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A/N: thank you for all the supportive comments on the last chapter! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Louis wakes up beside Harry again and decides that asleep Harry is a sight that he wants to wake up to every day.

He inspects Harry's face, in a totally non-creepy way, and notices everything about his boyfriend. He notices that his lips are slightly parted, exhaling small puffs of air. He notices that there is a small mole next to Harry's chin and how chiseled his jaw really is.

And then his eyes open. "Stop looking at me, it's weird." He mutters, turning over with a groan. Louis softly slaps Harry's arm, "it's not weird, it means that I love you." He says, pouring his lips.

"Yeah sure," Harry says sarcastically, causing Louis to scoff, walking to the bathroom and mumbling something about not being appreciated enough in this household.

Harry just rolls his eyes fondly, standing up and following Louis to the bathroom, making sure to remind the boy how much he really loves him.


Harry presses a kiss to Louis' forehead as he drops him off at his office. "I'll see you at home?" He says, knowing that they would be unable to meet for lunch due to his consecutive meetings.

"Yup," Louis says, sending Harry a final smile before walking into the building. As he does every day, he drives over to his building, parking in his regular spot and heads up to his office.

Once lunch time had approached, Louis decided to meet up with Niall at one of their favorite pizza places as Harry was busy throughout the afternoon.

He gets into Gustav's car, which Harry so considerately sent, and tells him the directions to the mall in which the restaurant is situated.

"Thank you, Gustav," Louis says, unbuckling his seatbelt as he opens the door.

"No problem sir, just call me when you need to be picked up." He says before Louis agrees and walks towards the fast food joint.

"Hey, Ni," Louis says, hugging his best friend tightly. "Hey, all good?" Niall asks as they sit down in a booth.


"Okay, yeah, I'll see you soon". Louis says, standing up and hugging Niall once more before he walks out of the restaurant and hears towards the parking lot.

Suddenly a group of girls rushes up to him, causing him to take a step back, startled by the crowd.

"Oh my god, you're Louis, Harry's boyfriend!" One of them exclaims, causing Louis to take a few more steps back, not used to the publicity.

"Honestly, I don't understand why he would even date you." One of the comments, a bunch of the girls humming in agreement.

"Yeah, like he's so hot! Why would he settle for you?" Another one says.

Louis tries to walk away but they follow him, bringing their unappreciative words along with them.

"Please, just leave me alone," Louis says, trying to walk away.

"Oh my god, you're such a baby, I bet Harry's just using you for your body!" A blonde girl shouts, taking out her phone and starting to record the scene.

Louis tries to not let the cruel words get to him, but he believes them to an extent. Harry was so famous, and Louis was a random guy who was lucky enough to get a job in his office.

Louis clenches his eyes shut, trying not to break in front of these girls. "Yeah, I totally agree, like, Harry could do so much better than some lame boy."

Louis decides to forget Gustav, and walks towards the nearest bathroom, desperately trying not to cry.

They all crowd him, trapping him, throwing insults from all around. And Louis gets reminded of his childhood, always being crowded and bullied for being a little more feminine than the other boys.

He closes his eyes, trying to focus on his breathing as he feels his throat block up.

By now, his body is violently shaking, memories of his childhood flooding his mind.

Louis hadn't had a panic attack in over three years, but he could sense one coming right now.

"Just stop!" Louis shouts on the top of his lungs, all the girls backing up and the entire mall turning to look his way.

Seeing his terribly red face, and shaking figure, they all leave, murmuring about how much of a freak he was.

Louis runs into the bathroom, locking himself in a stall, sliding down to the floor, sobs leaving his mouth.

He can't even breath anymore, his breathing jagged and vision blurred.

So Louis does the only thing he could think of, he calls Harry.


"So I believe that proceeding with the investment would be our safest route as of n-"

Harry's phone goes off in the pocket of his blazer, "excuse me." He says, picking up his phone and seeing Louis' contact name.

"Lou, can I call you back, I'm in a mee-" "Louis?" Harry asks, hearing Louis' sobs on the other line.

He disconnects the phone, and puts it back in his pocket, standing up. "I'm sorry, but I've got to leave, so we'll have to continue this conversation later."

He rushes out to his car, sitting in the front seat and heading to the mall where Gustav had last dropped Louis.

He walks into the pizza joint, asking the lady where the nearest bathroom was.

As she gives him the directions, Harry nearly runs to the bathroom, Louis' panicked breaths playing on repeat in his mind.

He opens the door, instantly hearing heavy breathing and hiccups coming from the second stall.

"Louis, can you open the door for me?" Harry asks, softly knocking on the bathroom stall.

Harry hears some sniffles, before the bathroom stall is opened, revealing his boyfriend standing there, hair messy, tear streaks on his face and red, swollen eyes.

And he doesn't say anything, he just steps forward and wraps his arms around him.

A/N: aww, my poor baby. This was an exaggeration and I pray that Louis doesn't ever get treated like this irl. Also, I am now incredibly in love with back to you, and I'm so happy that Louis is finally getting the appreciation he deserves. If you liked this chapter, be sure to leave a vote and don't forget to comment! Thank you!

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