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A/N: There is a slight time jump here so it starts on Monday morning. Also, I just want to throw it out there that you guys are fucking amazing and I adore all of you so much.

Louis arrives at the office five minutes late, getting caught up by Niall and Greg being passed out on the couch and then taking 20 minutes to wake up.

He paced towards the coffee room, grabbed Harry's coffee before nearly running to his office. He opened the door, placing Harry's coffee on his table and standing alongside it.

"Good morning, Louis. I hope your tardiness will not be a regular occurrence," Harry greets, taking a sip of his coffee.

"G'morning Harry. I apologize for that, it won't," He responds, fidgeting with his fingers behind his back.

"I hope so. Firstly, I need you to send Ms. Adelia an email regarding her order as she said that her address has been changed," Harry says, looking at his computer.

"After that, there is a Skype conference with Mr. Adams, I won't be able to make it, but don't fret, I'll email you all the required details," He explains, looking towards Louis.

Louis nods, taking his leave and heading towards his stall.


Louis had finished all of his assigned work and looked at his watch, seeing that it was time for the lunch break. He walked towards Harry's office, giving him another file that Margaret had called urgent.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard his name.

"Oh, Louis, we actually have to meet up with Mr. Payne once more regarding a new deal that we are planning. So we will be accompanying him to Lunch, rather than downstairs," Harry says, standing up, and walking towards the door.

Louis nods, getting into the elevator along with Harry.

They proceed downstairs, getting into Harry's driver's, Gustav, car. After a mere ten minute drive, they appear before 'The northern lights' which Louis knew to be one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

He got out of the car, Harry placing his hand on the small of Louis' back and leads him in. The receptionist somehow already recognizes him and leads them towards Liam's table.

"Afternoon, Harry," Liam greets, standing up to shake both their hands, greeting Louis too afterward.

The waiter arrives and Harry orders his food without looking at the menu like he knows every single dish on the menu, which Louis doesn't doubt.

"And for you?" The waiter's voice cuts Louis out of his trance as he realizes that he was to order something. He looks at the menu, seeing that it was all written in French and he had no idea what anything was.

He sends Harry and nervous glance, as he looks at the pictures, trying to see what anything was. Harry cuts in.

"He'll have the Ragoût de homard."

The waiter nods, taking it down before leaving towards the kitchen.

"So, Liam, in terms of the possible partnership, what are your desired shares and we'll start from there," Harry says, listening to Liam's request.

The food then arrives, along with two bottles of champagne. Harry and Liam have now started shouting, however, the restaurant seems too intimated to ask them to lower their voices or leave, and the look on Zayn's face tells Louis that he shouldn't interfere.

"Liam, you don't understand what I'm saying, the shares--"

"No, Harry, I refuse to do so!" Liam says, voice deepening.

"For god's sake, Liam we have adaptive expectations!" Harry shouts, slamming his hand on the table, Louis slightly flinching.

"Harry, what is wrong with amortization?" Liam asks, standing up, slightly pushing the table.

"Considering that it's you, Liam, everything," Harry says, eyes narrowing.

"Harry, I'm going to pay in install--"

"No. Liam, I want the full payment or no partnership, and that's final," Harry exclaims, grabbing Louis' wrist and leading them outside, ignoring Liam's voice.

They get into the car, Harry instructed Gustav to drive back to the office. Harry's grip on Louis' wrist was getting exceptionally tight, Louis understood Harry's anger but he knew that a bruise was forming.

"Um- Harry, c-can you just," Louis says, placing his hand on top of Harry's, silently asking him to let go.

Harry looks down, seeing the tight grip he had on Louis' wrist. He lets go, a guilty expression on his face.

"Fuck, Louis I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize," Harry apologizes, biting his lip as if he was in pain.

Louis frowns, seeing that Harry was hurting himself. He brushed his hand against Harry's bicep.

"Harry, I'm okay, nothing happened," Louis said, shaking his head softly.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," Harry says, somehow convincing himself as they had arrived back to the office.

"What else is required from me today?" Louis asks as they come to Harry's office.

"Okay, so you can talk to Martin about our next cover and the design of the front page to show the authenticity of our new line," Harry says, running a hand through his hair before walking into his office.


Louis had finished for the day, walking downstairs towards the reception.

"Hope you have a good day, Margaret," He says, walking out, towards the parking lot.

He gets a message from Niall, stating that he was inviting some friends over. Suddenly Louis bumped into a hard surface, a hand gripping his shirt. He gets pulled forward, his face only a few centimeters apart from Harry's.

Louis' breath hitches, eyes wide and lip caught between his teeth. Harry leans in slowly, their noses touching and his breath fanning against Louis' cheek.

"S-sorry," Harry stutters out, taking a step back and letting go of Louis' shirt.

Louis shakes his head, showing that it was no bother and it was equally his doing.

"Have a good day," Harry says, walking towards his car, leaving Louis in the middle of the parking lot, cheeks red and heart racing.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's not very long but I quite like it. And 400 reads bless you guys 🙌 Also be ready for some jealous Harry in the next chapter, and a new character 😉 please vote and comment!! ❤️❤️

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