Chapter 28

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I had made the mistake of approaching her that first day and I barely escaped with my life after she was done chewing into me. Sitting at the counter sipping my espresso I allow the memory to flood over me.

' "May I buy you a coffee?" I asked her.

She has been sitting alone at the corner booth all afternoon just staring out the window. The coffee she originally ordered long forgotten and cold next to her. Looking up at me with confusion in her eyes I could see her trying to sum me up.

"I have coffee thanks." Is all she says turning back to the window.

The café overlooked the love locks bridge here in Paris and she has been staring at it all afternoon wiping the tears away as soon as they start to fall.

"But it's already cold." I tell her, feeling bold and taking the seat across from her.

Stunned at how comfortable I had made myself at the table she just looks at me before turning her head back to the window and muttering.

"Soot yourself"

Waving the waiter over I ordered another espresso for me and a coffee for her. Deciding to introduce myself I clear my throat to get her attention.

"The name is Michael" I say sticking my hand out towards her

Turning her head back to me. I could see the sadness in her eyes. The tears were on the brim of spilling over again.

"Good for you." Came the sarcastic answer from her before she turns her entire body away from me so she would be facing more of the window.

Feisty I think to myself as a smile slip onto my lips from her comment. Me being the persistent asshole that I can be did not take the hint from her and decided I will stick around until I figure out what is wrong and why she looks so sad and lost.

The waiter final brought our order and disappeared just as quickly as he arrived.

Taking a sip of my espresso I push her coffee into her line of site.

"A warm cup of coffee always makes you feel better." I try again

I could see her shoulders lifting as she takes a deep breath. Turning back to me I could see the sadness had left her eyes. Instead it was replaced with anger and annoyance.

"What do you want?" she asks through her teeth

"I would like the opportunity to buy you a coffee." I say satisfied that I bugged her in talking to me even if it was only out of anger.

"And then what?" she asks me

A little taken back by her response it takes me a few seconds before I say anything.

"Well I don't know." I say back to her

"I'll tell you what you will expect then. You will expect me to be totally flattered that an attractive French guy will take half a second to look over at the poor sad South African girl and then because you are the attractive French guy she will jump into bed with you for a fun night below the covers and the next morning you will wake up with her next to you."

With each word she says to me her voice rises

"Then you will take her out to breakfast and you two will fall madly in love. She will forget about the sadness of that first day in Paris as she was staring out the window and just thank her lucky stars that this French guy wants her."

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