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Louis walked into his office, a frown on his face because lately Harry was being really distant and barely met Louis' gaze like he was afraid of the younger man.

Sighing, he sits down, logging onto his laptop and smiling at the picture of his family, oh how he missed them.

He looks at emails from Margaret and Harry, proceeding on to do what was required for today.

His mind kept on averting to Harry, thinking about the man in a way that he shouldn't about his boss. He thought about Harry, his gorgeous hair, his breathtaking green eyes, his oddly pink lips, his fucking amazing hands and long fingers that make Louis' cheeks brighten by just thinking about the things Harry could do to him.

A loud knock on the door broke Louis out of his thoughts. He looks up to see Perrie, she walks in and sits down next to Louis.

"Are you sick? You're awfully red." She notes, placing a hand against Louis' forehead, a concerned crease in between her eyebrows.

"I'm fine." He says, urging his blush to die down.

"Okay, anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat lunch together, you've been out with Harry lately." She says, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Sorry about that, and sure, just let me finish this email." He responds, typing up some final words before standing up and heading downstairs with Perrie.

"I never got to ask about your love life," Louis notes as they sit down with some other employees.

"I'm single and ready to mingle." She says, before visibly cringing at herself.

"What about you?" She asks.

"Same, pretty depressing if I'm honest." He says, but smiling in a way to say that he really doesn't mind being single.

"I heard that you and Harry are fuck buddies." She says, Louis choking on his water, coughing and spluttering.

Once recovering, he shakes his head, looking at an amused Perrie.

"Jesus, no. No, no. Isn't that, like, forbidden or something?" He asks.

"Yeah, but I know two girls in the office who are engaged." She says, shrugging.

"Well, Harry definitely is very attractive and nice but I can assure you that there's nothing going on between us." He says, Perrie slowly nodding as to say that she didn't really believe him but would let it go.

Louis headed to Harry's office, his boss needing him to discuss an upcoming meeting.

"We've got a meeting with Mr. Baxter, later today, so I need you to prepare the files for our upcoming eco collection." He says, gaze fixed on the computer in front of him.

"Harry?" Louis asks, seeing Harry's tense shoulders. Harry hums, still not looking up at Louis.

"Are you okay?" He asks, sitting opposite Harry, seeing his body language become further closed off.

"Just peachy," Harry says, trying to smile but it comes off as a grimace.

"Harry?" He repeats, the older sighing and finally looking up, but not meeting Louis' eyes for more than a mere second.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh, y-yeah, just some business issue but it's nothing serious, I'm fine." He says, eyes meeting Louis'.

Louis notices that Harry's eyes were clouded over, guarded, he was hiding something, Louis was sure of it.

Just then, they hear shouting from outside, both of them leaving to see what happened.

There, in front of the entire office, was Ludvig Larson, grabbing an employee by the collar and shouting into his face.

Harry recognized the boy as Lucas Gray, a new intern, who's eyes were screwed shut, fist clenched.

"Mr. Larsson, what's going on!" Harry exclaims, walking towards the scene.

"He leaked our files for our 2018 plans," Ludvig shouted, infuriating.

"Payne enterprises now have it up on their website and Lucas was the last one with the file," Ludvig says, shoving the boy further into the wall.

Lucas looks towards Harry, panicked eyes, tears pooling.

"M-Mr. Styles! I didn't do it, I-I-I." The boy struggles, a choked sob coming out of his parted lips.

"Mr. Larson, if you don't mind, could I please talk to Lucas in my office?" Harry asks. Ludvig rolls his eyes, releasing his grip on Lucas' shirt and shoving him towards Harry, walking away.

"Lucas, my office. Now." Harry orders, anger evident in his voice.

"Louis you too," Harry adds, walking towards his office.

"Do you realize what you have done? Giving those files to Liam has really screwed us over, Lucas, you better give me a good explanation." Harry demands.

"Mr. Styles, yesterday during lunch, I was up here, just finishing up something when Mr. Payne's assistant, Zayn walked in and started to t-threaten me. He had a picture of my sisters and said that Mr. Payne has some very dangerous connections. I knew what he was implying and m-my sisters have done so much for me, I can't let them go. I'm so sorry sir." Lucas whispers, sobbing as he gets onto his knees to ask for Harry's forgiveness.

"No, no, no, Lucas stop," Harry says, leaning down and helping Luke up.

"Now I don't know if you're saying the truth or not, but I do know how it feels to have a loved one in danger and be willing to do anything for them. Lucas, I know Mr. Larson will not let you keep this job, but I can talk to some people and get you a new job because I know this isn't your fault." Harry says, his understanding persona clearly startling Lucas.

Suddenly, Louis' phone rings, he excused himself, stepping outside to see his mum's contact flash across the screen. Smiling, Louis accepts the call and places his phone against his ear, but all of that is gone when he hears what his mum says.

"You need to come back to Doncaster."

A/N: shit. he might go back to Doncaster. Comment how you think Harry will react and please vote and comment!! ❤️❤️

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