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A/N: some scenes are inspired by the movie 'the dressmaker.' Also, this is set on a Saturday.

Louis yawned, rubbing his eyes softly before sitting up. He looks around, noticing that this room was much bigger than the one he was in yesterday.

And then it hit him.

He fell asleep on Harry's bed. Louis scrambled up and gracefully fell off the bed.

He immediately stood up, balancing himself. With his eyes clenched shut, he walked outside seeing Harry on the dining table, reading something on his laptop.

Louis awkwardly walks up to the table, softly clearing his throat. Harry averts his attention to him.

"Oh, Louis, good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, uh, I'm sorry that I fell asleep in your room, I didn't even realize it, I didn't mean for it, I was just closing my eyes for a mo--"

"Louis, stop rambling, it's fine, I went to the guest room, I really didn't mind," Harry says, shaking his head with a welcoming smile.

"Barbara is making waffles, is that okay?" Harry asks, looking up from his laptop.

"That's great," Louis says, sitting down next to Harry, adjusting the loose pants around his waist.

"I got a call earlier, there is this event soon that I must attend, and you've to accompany me," Harry says, eyes locking with Louis'.

"Do you have any formal wear?" Harry asks, yawning slightly.

"I have, like, a plain black shirt and a blazer," Louis says, in a rather questioning tone. Harry stifles a laugh.

"Louis, for an event like this, we tend to get suits privately sewn. I'm actually going to my tailor today, you can come along," Harry offers.

Louis bites his lip.

"Mr. Styles, I'm pretty sure that I can't afford the same clothes as you," He says, pursing his lips together.

"Oh, seriously Louis, I will be paying, and please call me Harry out of work hours," Harry says as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Si-Harry, you can not expect me to let you buy me a, I don't even know how expensive, suit," Louis says, shaking his head.

"Louis, it's honestly nothing, I'm paying for your suit and that's final," Harry says, voice firm.

"Fine," Louis says, in a somewhat accepting yet sulky tone.

"Great, you can go get changed and then we can leave in around an hour. If that's okay," Harry says, going back to his phone.

Louis gets up, sighing and heading to the guest room. He steps into the shower, letting out a sigh as the hot water soothes his muscles.

After around 15 minutes, Louis got out of the shower, wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

While letting his hair air dry, Louis lays back, checking his phone, seeing countless messages from Niall.

'Bro are you okay?'

'Louis where are you?'

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