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A/N: sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm writing it in an airplane and I usually get really airsick. But still, I hope you enjoy. And oh my god 'I have questions' by camila cabello is such an amazing song idk why I didn't listen to it when it first came out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️

Harry's hands trailed down Louis' naked chest, stopping at his navel. "You're so beautiful, Lou. The prettiest." Harry whispers into his ear, before peppering kisses down his neck.

"I don't deserve you," Harry says, eyes scanning his boyfriend's gorgeous body, fingertips softer than the clouds.

"Harry." Louis lets out, breath hitching at the intimacy of this moment. "I love you," Louis says, as he shamefully moves his neck to give Harry more access, allowing him to place a rough love bite, staining his skin with a mark of himself.

"There," Harry whispers, pressing the softest kiss to the love bite once he was done, admiring his work. "Now everyone will know that only I have the privilege to see you like this, shivering with my touch and begging for my kiss," Harry says, voice raspier than ever.

Louis looked into Harry's eyes, pupils dilated and filled with lust.

"Yours." Louis moaned out, loving Harry's hands resting on his body, the touch burning his skin in the most soothing way possible.

Harry trailed his hands downwards, resting his fingers on the waistband of Louis' briefs. "Please," Louis said, biting his lip in anticipation as Harry slowly dipped his hands past the band.

Louis sprung awake, body covered in sweat and mind filled with desires. He turns to his side to see Harry sounds asleep, one hand under the pillow and the other resting where Louis once laid.

Groaning, Louis stood up, to get rid of his 'little' problem.


"Morning, Lou." Harry rasped out, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to Louis' temple, before standing up and heading to the bathroom, more relaxed than usual due to today being a relaxed weekend.

"Morning." Louis greets, trying not to flush as he sees Harry and remembers the reason he woke up earlier.

"You okay?" Harry asks, walking out without his shirt on, seeming concerned due to Louis' quiet and sheepish behavior.

"Yeah, I-um-just a bit sick," Louis says, faking a cough.

"Oh, do you need to go to the doctor," Harry asks, as Louis simply shakes his head and explains that it's just a small cough and would blow over in a day or so.

Louis finds his eyes stuck to Harry's torso, mind wandering off to the inappropriate depths that were opened last night.

"Lou, are you sure you're okay?" Harry asks, noticing that Louis seemed very distant as they spoke.

"Huh? Yeah." Louis says, forcing himself to avert his eyes to the floor, flushing due to his apparent attraction towards Harry.

"Are you blushing?" Harry asks, finally catching on to the reason for Louis' distracted demeanor.

"N-no. I'm just sick." Louis says, feeling more heat rise up his neck.

"Really?" Harry asks in a teasing manner, walking towards Louis until the smaller boy's back was pressed against the fridge.

Louis just fake coughs in response, weakly looking up to meet Harry's green eyes.

"Sick, you say. Is that all?" Harry asks, leaning forward until his lips were barely brushing Louis'.

Louis can't find himself capable enough to answer, so he stays quiet, gulping at their proximity.

Although Louis and Harry had been dating for a while, they hadn't been very intimate due to Harry's injury and restrictions.

"Cause I don't think a sickness could make your cheeks that red," Harry says, voice playful.

"I think, that you, are blushing," Harry notes, resting his hands on Louis' lower back, slowly inching lower, until they were rested underneath his thighs as Harry swiftly lifted him up and pressed his back to the fridge, a startled squeal escaping his boyfriend's agape lips.

Harry, ever so slowly, pressed his lips to Louis', savoring the everlasting pleasure.

Louis responded by moving his own lips against Harry's plump ones. Harry adjusts his grip on Louis' thighs as he slowly led them up the stairs and to his room, lips constantly attached.

"Harry." Louis breathes out, hands entangling themselves in Harry's curls as he rests them both on his bed.

So yeah, maybe some dreams can be turned into a reality.

A/N: lol don't kill me for not giving you the details. If you liked the chapter please leave a vote and don't forget to comment!

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