Chapter 11

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I woke up from heavy knocking on a door and a warm body against me. Deciding to ignore the knocking I snuggled deeper into the warm body loving the feeling of Brandon's arms around me and I drifted back to sleep.

But as I was drifting to sleep my brain finally got a word in reminding me not so nicely that I was wrapped up in John's arms not Brandon's arms.


When I finally opened my eyes again I could hear loud whispers coming from the kitchen. Contemplating if I should go see what was going on I reach over to my bedside table to get my phone to see the time.

Only it wasn't there, remembering my bag dropping at the front door I knew I would have to get up if I want to see what time it is. Snuggling a bit deeper into the covers not wanting to get up I let my mind drift back to last night.

I never allowed my thoughts to drift over to John. It has always been Brandon for me. All the way through high school and even in Ireland every boyfriend I had I compared to Brandon. Last night was the first time in so many years where Brandon did not take over my mind, well up to the point where John kissed me. I don't know if it was because of the wine but it was quite refreshing for once.

Thinking back to how John treated me, in and out of bed, I couldn't help but let a smile form on my lips. The man knew what he was doing. Allowing the flash backs of him carrying me down the hall bumping into doors and walls.

Us falling through the front door like some lust crazed teens, me practically ripping his shirt off his body and then my eyes feasting on that body. Just thinking about it had me all hot and bothered again.

I could still hear the voices now but it was a bit calmer, then I hear the front door opening and closing followed by silence. Lying very still I strain my ears to see if I can hear anything else.

Finally I picked up movement which sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. Crabbing the sheet I fold it around me the way you always see the women does after a night of passion and I head for the kitchen.

"I hope you made coffee" I start to say, but my voice trails off when I see who is standing in my kitchen.

"Yeah I did" he starts to say but stops when he takes in what I looked like.

I must have looked a mess, my hair all over the place, flushed cheeks and a bed sheet wrapped around me. Brandon just about started to drool.

"What are you doing in my apartment? Where is John?" I ask after the shock of finding him in my kitchen had worn off

A guilty look passes over his face and he quickly turns around.

"He had to go. Found him out in the hall when I came to check and see if your apartment wasn't robbed last night."

"Why would my apartment have been robbed?" was all I could think of saying

"You had left your keys in the door when you and John came back last night." He says a little annoyed

"How do you know that?"

"After you tried to break into my apartment, I assume thinking it was yours, I came and checked who was at my door to see just in time the two of you disappearing into yours. Then I noticed the door with the keys hanging in it so I waited for you to move out the hallway and I left the keys on the inside of the door and closed it."

With that I blush a little, so I did see him as we stared moving into the apartment.

"Hence the reason I came to check if you were robbed. Only to find John doing the walk of shame." He says "So the two of you then. Did not see that coming. At least you waited for us to break up before going for my best friend."

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