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A/N: you guys are so nice!! ❤️❤️ so here you are, please enjoy! thank you for 4k!! It means so much to me, you guys are so amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Louis wakes up buried into Harry's chest, he smiles and slides up, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek.

"Morning." Harry rasps out, tightening his grip on Louis' waist, groaning about the light.

Louis giggles, telling Harry that he had to pee, before getting off the couch and going to the bathroom.

"Lou?" Harry groans out, standing up and stretching.

"D'you wanna stay for breakfast?" He asks, putting on his shirt and asking Barbara to make some eggs and bacon.

They were soon seated next to each other, laughing and never keeping their hands of the other.

Soon enough, their lips were against each other's once again, being addicted to the taste of the other.

"Be my boyfriend," Harry mumbles against Louis' lips, hands slipping down to his hips.

They part lips as Louis breathlessly answers, a yes, of course.

And it was as simple as that.


"Harry, there's an art gallery that I really want to see, can we please go?" Louis asks, jutting out his bottom lip.

"I have a meeting at four, but we can go after that," Harry suggests, taking his laptop from the table.


Soon enough, Harry and Louis were walking into a gallery, hand in hand, eyes scanning over all the gorgeous pieces of artwork.

Louis gasped, running over to a portrait, which probably looked like a canvas full of scribbles to the normal eye, but to Louis, it was truly captivating.

Louis gasped, running over to a portrait, which probably looked like a canvas full of scribbles to the normal eye, but to Louis, it was truly captivating

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"Harry." Louis gasped, grabbing his hand and leading him to the canvas.

"It's so beautiful," Louis whispered, eyes exploring each and every aspect of the artwork.

"Yeah, it is," Harry responds, but he wasn't talking about the portrait, but rather something much more enchanting.


"Hello, this is Pam from St. Wills hospital, may I speak to Harry Styles." A voice is heard through the car speaker, Harry's phone being connected via Bluetooth.

"Speaking," Harry confirms.

"Hi, Mr. Styles. Anne Cox is with us here, due to an abusive relationship and you've been listed as her emergency contact."

The car swerves, causing Harry to instantly grab the steering wheel and attempt to gain control once more, sending Louis, who was sitting in the passenger seat, an apologetic glance.

Louis suggests he drives to the hospital, due to Harry's shaking state.


"Mum!" Harry shouts, voice cracking as he sees his mother lying in the hospital bed, regretfully eating the gross hospital food.

"The doctors told me what happened." He whispered, taking her hand in his.

Anne Cox had been a victim of domestic violence. Her boyfriend, who no one had known about, and who was a drug addict, had harmed her to the point where she was admitted to the hospital.

"Harry, I-I didn't even know what was happening. It started off with a simple shove or so, but I didn't even know how bad it was until yesterday." She explains, eyes filled with tears.

"Mr. Styles, may I talk to you?" An officer asks, motioning to outside the door.

Harry glances at Louis, asking him to stay with Anne to make sure she was okay.

"Hey, Anne." Louis greets, sitting next to her.

"Louis, you make Harry happy. I can see it in his eyes, and I haven't seen him this happy for so long. He's always been stressed or in a bad relationship, but with you, gosh, Louis, he looks at you like you put all the stars in the sky." She says, crinkles forming by the corners of her eyes.

"I remember when I used to love someone like that, son. And don't ever take it for granted, where I am today, is because I wanted to feel loved again. Louis-" she starts, bringing up a hand to cup his face.

"My son cares for you. He honors you, he respects you, and that's what a successful relationship is based on." She finishes, smiling.

And Louis' happy. Because Harry cares for him. Because Harry honors him.

Because Harry respects him.


"The issue is, Mr. Styles, that the man who has done this to your mother is on the run. We have identified him as Victor Sharpe, this is an image of him. As soon as we got the call from the neighbors of your mother, we arrived there as soon as possible. We presume that Victor heard the sirens and ran. Right now, we have a team on the case but we don't know how long it will take to find him." The officer explains, handing Harry a picture of a man who looked like he was in his 40's.

Harry sniffled, looking at the picture with so much hate in his eyes that it honestly startled the police officer.

"Okay. Please, please don't put this case on the back of your list. Because there could be other women out there, getting hurt and--" Harry stops himself, not being able to complete the sentence.

"Yes, Mr. Styles, we already have many on the case." He assures, before nodding his head as a farewell and leaving.

Harry would make sure that this guy would get what he deserves, even if it's the last thing he does.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update. I have this physics essay that's ruining my life. But anyways, all my love goes out to all the victims to domestic violence and abusive cases. It's honestly such a terrible thing. But Louis and Harry are boyfriends now! If you enjoyed, please leave a vote and a comment!! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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