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*plays sad songs* I don't own teen wolf but I do own the 100. Just kidding, I wish I did own both:(

Kelsey's pov

The days had passed fairly quickly, it had only been a few days but someone they found out where Erica and Boyd were. And save them, well only Boyd. Erica was found dead (or that's what Derek told me when we had lunch the other day) Derek found here and was extremely upset about it even though he didn't want to admit it.

He also told me they found his sister, whom he thought died in the fire at his home a few years ago with the rest of the family.

"How did you guys find them?" I questioned Derek, suspicious and trying to use my act of confusion. I truly did not know how they found them, but I know I won't get the whole story.

"Stiles' dad had a lead on it and before they were positive where Stiles stole the folder and and we went to go find them. It ended up being the right place. "

That was his excuse, that the sheriff had a lead even though on the news that said multiple times there was simply no trace of the two teenagers left in beacon hills to track.

Instead of being pushy I have to agree with him. I mean I don't want him to think that I am suspicious of what they are hiding.

I have been meeting up Derek almost every day, of course neither of us asked each other to meet up, it just kinda happened. At around six every night we would sit at a booth, me ordering a milkshake and him a basket of fries for us to share. It had been extremely annoying when he told me not to tell scott that Derek and I have become friends in some sort.

Derek continued his plea, by saying how if scott found out they were speaking, he would throw a fit. Not that I disagreed with him, Scott would go very insane if he found out I was hanging around one of his friends that was around my age. He would come up with some crazy story of how my needy heart will fall in love with him.

"Derek, is there something you aren't telling me? You always have to leave unexpectedly and never give me a reason." I told him while shoving a few fries in my mouth. His eyes widened a little, he blinked and rose his eyebrows up in surprise.

"No, of course not Kelsey." He said but his eyes did not meet mine, instead he was looking around the diner, his eyes roaming the unusually filled diner with a warning look.

His eyes locked onto something and his eyes held a dark glare as he stared and completely ignored me.

I turned my head to see what he was looking at, my arm that was on the inside gripping the end of the table to twist my body even more. Obviously Derek did not want me to see what he was staring at as he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled my attention to him.

I locked my eyes with him as he held my hand tightly over the table. A alarming look was in his eyes as he went back and forth between our intertwined hands and my face- that has turned a bright red making me look like a tomato.


"We should go, it's getting late. Scott is probably getting nervous of where you are." He said standing up and pulling me up by my hand and forcefully shoving me towards the exit with one had interlocked with mine and the other on the small of my back lightly pressing down as he dragged me.

"Wait I wasn't finished, and I didn't pay!" I scream out once we reach the parking lot.

"I paid, l always pay kelsey you never pay for your food there, didn't you know that?"

I was stunned. I didn't know he was paying for me all these times, countless times I gave them a debit card but not once did I actually pay.

"Next time I'm paying" I mumble jumping into the passenger side of his

I would walk to the diner and he would drive me home, since my car is getting repaired.

It was hard having to walk a block from where Derek dropped me off, he didn't want Scott or my other to see his car and think something's up. I hated walking that block, the roads seemed to be even darker and while I walked I always feel like someone is watching me or tracking me down.

But this time instead of dropping me way down by the entrance to the street, Derek pulled up into my drive way and even turned the car off. I gave him a confused look and started to get out slowly still watching him with darting eyes.

When I closed the door, he still say there his eyes blazing into mine as I bent down and looked into the window. "Derek? Are you alright?" His now softened gaze melted into mine as he nodded his head.

"We can't meet up anymore Kelsey. This- whatever it is won't work, your brother and his friends. Your still trying to get settled in and it's just-" I cut him off by just walking away.

I don't want to him him say things that I know will hurt me. There was no romance in our friendship, at least I think so, but it still is a horrible feeling knowing someone doesn't want to see you again.

I will not cry, I will not be sad or depressed about what just happened. I am determined to just forget about the whole situation in the first place. Of course know I don't know if he's expecting me to not go to the diner or if he won't go.


This chapter is so short and I am so sorry, I redid the whole chapter so i deleted a small part where kelsey gathered everyone together but it was pointless and didn't help the story at all so I rewrote this and will put that a little in the next chapter. Again really sorry this chapter is so small and boring- it's super hard rewriting a story that I wrote two years ago when I sucked at writing - and now I switched to doing 3rd person so that's why it's so hard for me to write this.

Would you guys mind if I changed to 3rd person? Please comment so I can get to editing the next chapter

Short Chapter sorry!

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