Chapter 5

20 3 2

I was running late for work this morning as my lovely alarm clock decided not to go off. I had exactly twenty minutes to get from my apartment to the hotel and as it is I would need to skip every robot to make it there just in time.

Grabbing my keys off the table I head for my door. Banging it shut and locking it as fast as I could I turn on my heel and head for the stairs. There is no time to wait for the elevator so I started taking the stairs two at a time. I was contemplating the quickest road to the hotel when I ran into the wall subsequently making me sit flat on my ass on the stairs.

"Ouch!" I say as my but hit the ground.

"Hey watch where you are going! You are –" and the voice trails off.

I still haven't looked up as I was looking around for my keys that I had dropped on the ground when a breathless voice startles me in looking up


No no no! Please please please! Let that voice not belong to who I think it does.

Looking up into those striking blue eyes with the brown flecks the air disappeared out from my lungs and the two of us just stare at each other. I am the first to find my voice and after picking myself up off the ground and adjusting my clothes I finally look back at him.

He up to this point has only been staring at me not saying one word or moving a muscle. Waving my hand in front of his face I call out to him

"Brandon? Earth to Brandon? Anybody home?"

He shakes his head as he comes out of his trance. Still not saying one word

"We got to stop meeting like this. If I keep bumping into you and falling down I will be walking around with a permanent bruise on my backside."

"What are you doing here Sam?" he asks me in such a manner as if I'm bothering him.

"I'm on my way to work. Which I'm now officially late for." I say as I look at the time.

"Your work is not in this apartment building Sam." He hits back very sarcastically.

"I know that Brandon. I –" But before I could finish he cuts me off.

"Just leave me and Claire be will you. I know you guys work together but leave me out of it. You are in my past and you will stay there so don't bud into my future, you are not welcome there. I'm happy with Claire and I love her. I don't need you trying to meddle in the middle of that. So just stay away!"

So shocked at his outburst the only thing I could think of saying was.

"Uhm I live on the 3rd floor Brandon. This is my apartment building. I'm not stalking you. I have to go have a great day."

And with that I disappear out the front door. Not waiting for a response from him or to see the look on his face. I just had to get out of there. How unlucky can one girl be? The only reason I bumped into him in there must mean that he also stayed in the apartment building.

Great! Just great!

Like this day can get any worse.

I should have learned my lesson seven years ago. But seems like I never do. Because just as the thought left my mind the waste compactor backed into my VW. Moving its little engine onto my back seat.

Throwing my hands up into the air and looking at the sky I shout

"Why do you hate me so much?"


They say back luck comes in threes. As I was at strike two I was hoping I got all my back luck for one day, hoping the universe will forget about me for a bit and leave me in piece.

After I had called Claire and placed her in charge for the day I phoned my insurance company and the tow truck to take away what was left of my VW bug. I made sure to say my goodbyes as I don't think I will be seeing her again anytime soon.

From the look on the tow truck guys' face I knew this was the end on the line for her. The insurance company arranged for a loan car for me until the claim has been sorted. I also had to talk to the waste company's crises manager for about an hour before I was sure he wasn't going to murder the poor driver.

I mean my bug is so small it must have been easy to miss it in the mirror of the huge ass truck the poor guy was driving. It could happen to anyone I told the manager but not after adding there insurance will still have to pay out for a new car for me.

I was nice not stupid.

When all was said and done and the tow truck drove off with my bug and I headed back inside. Deciding this day was a bust in any case I can just as well head out to the mall and get all the stuff I still needed for the apartment.

I had moved in about a week ago after someone from work told me they knew of the open space. I haven't unpacked everything yet but my mom did tell me I would be needing a lot of stuff.

Seems like after I didn't come back my mom gave the order to sell everything except for a few stuff she asked Mrs Gillen to stick it into storage for me, including my bug, but I still needed a few things to make the new apartment homey.

Pressing the up button I waited for the elevator to arrive, when the doors opened I punched the three and waited for the tin box to go up the three floors I was too lazy to walk. Arriving on my floor I get out and turn a sharp left heading down the hall towards the last door.

Digging around in my pockets for my keys I was again not looking where I was going and for a second time that day I bumped into someone, ending up on the floor again.

"And that makes three!" I say out loud to no one in particular.

"You have got to be kidding me right now!" came the all too familiar voice.

Hearing the disbelief in Brandon's voice I couldn't help but to start laughing. Looking at the scenario it was actually very funny.

You see I had managed to come back to South Africa and move to the one city I was sure he wouldn't be, but no he was there, I then managed to work at the one place where his current girlfriend is working. To make matters worse I then managed to buy an apartment in the same building as his and just to add salt to the wounds for good measure, I went and bought the apartment not only on the same floor as his but right freaking next door to his.

Yeah I'm telling you, the day I was born the universe had painted a great big, fat red target on me ensuring all the shit that can happen will happen to me.

Still laughing I get up off the floor. The confusion and frustration still very visible on his face.

"What can I say? The universe hates me!"

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