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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday I was so busy but we hit 200 reads so thank you all so much I'm honestly so blessed and thankful for you guys AND the nerd at the bad boy hit 75,000 reads it's so unbelievable I love you all so much❤️🙌

Louis looked outside, knowing that the storm is way too strong for him to even attempt walking home. Louis blushed, nodding softly at Harry's prompt.

"Let me get you something more comfortable, and again, words, Louis," Harry says, walking towards his room.

He returns with some folded clothes in his hands, giving them to Louis.

"The guest room is straight and the first door to your left, you can go change in there," He says, smiling softly.

Louis walks towards the room, going to the bathroom and changing. He looks into the mirror, pouting slightly because the t-shirt reached mid-thigh and the sweats pooled at his ankles.

He walks out, not missing Harry's stifled laugh as he notices that his clothes practically engulfed the smaller boy.

"Um-would you like anything specific for dinner or is chicken Alfredo fine?" Harry asks.

"Anything is fine," Louis shrugs, not wanting to be a burden on Harry, already staying at his boss' house is awkward enough.

Barbara appeared with the pasta, placing it down in front of them, the pair graciously thanking her.

Harry clears his throat, breaking the silence.

"Um- despite you being my assistant, I don't really know much about you," Harry says, eyebrows knit.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Louis asks, shuffling in his seat.

"D'you have any hobbies?" Harry asks, seeming genuinely curious, surprising Louis due to his sudden interest.

"I play some piano in my spare time, I'm pretty moderate at singing and I quite enjoy drama," Louis says, biting his lip softly.

"Oh, that's nice, I quite enjoy singing too, along with golf and tennis,"

Louis simply nods in response.

Barbara comes and collects their plates, Louis not being used to the service.

"Um- well I've got some work to do so if you need me, I'll be in my office but you can go ahead to the guest room," Harry says, standing up.

"Okay, g'night," Louis says, heading towards the room. He enters, laying down on the bed, closing his eyes because wearing Harry's clothes was so overwhelming, he felt like he was doing something wrong. Like he was not supposed to be here; like he wasn't worth Harry.

He then tries to fall asleep, twisting and turning until he decided to just stay awake until the sleep deprivation forced his eyes shut. Louis always had trouble sleeping in a new bed, although the comforter being extremely soft, Louis just could not sleep, no matter how hard he tried.

After having a long argument with himself, Louis decided to go see if Harry was still awake. He knew that it would be awkward but, if the man was awake, Louis could maybe talk to the older of the two until he was more tired.

Slowly walking out of the room, Louis walked around the house, looking towards each room until he saw one which had the light on.

Hesitantly, Louis knocked on the door, Harry's voice is heard from the other side "Come in."

He slowly opens the door, peeking his head in.

"Oh, Louis are you okay?" Harry asks, putting down his pen.

"Yeah, it's just that- I can't really sleep and I was-well I was wondering if, if you were done with your work, could I just stay with you, for a while until I was more tired?" Louis asks, biting his lip.

"Oh, sure. I'm just finishing up, you can stay here for a while and then we can head to my room and talk for a while until you feel better," Harry says.

"Thank you, Harry," He says, sitting down on the seat, waiting until Harry was done with his work.

After around 10 minutes, Harry put his things away, standing up.

"Sorry about that," He says, seeing Louis' bored expression.

"Oh, no it's fine, in fact, I'm sorry for bothering you," Louis says, apologetically.

"No, no, it's fine, really, I occasionally have trouble sleeping as well," Harry says, shaking his head softly.

"Would you like to come to my room, we can watch a movie?" Harry suggests.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Louis says, smiling because he wouldn't have expected, the one and only, Harry Styles to be this nice and caring. He had always thought that someone as famous as Harry would be cold-hearted and arrogant but Harry was actually the opposite.

As they walk towards Harry's room, Louis' blush didn't cease and he kept his eyes rested the floor.

Harry opened the door, allowing Louis in first. They sat on the bed, Harry browsing through Netflix until they decided to watch Notting Hill, Louis finding it oddly similar to their lives, except for the fact that he was certain a 'happily ever after,' would not accompany them.

They both awkwardly sat on the bed, Louis not knowing how comfortable he could be when he was on his boss' bed.

After ten awfully tension-filled minutes, they both shift, resting on the board of Harry's bed, engaging in the movie as the storyline developed.

Around a quarter through the movie, Louis' eyes were drooping, blinking rapidly, trying to stay awake.

He considered closing his eyes for two minutes wouldn't do much harm, so rested his head back, closing his eyes softly.

Without realizing it, Louis was asleep, he had rested down on the pillow, head tilting to the left, soft snores leaving his mouth.

Harry looked over, smiling at the scene. He leaned further ahead, seeing that Louis was asleep.

Not wanting to disturb the younger boy, Harry turned off the movie, standing up.

Glancing at Louis one last time, Harry headed towards the guest room.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's leading up to some more action because right now these are mostly fillers but don't worry, soon enough things will happen (if you know what I mean) 😏 my writer's block was terrible so I'm sorry if it's not very long or very good but I'll try to update tomorrow.

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