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A/N: firstly, I'm so sorry that I've taken longer than usual to update, everything has been so hectic for me because I have an event coming up and organizing that has been a pain in the ass but I do have a short story time, I was at a friends house yesterday and we were playing scrabble so her dad walks in and decides to watch us so I see that I can make the word 'gay' so I decide to and after that he just looks at me, and completely monotonous, says "that's not a word." What an absolute dickhead. Do layer that night when I was leaving, he gave me the most disgusted look I've ever seen so that happened... anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it is pretty action packed so I did.


Zayn gasps, "Louis' there." He whispers, pointing to the laptop screen where they had entered the coordinates.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, come on!" Niall announces, grabbing Zayn and Liam's hands and dragging them outside to where Harry was sitting in his car.

"Got the location?" Harry asks, tapping his foot anxiously. "Yeah, here," Niall says, connecting his phone to the car Bluetooth.

The lady started directing the way, indicating that the coordinates were over two hours away and Harry figured that he was probably in one of the 'abandoned' warehouses near the end of town.


"Can I get four crunchwrap supereme's with extra guac on two of them and four colas, no ice," Harry says through the window. They were about halfway to the destination and Niall would not stop complaining about his hunger so they decided to stop at the 24-hour Taco Bell to make the blonde shut up.

"That'll be £17.66." Harry handed her the money before driving to the second window and collecting the food and handing the packet to Niall who was practically jumping with excitement next to him.

"Now I get why Louis loves you. I'd love you too if you gave me free food every day." Niall comments, causing Harry to simply roll his eyes before Niall started to stuff his face.

In the back seat, Zayn was asleep in Liam's lap, while the older of the two was running a hand through his lover's hair and doing something on his phone.

"All set?" Harry asks, making sure that everyone has eaten to avoid any food spilling in his car.


"Great," Harry responds, stepping on the gas pedal and heading back towards the main road and following the google maps to where Louis was located.

"So how'd you guys get together?" Niall asks, to Liam and Zayn, who were now awake in the back seat.

"Well, actually, Liam came to give an inspirational speech in my uni and we bumped into each other as he was leaving and I started to speak to him about my aspirations in business, so he gave me his number to contact him if I ever needed any help with anything." Zayn starts.

"Yeah, and then I actually took a look at his resume and realized how smart he really was so I offered him my assistant job around 6 months after he graduated."

"Mhm, and we didn't really know it but we started to like each other and one day Liam just came to my house and we were watching a movie, which was all way to casual considering he's my boss, but at the end of the night, we ended up sleeping together, not like that, on the couch and in the morning it wasn't even awkward at all. And it just started becoming a regular occurrence."

"And eventually, I gathered the balls to ask him out and here we are," Liam said, raising their intertwined hands.

"Woah," Niall said, a lot of information for his brain to process. "That's cool. For me, I saw Perrie in the mall and I thought she was cute so I asked her out and she said yes." Niall says, his story much simpler.

Zayn laughs, "that's the most complicated love story I've ever heard of." He says, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

"Guys, we're here," Harry said softly, making sure that his car was out of sight from the house. "You guys know the plan right?" Harry asks, to which Zayn shakes his head, realizing that he was asleep when Harry briefed Niall and Liam.

Harry sighs, "Okay, so I go in and try to reason with the man, and I'm sure that won't work so when I say 'Ready,' into the microphone, Liam and Niall will come in with the guns, and tell him to let Louis go, I will instruct Louis to get out, and then you make sure he gets into the car and drive him to Ed's house, and keep him there and come pick me, Liam and Niall up, okay?"

Harry explains their elaborate plan. "Wait, but what if the guy has a group of men with guns and things go wrong," Zayn asks, a fearful look in his eyes. "We'll handle it," Harry says, looking at his watch and deciding to go in.

"Be ready." He says to Liam and Niall before getting out of the car and walking to the house, picking the lock with a safety pin, a trick that Zayn taught him last night.

Harry carefully opens the door and walks in, making sure to be quiet, listening to find which room had captivated Louis.

"You're so stubborn." He hears from the left, moving towards the steel door, cracked the slightest bit open. "Just eat it, it's bread for fuck's sake." he hears another voice.

And then he hears it, Louis' cracked voice, "I said I'm not hungry." Harry pushes the door slightly more open, catching Louis' eyes.


Louis tries to keep his expression neutral as he sees Harry's head peek into the room. He looks straight at his kidnapper, "I don't want to eat anything, get it through your thick skull."

The man tssks, "Now now, Louis, that's no way to talk to your father."

Harry nearly faints.

A/N: woah. what just happened? anyways, i don't want to spoil the next chapter so I just have to say sorry for the late update once more. Also, 'do re mi' by blackbear is such a good song? Any tv show suggestions, all of my usual's are on break so I'm trying to get into some new ones so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, please leave a vote and don't forget to comment if you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️❤️

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