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A/N: ughh, I know I said no more fillers but this is the last one, I promise. And thank you for all the amazing comments last chapter!!

"You fucking kissed," Niall asked, mouth dropping.

"Mate, where can I find a Harry?" he asks, jokingly.

Louis laughs, rolling his eyes. "Shut up," he responds, playfully slapping Niall's shoulder.

"No, seriously, Lou, I'm so happy for you. You deserve Harry just as much as he deserves you. That's probably why you met, y'know, some soulmate shit." Niall says, emitting more laughter out of his best friend.

But Louis couldn't help but wonder if he and Harry truly are soulmates.


"Hey," Harry says, pulling Louis in for a hug, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. They were currently in Starbucks, both itching to meet each other once again.

They first discuss how each of their weeks had been, smiles never leaving the other's face.

"Louis, I know we've only been on one date and all, but I really want this to work out," Harry says, motioning to the two of them.

"I just have to say that, in the past, people have used me for my wealth, for the publicity, for the position. And I've constantly been called a workaholic and I want to let you know that, I care about you, so much, and I-I guess what I'm trying to say is I want us to have a relationship where we talk to each other because I would never intentionally hurt you, and I've hurt people before, and I would hate myself if I ever--" Harry cuts himself off, clenching his eyes, and looking up, pursing his lips.

"Harry," Louis whispers, placing his hand on top of the older's.

"I haven't known you for too long, but if there's one thing that I can already tell you, it's that you're an incredibly humble, caring person. And I know that you would do anything for those you care about, and I will never doubt so. I knew, going into this, that I may have some freedom stripped off me, but I'd like to think that being with someone as amazing as you, is worth it." Louis finishes, leaving a watery smile on Harry's face.


"Lou, Mr. Larsson would like me to hire an assistant as soon as possible. I know I said you should take a week, but he's constantly been on my back about it." Harry says.

"Oh-I, I mean, it's a great offer and all, but I could never forgive myself if Mr. Larsson found out about us and put your job on the line," Louis responds.

Harry nods, "Yeah, but from what I know, Cynthia and co. have a job opening, and their building is right opposite mine, so you could try for that. I mean, you don't have to, it's just a suggestion." Harry recommends.

Louis agrees to try for the job, with his job experience, he believes that he has a pretty solid opportunity.

"What are you doing after this?" Harry asks as they finish up their drinks. "Niall said there's a house party he's heading to and wants me to go to, but I'm not really up for it," Louis responds, an askew smile planted on his lips.

"We can head to mine?" Harry offers, standing up.


"Harry, fuck, Harry, oh my god!" Louis manages in between giggles.

Harry had figured out Louis' weakness, tickles, and was giving no mercy

"Harry!" he squeals, kicking his feet around, now wheezing. Harry laughs, before stopping, pressing a kiss to Louis' bare shoulder as an apology.

"I don't think I like you very much, Mr. Styles." Louis playfully says, crossing his arms over his body and pouting.

"Oh really, and why would that be?" Harry asks, stifling a laugh.

"You're mean!" Louis says, trying his hardest not to crack a smile.

"Aw, Louis," Harry says, leaning in and picking Louis up, bridal style.

"Harry put me down," Louis demands, burying his face into Harry's chest.

Harry moves Louis to above the couch, and let's go of the smaller man, a yelp leaving his lips.

Harry lays down next to him, now running his hand through Louis' hair, in a moment of comfortable silence.

"I like this." Louis murmurs, eyes lidded as he glances up at Harry.

Harry stands up, but Louis clings onto his shirt, a pleading look in his eyes. "Don't leave." He whispers.

"I'm not, love. I'm just getting a blanket." Harry says, eyes shining with affection.

As assured, Harry comes back, draping a blanket over himself and Louis. Louis turns around, pressing his nose to Harry's chest, curling up into the warmth.

Harry presses a final kiss to Louis' hair, whispering "Goodnight."

And just like that, Louis falls asleep to Harry's heartbeat.

A/N: FLUFF!! I know this chapter is pretty short, but I mean, two updates in a day, *pats self on the back*. But yeah, I think the ending was pretty cute. Comment if you want your own Harry. And please leave a vote!!

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