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A/N: thank you guys so much for 5k, it means so much to me! ❤️ and I'm so sorry for the wait. But here's chapter 24.


"Excuse me—um, sir?" Louis hears a faintly loud voice bouncing off the walls of the waiting room.

Groaning, Louis sits up, running a hand through his slightly tousled locks.

"Yes," Louis asks, voice groggy as he straightens himself out, realizing that he'd fallen asleep in the waiting room.

"Harry Styles is currently awake, you may vis-" the nurse is cut short in surprise as Louis stands up and hugs her with all his might, emitting a startled squeak through her lips.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you". Louis says, before running towards the direction of Harry's room, leaving the nurse there, flushed and confused.

Louis rushes into the room, seeing Harry fighting with a nurse about eating the disgusting hospital food.

"Harry!" Louis exclaims, rushing forward to hug Harry, being careful due to his sling.

"Thank god, Lou, can you please tell Steve here, that I don't want to eat this," Harry complains, causing Louis to laugh at his behavior, happiness spreading throughout his body.

"Fuck. Harry, I love you." Louis says, not caring if it would be considered too early in the relationship, he loved the man in front of him, with every single molecule in his body.

Harry leans forward, slightly wincing due to the pressure, but still continues. He presses a soft kiss to Louis' lips, both of them savoring the long-awaited sensation.

"I love you too, Lou," Harry assures, causing the largest, brightest, smile to break out on Louis' face, the nurse cooing at their reunion.

"And, I had a dream that Liam came here and asked me to wake up, how odd?" Harry comments, huffing in defeat as he is forced to eat the food served to him.

"Really?" Louis asks, cheeks flushing with happiness and heart filling with love.


"Do I have to be in this?" Harry asked, glancing down at the wheelchair that was placed in front of him.

"Yes, sir. Only for one week, as you can't immediately go back to regular activities. And please refrain from any strain on your torso, and also no sexual activity for two weeks." The doctor instructs, eyeing Louis, erupting a blush on his cheeks.

"Okay, sir, I'll make sure that he's cautious," Louis assures, helping Harry into the wheelchair before wheeling him out of the hospital.

They soon arrive home, and Harry insists he shaves, not liking the appearance of the slight stubble which has formed onto his chin.

Louis helps him towards the bathroom, turning on the tap and getting all the required materials.

Harry tries to shave on his own, but as he raises his hand up to his head, the strain on his torso becomes too strong, forcing him to stop every 10 seconds.

So Louis takes over, he grabs the razor, applying some shaving foam to Harry's cheeks and chin, before slowly going over the white, watching it transform back to his smooth porcelain skin.

"Ow!" Harry shouts, flinching, making Louis step back, an apologetic expression on his face, fear to flood his features.

Seeing this, Harry laughs, saying that he was only joking, provoking a soft slap on Harry's arm, an immediate kiss right after.


"How about we pay a visit to the office?" Louis suggests, softly pushing Harry's wheelchair towards the car.

Harry complies, as Louis gets in and starts up the engine, following the familiar route to Styles' enterprises.

They soon arrive at the office, greeting Margaret as she seemed particularly excited about being promoted to Harry's personal assistant.

"You deserved it, Margaret." Louis comments, leaning in to give her a soft hug, the middle-aged lady seeming very proud of her accomplishments.

"I completely agree," Harry says, shaking Margaret's hand before they head towards Harry's office.

They bump into Perrie, who seems ecstatic to see Louis again. "Hi, Lou!" She exclaims, engulfing his frame in a tight hug.

"Hi, Mr. Styles." She greets, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, in a way to appear more professional.

"Hi, Perrie. I hope you're doing well." Harry comments, causing her to smile and nod in response, assuring that she was indeed very happy.

The two then proceed to Mr. Larsson, paying him a visit, assuring him that Harry was doing great and was gradually getting better.


"Harry?" Louis asks, as they return to his house, which Louis has gradually started staying in.

"Yeah?" Harry responds, averting his eyes from the work on his desk to Louis' eyes.

"I'm really happy that you're okay," Louis says, leaning closer to sit next to Harry, resting his head on Harry's shoulder, to which the older man responds by brushing his fingers through Louis' tousled hair.

"I'm happy you're happy," Harry responds, moving to press a kiss to Louis' lips, a smile erupting on both their faces.

And yeah, they were true, madly deeply, foolishly, completely in love.

A/N: sorry for that lame ending. once again, I'm so sorry for the late update but I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for 500 followers! Please vote and comment!! ❤️❤️

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