a sigh but before she could continue and very happy Claire came bouncing back into the office.

"This is so awesome. I'm getting married in eight months to the most amazing guy ever and my two best friends are going to be my bridesmaids. Now we can finally start planning."

Woohoo I cannot wait!

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