Chapter 10

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After the second kiss John and I practically stuffed down the dessert and he paid the bill. I politely offered him coffee at my place as we didn't get to have any at the café and he generously accepted.

The both of us not having coffee on the brain at all.

All the while that we walked back to the apartment we didn't say one word to each other. It wasn't an awkward silence between us but more of an electric silence. I mean I know if I so much as look over at him right now I will jump his bones right here on the street.

So I looked to the left and he looked to the right and we didn't dare touch each other. By the time we reached the apartment building you could basically see the sparks flying between the two of us.

I pressed the up button for the elevator about ten times before it finally dinged and opened for us to enter. Pressing the third floor button I was just about to give a sigh of relieve when John came at me with a look of pure lust on his face.

Pushing me into the elevator wall he snakes his arms around my middle and then he brings down his mouth on mine hard and demanding. Not that I'm complaining. The moment his lips touches mine my hands goes up and around his neck while I'm folding my fingers into his hair.

But still I was only seeing Brandon's face.

The higher the elevator moved up the higher he pushed me. I finally gave up trying to stay on my feet and just folded my legs around his middle forcing him to carry my full weight. I can vaguely remember elevator door opening up on my floor and us moving down the hall.

His hands had moved from around my middle to holding my bum ensuring he got to keep me right where he wanted me.

All the while John was still carrying me down the hall. We were bumping into doors and walls but not really caring. Our lips have not left each other since he started kissing me in the elevator and I really did not mind his hands massaging my butt.

And believe you me, you don't want his lips to leave you. This man can kiss!!!! Bumping into another door he pulls away just enough to see if that is where we needed to be.

"Keys?" he asks breathing hard.

Reluctantly removing my hand from his hair I start digging around in my bag for them. Finding them I hand them to him and proceeded to kiss his neck while he tries to unlock the door.

Finally realizing that he was taking a really long time I glance over my shoulder to ask him what's up when I notice the number on the door. Giving a small giggle I whisper in his ear. "This isn't my door. I'm still one down."

Starting to laugh he hands me my keys back and move us down to the right door. Slowly putting me down I turn around to unlock the door.

John not leaving a breath of space between us just about breaks the door out of his hinges when I finally got it unlocked. Turning me around and picking me back up all in one swift movement before he walks inside and kicks the door close.

I could have sworn I saw Brandon just as the door closed but I was too busy kissing John to really think about what I thought I saw. My bag hit the floor followed by my shoes.

My hands where back in his hair and his was holding me up as he was pushing me back into the wall and we just stood there kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. After a while I broke the kiss to catch my breath and because I'm true to my word I offered him some coffee.

"So should I go put the kettle one?" I ask with a sheepish grin on my face.

Laughing he shakes his head 'no' bringing his lips down on my neck just below my ear. My eyes flutters close again as he starts kissing me and any thoughts about coffee flew out my front door along with my commonsense.

He was turning me on like crazy and I was dying to know what it would feel like to put my hands on his bare chest so before my mind could think it through I find the first button and start undoing them one by one.

Realizing what I was doing he puts few centimeters space between the two of us so that I had space to move. After about the fifth button I figured it was enough so I pushed my hand into the half open shirt and let my mind savor the feel of his hard muscle under my fingers.

I think if I was standing up my knees would have given out because I took one glimpse of his bare chest and my brain went to mush. This man was a Greek god or something. I have never in my life touched a body scalped the way his were.

I just about come undone at that moment. A small moan escaped my lips as he continued to kiss down my neck. Pushing at his shirt I try and pull it over his shoulders. I needed to get him out of his shirt. I needed to feel and see every more.

I had been fantasizing about those muscles for the past month and I'm not going to let an opportunity like this pass me by. Reluctantly John put me down and stripped off shirt all for my own selfish pleasure.

Not being able to help it my eyes and hands simultaneously moves to his chest and my knees just as I suspected just about gave out from under me. This boy was build!!! My mind didn't even come close to imagining what he looked like.

For the first time since I started kissing John, Brandon vanished from my mind.

I was just about drooling. Every muscle in his chest was defined perfectly for me to trace. All the way from his upper arms over his pecks and down the thin happy trail between his six pack. As my eyes were taking him in my fingers was tracing him.

I swear if John was not holding me right now I would have been a puddle of goo at his feet. His body was sculpted to perfection. Well perfection for me as I have never in my entire twenty two years of my life seen a body like his before.

"Like what you see?" he asks with a smirk

Before I could stop myself I slowly lick my lips

"Yummy!" I whisper as I place a small kiss on his chest close to his shoulder.

A chuckle vibrates through his body and then he picks me up again and he was kissing me turning my brain into goo. Folding my legs around his waist my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair I could feel we were moving again.

Then there was a sound like a door closing behind us and me falling on a bed. The rest after that was pure bliss and my brain had turned to proper goo before the night had run out.


Pulling the keys out of the door I step inside making sure I miss Sam's shoes and bag and John's shirt on the floor.

I was furious at John and I had half a mind going to find him and punching him. The two of them had been so wrapped up in each other they didn't even take the keys with them when they stumbled into the apartment.

I had to stand around the corner and wait till they moved deeper into the apartment before I could take the keys out the door. All the while trying my best not storm in. I know I said John was all bark and no bite, but I think he finally proved me wrong on that one as well.

And I thought he was into Sarah not Sam.

Putting the keys on the inside of the door I grab the handle and slam it close with as much force as I can before matching back to my apartment doing the exact same to my door.


John was a very determined guy and as the night moved along he went as far as turning my brain to mush more than once.

Not that I was complaining one little bit, but as the wine slowly started clearing from my head a nagging feeling kept trying to push its way to the front but not succeeding. I wouldn't allow it to bother me as I was enjoying what John is doing to me, much more than the feeling that was nagging me.

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