Chapter 9

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Dinner was amazing. I had an amazing piece of steak with a pepper sauce and some roasted veggies and always always with fries, John had the same steak just with a mushroom sauce. The conversation flowed as smoothly as the wine did and before I even like to admit it we where are the cross roads. Either order dessert or go.

"Would you like me to bring you the dessert menu?" asked the waiter

Taking a small sip of my wine forcing John to make the choice. He also took a sip of wine and then finally answered the waiter.

"No that won't be necessary."

With that my mood fell into my shoes. I didn't want the evening to end as I was having such a good time with John. Plus I wasn't done drooling over his arms just yet. I wanted a few more hours! She thinks to herself with a pouty face.

"You can just bring us a piece of your Picasso Fudge Cake to share with some whipped cream and ice cream."

With that my mood lifted again. I will be able to stare and drool over his arms a bit longer. Yeah! The waiter nodded his head and disappeared to go place our order.

"Who says I would like the fudge cake?" I tease him

"Everybody loves there fudge cake. They are famous for it and you have not tasted a dessert if you haven't tasted this. You will love it I promise you."

Laughing at that I finish off my wine savoring the taste as it goes down. He had picked out a red wine to go with the steak and I had to say he knew how to pick them. The combination of the two was amazing. So much so that we had two bottles of wine over the course of dinner.

And taking into consideration the fact that I have been more active, it kicks in a bit quicker than it always did.

"So you where telling me about Ireland."

"O yeah. It's beautiful there. The landscapes and the old buildings even the people are amazing there. I personally prefer the small towns to the big city so when I got the job there in Dublin I bought a small cottage for me just outside of Dublin and commuted into the city for work."

"Wow the city that bad a place to be?"

"No the country side and small towns are just that amazing that you don't want to miss it."

"I'll have to see it for myself someday."

"O you really have to. When you go you must make sure to visit Dingle. That's where I stayed with my Aunt after my brothers' accident. I never wanted leave it. It is such an amazing place and the people there are just like your family."

This is the first time since I came back that I mentioned my brother. It took me seven years but I have finally come to terms with all that has happened. I could see John was a bit shocked that I mentioned my brother but before he could react the waiter came and placed the Picasso Fudge Cake in front of me.

"Okay so tell me Mr Expert what is the proper way to eat this cake in order for it to be as amazing as you say it is?" I ask adding as much flirt in my voice as possible.

John took that as his cue for not having to treat on the one funny subject of my life and grabbed one of the spoons on the plate. Scooping up some ice cream followed by a piece of the cake and topped it off with some whipped cream.

"Okay now close your eyes and open your mouth. You need to taste it not see it."

Laughing at that I see he is serious so I do as I'm told. Closing my eyes I open my mouth slowly leaning in just the slightest bit towards him. I could sense that he was close and I held my breath momentarily.

The next moment I feel the cold spoon against my lips so I slowly close my mouth around it taking the dessert off the spoon. Making sure to keep my eyes closed as I was told I allowed my sense to take over and let the flavors flow through my mouth.

I couldn't help but moan as the taste flowed in my mouth at it was delicious. The entire combination was just amazing. I was about to say something when I pair of lips touches mine in the corner picking up a drop of ice cream that was left on my lips.

He pulled away instantly but not very far. I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer before opening them slowly. John was looking at me with a very unsure look on his face. I could see he was trying to figure out what I was feeling at that moment.

So I did the only rational thing I could think of to do at that moment. I grabbed onto the front of his shirt and pulled his lips onto mine making sure that this time it was a proper kiss.

Only problem was as soon as my lips touched his I saw Brandon's face.


We were heading back to the apartment when I suggested to Claire we stop off at the Corner Café and got a take away serving of the Picasso Fudge Cake for dessert. We were just about to enter the café when my eyes focused on Sam & John.

They have occupied my mind all night now and as much as I tried to get them out they stayed firmly in place taking over every rational thought for the evening. It bugged me to no end that Sam was on a date with him and I wanted to punch John so bad for asking her out.

Especially after I saw her outfit for the evening. It took everything in my not to push her back into her apartment and kiss her again like I did that night. And then I would spend the next hour feeling guilty for sitting across from Claire thinking about kissing Sam.

Sam was sitting with her eyes closed and her mouth open waiting for John to feed her the dessert. He then fed her the dessert and before she even opened her mouth he leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

Claire was standing next to me talking on about something that I couldn't care less about. All my attention was focused on Sam and what she will do next. I was silently rooting that she would slap him and storm out of the café but instead she opened her eyes gave him one look and pulled him in for another kiss. By then I was seeing red and practically forcing my feet not to go over to them and punch John.

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