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A/N: last chapter before the epilogue 🙃


"Good morning," Harry said, yawning and cracking his back as they both had fallen asleep on the couch.

Louis laughs, "G'morning." He responds before rubbing his eyes and standing up.

"Sleep well?" Harry asks, walking towards the bathroom. Louis hums in response, following him to go freshen up.

"Yeah, I'm going to meet Perrie in twenty minutes at the cafe down the block." He says, running his hand through his now messed up hair.

"Ah okay, just leave me here, all alone, to die," Harry says dramatically, clearly joking by the smirk on his face.

"Hush, I'll be gone for two hours at most," Louis says, softly smacking Harry on the chest. Harry groans, "that's two hours too long," pouting.

"Do some work, old man." Louis teases, to which Harry's jaw drops. "Hey! Who do you think you're calling old? 'M only 27." He says, an offended expression on his face.

"I know! Soon enough you'll be asking me to help you up." Louis says, giggling straight after, not being able to keep the serious facade up for long.

"Yeah?" Harry asks, pushing Louis onto the couch. "Mhm, you'll be groaning about your back pain," Louis says, Harry, pinning his wrists down.

"Doubt I'll be the one with the back pain." Harry comments, hands trailing down to Louis' ass. Louis gasps at this, "Harry! Don't be so dirty!" Louis says, wrapping his hands around the older's neck.

"But it's true, innit?" He asks, dipping his head down to press a kiss to Louis' exposed collarbone. And as always, they just had to be interrupted, this time by Louis' phone ringing from the side table.

Harry shakes his head, "Fucking cock block." He mutters, getting up off Louis and sitting straight. Louis laughs at this, answering the call and telling Perrie that he was just leaving now.

"I'll be back soon, get some actual work done," Louis says, taking his shirt off the couch and putting it on, his vans soon following.

Harry nods his head, grabbing his laptop from the table as Louis walks out, taking out his phone to text Perrie that he'd be at the cafe in two minutes.


"Li, I'm still so nervous." Right now, Liam and Zayn were over at Harry's house, as Harry needed some major advice.

"Why?" Liam asks, seeing Harry's scared expression. "I just, don't you think it's a bit early, I mean, maybe it is bec-"

Zayn cuts him off, "Harry, you and Louis have been through so much together, really. I can't think of a better husband for you."

"I 100% agree," Liam adds, nodding. "Don't worry, he loves you so much."

"I-I was planning to take him to a picnic today evening and do it there, I have a plan, but I don't really know if I should go through with it."

"Go on, tell us," Zayn says, taking off his shoes and sitting cross-legged.

"Okay so.."


The door unlocks as Louis walks back into the house, seeing Harry sitting on the couch, on a phone call.

"Yes, that is right. No, I sent the mail to Mr. Lee last Wednesday, we said that we'd like the order placed by the 25th max." Louis kicks off his shoes at the door and walks towards Harry, planting himself onto his lap.

"Yes, I spoke to him about it and how the prices may differ," Harry says, rubbing his thumb on Louis' hipbone.

"Sorry, Martin, you'll have to call me back later. Or, yes, go ahead and talk to Mr. Lee straight away, okay, thank you." Harry ends the call, throwing his phone to the side.

"Hope I didn't disturb you," Louis says, eyes wide, to which Harry shakes his head, muttering that it wasn't too important anyway.

"I've actually got plans for dinner, though," Harry says, his hands slipping under the thin fabric of Louis' t-shirt.

"You taking me out? Wanna cherish your last few years before you're too old?" Louis asks, smiling. "Please, I've got plenty of years, but yes, I was planning on us going somewhere."


They were soon in the car, heading towards a place that Harry refused to expose as it was a 'surprise' of some sort.

"Why can't you just tell me?" Louis asks, looking out the window, finding the path familiar but unable to pinpoint exactly where he'd seen it before.

"It wouldn't be a surprise then, would it?"

After an around hour long ride, they soon arrive at a place that Louis finds way too familiar. They walk the short passageway and soon enough, Louis realizes that this was the place where he and Harry had come on their first date.

"Oh, you cheesy shit," Louis says, seeing Harry's smug look. Louis finds this situation all the more cheesy as Harry serves him the same food and drinks, in a manner to reenact their first date.

"Harry, it's freezing out here!" Louis exclaims, confused as to why Harry would bring him out here mid-January, where it was awfully close to snowing.

"I know, here," Harry says, handing Louis a blanket in which he wrapped himself up. He next grabbed a thermal mug with hot chocolate and handed this to Louis.

Soon enough, the blanket was draped over the two of them as Louis' head was rested in Harry's lap as laughs echoed the environment.

"Look up," Harry whispers into Louis' ear as the two see that it was now snowing, quite lightly. As Louis looked up, smiling, Harry couldn't help but keep his eyes fixed on his boyfriend, eyes glassy, cheeks flushed and lips cherry.

"You're so beautiful," Harry says, raising his hand to cup Louis' face. "You say this every time," Louis says, smiling.

"You can't expect me to lie, can you?" Harry says, the moonlight hitting Louis' face almost angelically.

Harry's heart was beating erotically fast as his plan was being set into place. "Look at that tree," Harry says, taking Louis' hand into his own and heading towards the tree. Into the trunk was engraved, 'H+L' in the shape of a heart.

"Harry-" Louis starts, turning around, words getting caught in his throat as he sees Harry there, down on one knee.

Louis gasps, hands coming up to cover his mouth. "Louis, babe, I am so incredibly in love with you, I think maybe a bit too in love. I wonder, what I have done to deserve someone for understanding, caring and fucking gorgeous as you. And I just can't wait until I get the honor to introduce you as mine, officially. So, will you make me lucky enough to call you my husband?"

By now, there were tears in Louis' eyes and he was so speechless that all he could do was nod, as Harry shakily placed the platinum ring onto his finger before Louis jumped into his arms, all tears and happiness.

By now, there were tears in Louis' eyes and he was so speechless that all he could do was nod, as Harry shakily placed the platinum ring onto his finger before Louis jumped into his arms, all tears and happiness

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"I can't wait to marry you."

A/N: aww, I love this chapter! And I'm so scared because this book is coming to an end and I really don't know how to feel about that. I'll try to have the next chapter up as soon as possible because I know my updates have been all over the place. Until then, please be sure to vote and comment! ❤️

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