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A/N: thank you all so much for the support. I really needed that break and I'm ready as ever and I have so much planned for this book, it's crazy. And thank you so much for 1000 reads, it's really amazing. AND OH MY GOD SWEET CREATURE IS SO GOOD AND IT REMINDS ME OF HOME AND IM SO IN LOVE.

"Good morning Harry." Louis greets, routinely placing the coffee on Harry's table.

"Good morning Louis, I emailed you what is required today along with the timings for the two skype conferences today," Harry says, eyes locked with Louis'.

"Okay, thank you," Louis says, heading towards his office, sending some e-mails to some clients. The phone in his office rung, startling him, he picks up, pressing it to his ear.

"Mr. Tomlinson, a man under the name 'Niall Horan' is here for you, shall I send him up?" she asks.

"Yeah, send him up," Louis says, eyebrows furrowing because Niall would barely text him, let alone come to his office.

The door opens, revealing a rather red-faced, Niall Horan.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" Louis asks, adjusting his hair.

"Come with me," Niall says, grabbing a hold of Louis' wrist and ushering him towards the elevator.

Louis shakes his head, pulling his hand out of Niall's grip.

"Niall, I have a job, I can't just leave." He explains.

"Why do you need me?" Louis questions, dubiously.

Niall sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I spoke to Mr. Styles and he said that you can come with me considering the circumstances and that Margaret can handle today as there's nothing too important," Niall explains, Louis following him into the elevator.

"Okay, but Niall what happened?" Louis asked, a vexed expression laid out on his face.

"T-There was a fire at the café, most people escaped, but Ashton..." Niall trails off, a dejected tone in his voice.

"Ashton what?" Louis asked, throat blocking up and tears already welling up in his eyes.

Ashton and Louis used to be best friends once upon a time, but when Louis confessed his feelings towards Ashton, the drummer deserted Louis and walked out with no explanation. But Louis still loved Ashton, not romantically, but as an old friend, as someone that Louis could always trust and be himself with.

"He-he's in the hospital and the doctors can't guarantee his survival," Niall whispers, Louis' breath hitching.

They got into the car, speechless as Niall drove to the hospital, constantly sending Louis nervous glances.

They walked in, Louis stating that he was Ashton's brother to gain access to his room, and soon entered, sitting next to Ashton.

"Hey, Ash," Louis murmurs, pursing his lips together.

"I suck at biology so I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I hope you're okay. So many people love you, y-you can't just leave us like this, without letting us say goodbye," Louis shakes his head, wiping his eyes.

"I know that I may not be your favorite person right now, and I'm sorry that I ignored your calls, I was just hurt, I thought that no one could ever love me. You're still my best friend, Ash, you always will be. Please wake up." Louis finished, standing up and leaving the room, sitting down next to Niall in the waiting room and just hoping that Ashton would be okay.

Louis was shook awake, rubbing his eyes softly, he glanced up at a perplexed Niall.

"Hey...so the doctors called for us and, Ashton couldn't make it," Niall whispers, lips pursed and a pained expression on his face.

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