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A/N: thank you for all the birthday wishes! I feel so loved 🤗 also, thank you for 30k, I really appreciate it, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️❤️


Harry was probably in the best stage of his life right now. He was so incredibly in love with Louis and his company was rising up the charts like crazy, it was probably the most successful it has ever been.

He walked down the stairs with a smile on his face, seeing Louis sitting there, sipping his tea.

"Morning." He greets, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead before going to turn on the water heater. "Good morning," Louis says, smiling before going back to reading his book.

Harry sits down, pouring the hot water into his mug with the tea bag. He picks up today's newspaper and starts to scan over the titles, placing his hand on Louis' thigh as they both continue their regular morning activities.

Suddenly, Harry's phone rings, vibrating on the table. He picks it up, eyebrows furrowing as he sees no number on the screen. Not thinking much of it, he answers the call, pressing his phone to his ear. All he hears is a few cracks before a loud, cold laugh is heard through the speaker.

He rolls his eyes at this, disconnecting the call and going back to reading the news, thinking that it was just some kids prank calling him.

If only it was.


Louis walks down, drying his hair when he sees him. He gasps, running forward to the black dog situated in the middle of his house, barking as he feels Louis' presence.

 He gasps, running forward to the black dog situated in the middle of his house, barking as he feels Louis' presence

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"Surprise!" Harry shouts, coming out from behind a corner, hands held out with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Oh my god!" Louis whispers. "Is he ours?" He says, feeling as if this was just a dream. "Yup, ours to keep," Harry confirms, walking forth to cuddle the dog.

"He's so adorable," Louis says, hugging the dog and peppering kisses over his hair.

"What's his name?" Louis asks, seeing no collar around the dog's neck.

"The shelter said his name is buddy, but we can change it if we want," Harry says, handing Louis the adoption papers.

"Buddy seems just perfect for him," Louis says, filled with so much happiness and Harry knew that this was probably the cutest sight he'd ever experience.


As Harry and Louis were watching tv, but not really watching and just making out, they parted the ring of their doorbell is heard throughout the house.

Harry groans, "just a sec." he whispers picking Louis up off his lap and placing him onto the couch, walking to the door, slightly annoyed that whoever was on the other end of the door had interrupted himself and Louis.

He opens the door, clearly not expecting it to be Liam..... along with Zayn.

Harry stands there, frozen for a good 2 minutes until Louis walks to the door, curious as to what was taking Harry so long.

"Liam, Zayn! Come in." Louis says, finally breaking Harry out of his trance.

Liam and Zayn both walk into the living room, where blankets were scattered over the couches, popcorn was all over the table and a random movie was playing.

"Oh, let me clean this up." Louis says, flushing and rushing to pile up the blankets on the side table, cleaning up the popcorn and changing the channel to a channel playing 'the proposal.'

Liam and Zayn take a seat onto the couch, as Louis sits down opposite them and drags Harry onto the couch.

"It's nice to see you again," Louis says, smiling at the two courteously. "You too, Louis, Harry," Zayn says, softly nudging Liam, who then smiled and repeated after Zayn.

"Liam, here-" Zayn motions to Liam, and seeing the man's uncomfortable expression, intertwine their hands. "Would like to apologize for his rude behavior the last time he was here."

Hearing this, Harry's head snaps up, looking at Liam expectantly, "Go ahead." He says, smug.

"I-" Liam sighs, looking at Zayn, who simply urges him to go on. "I'm sorry for mistreating you like that, Louis. And I'm sorry for my rude statements, Harry." Liam says, clearly struggling to apologize.

"It's completely okay, Liam, we could tell that you were in a bad place and it was completely unintentional," Louis says, giving Harry a stern glare as he opens his mouth to probably counteract his statement.

"Harry, do you have anything to say," Louis asks, raising his eyebrows. Seeing this, Harry sighs. "Yes...Liam, I'm sorry for being violent previously." Harry says, acting like a little child.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have touched Louis like that," Liam says, acknowledging his mistake.

"Great!" Louis shouts, clapping his hands together, everyone looking at him due to the sound. "Now that that's sorted, how about some dinner?" Louis asks, considering take out as Barbara had the week off to visit her family.


Soon enough the four men were laughing and couldn't even grasp onto the fact that they were enemies a mere hour ago.

"Would anyone like a drink, to celebrate this new friendship?" Harry asks, standing up and walking over to his home bar.

He reached down and grabs his bottle of champagne only used for special occasions, the Moet & Chandon Dom Perignon Charles & Diana 1961.

He places four glasses on the table before pouring the bubbly drink, taking a seat next to Louis once done.

The rest of the night had flown by, the four becoming best friends in the snap of a finger. They hadn't realized how much in common they had until they had finally sat down and had a real conversation.

Louis and Zayn, in particular, had become close friends, giggling to each other the entire night, talking about things from how Zayn and Liam came to be, to their families.

"You and Liam are the second cutest couple I know!" Louis says, giggling some more due to his slightly drunken state.

"Second!" Zayn says in a complaining manner, but amusement was present in his eyes.

"Well, obviously! Harry and I are the first." Louis says, crawling over to where Harry was on the couch and kissing his plump lips.

"Liam, aren't we cuter than them?" Zayn asks, crossing his arms and pouting.

Liam just laughs at this and kisses Zayn's cheek, incredibly grateful to have his boyfriend back in his arms.

The night had soon come to an end when Louis had decided to fall asleep in Harry's lap. It was around 2 am now so Harry had offered Liam and Zayn to stay in the guest room, once giving them a stern warning that no sex would be permitted, resulting in a smug Liam and a flushed Zayn.

So yeah, life was pretty good.

A/N: I loved this chapter so much! I think it's one of my favorites so far just because it's so positive. Let me know what you guys think and please leave a vote! ❤️❤️

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