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Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's lips, whispering for him to calm down.

Anne was okay now, they are keeping her in the hospital for two more days for checks but she has healed well.

Harry was still tense though, he wasn't going to be okay when Victor Sharpe was still out there, potentially hurting other women.

"Hey." Louis whispers, going onto his toes and cupping Harry's face.

"The police are on the case, we can't do anything." He says, resting his own head on Harry's chest.

"I know, I'm just worried," Harry says, running a hand through Louis' slightly tousled hair.

"Me too, Haz. Me too."


"Thank you for this, Harry," Louis says, intertwining his hand with Harry's.

The two were walking in the park, eating ice cream, and just talking, like before.

"Anything for you," Harry whispered, placing a feather light kiss to his boyfriend's temple as they continued to walk, happy with each other by their side.

Just then, as if they weren't allowed to have a moment of happiness, a piercing scream was heard from afar.

They noticed other people were looking around, but none were moving to find the source of the noise.

Harry and Louis headed towards it, wanting to help if anyone was in danger.

And then they saw him, Victor Sharpe, in an alleyway, pinning a woman to the brick wall as he tried to force her blouse off her.

Harry lunged forward, grabbing Victor and forcing her off the lady, as Louis told her to leave.

Louis immediately called the police, them saying that they should try to hold Victor for 10 minutes until they arrived.

Harry was killing Victor. He was on his knees, punching the man everywhere, blood coating his knuckles.

As Louis saw the sick smile on Victor's face, he knew he had to make Harry stop. This was what Victor wanted. He wanted to be killed so he didn't have to go to jail.

Louis cautiously placed his hand on Harry's shoulder, the older of the two calming down slightly, but still have a tight grip on Victor.

"Harry. He wants this, we should leave him to the police, he'll get what he deserves in prison." Louis explains, wanting Victor to spend the rest of his filthy life in a place where he deserved to be.

As Harry and Louis turned back to Victor, the criminal had a gun, holding it tightly with his right index finger resting on the trigger.

Harry immediately stood up, attempting to push Victor against the wall.

"Take one more step and I'll shoot you." Victor threatens, causing Harry and Louis to take a step back, cautious.

Victor's gun wasn't pointed towards Harry, no, it was pointed towards Louis, directed straight between the man's eyes.

"Harry Styles, you took my precious Anne away from me, so I'm going to take what you care about most away from you," Victor says, tightening his grip on the gun.

"Victor, stop. The police will be here any second, if you shoot anyone, you'll get a longer sentence. You won't be able to get away with this." Harry says, although his eyes were fearful, telling Victor otherwise.

"I know, I've got nothing to lose," Victor says, as the sirens were approaching, almost here.

So with one final challenging look towards Harry, Victor pulled the trigger.


A/N: i am so so so sorry for the short chapter!! And the cliffhanger. But yeah..that's all I can say without revealing anything about the next chapter. I'm sorry. But please vote and comment and I'll try to update soon!

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