Chapter 19

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"Hey Allison?" I asked calling to her while I was washing my hands in the bathroom.

You must be thinking 'she's talking again that's wonderful'. Well that's what my therapist said. She thinks I've gone through this whole 'rebirth' as she says.

She thinks that I had to enclose myself while I got my 'new skin' but in reality I just couldn't handle life. But I was getting better; I guess you could say I am happy.

Allison is always here, right by my side. Lydia comes too now that I actually speak she was chat with me about nonsense but I wouldn't mind if we talked about going to jail or committing a crime with her. I had missed her and that's all I needed.

Since Allison had been filling in for Lydia she wouldn't let Lydia start rambling on about stupid things that would affect me. I thanked her for that because she was truly helping me more than everyone else has.

No on talked about Derek to me. They knew not to. They wouldn't even say words that started with a D for a week. I finally had said something about it.

"Please explain to me why you have been avoiding Derek's name this whole time. I am completely unfazed by it now. He left he isn't dead or something I'm not mourning over him so stop acting like I am about to break because I'm not. I'm stronger now but I keep it inside I don't need to jump into the world just yet."

I had felt terrible after I snapped at Allison and Lydia one day when they were over. They both nodded not looking at me; I couldn't take the awkwardness so I asked them to leave because I needed to sleep. They both agreed and said they would come back tomorrow. Only Allison came back.

I guess everyone got the message that I wasn't in my room mourning over Derek's disappearance. I simply couldn't handle the stress I was undergoing and Derek leaving made it even harder.

"Yeah?" Allison said popping her into the bathroom.

"Can we go out and do something? Maybe to the mall, of something I really don't care where but I need to get out." It was four pm on a Friday night and I was bored to the max. I couldn't sit in my house all day, especially not in my room which literally smells like sadness.

"Sure we can go get some lunch and then go to a movie? It'll be like a date. Just me and you plus all the other people who have actual dates but yeah let's go!" I nodded and she went back into my room.

This room was beginning to make me wanna rip someone's throat out. Yeah intense. It's even worse. I can't even touch my phone because I might have gotten a call from Derek last night, I haven't checked yet to see if I was just dreaming. A part of me wants him to call but another part of me doesn't think I can handle the pain if I hear his voice.

I was getting better in the last week, until last night and that phone call.

I haven't looked at my phone nor have I touched it. Allison gave me wired looks at every time her phone rang or buzzed I would jump out of skin just at the sound of I. I think she was confused at to why I was being so jumpy. I just shook my head not paying attention and changing subject.

"C'mon Kay! If we leave any later we will miss the movie!" Allison said scolding me from the door to my closet. I laughed and swiped some mascara. She grabbed my arm barely allowing me to slip my feet into a pair of shoes. Getting dragged down the stairs as I tried to up on lip balm was not a good idea at all.

Once we got into her car she finally let go of my arm and got in the drivers seat. "I'm so excited for us to go today! After the movie we can go to hair salon because I know you want to change your hair a little" Allison said from her seat next to me. I looked at her in surprise

"Seriously?" she nodded "oh thank you so much Allison I hate this ugly hair" I said grabbing my hair and pushing it away from me. She laughed at me and I groaned I needed a change.


At the food court Allison got Chinese food while I got a chicken wrap. We were eating when she stopped and moved her hands in a circular movement.

"Here" She said pulling my phone out of her back pocket. "You left your phone in your room I thought you'd want it" She smiled at me but I could only stare at the phone in front of me. I looked back up at and gave and her small smile while I picked up my phone. Unlocking it I went straight to phone calls and sure enough there it was.

Derek Hale


At 2:58am

My breathing became ragged and my heart sank into my stomach. No he cannot get the gratitude of me being upset about all this. I decided to do absolutely nothing about it and put my phone away.

We decided on watching a dumb chick flick which was horrid. People were kissing the whole time and moaning. It was gross.

"That movie sucked ass. Why did you make me watch it" I said to Allison as I smacked her arm lightly laughing. She put her up in defeat.

"I Allison Argent am truly sorry that I made kelsey McCall watch the horrid love sick movie about fakeness in a theater filled with salvia sharing people with STDs" I laughed so hard as she looked at me proudly before laughing more.

"I Kelsey McCall accept your apology." We laughed and walked toward Sally hair Salon. When we entered we were greeted by a nice looking lady with whitish hair and blue eyes

"Hello I'm sally, would you like a hair cut or a coloring?" I nodded smiled at her

"I need something new, something different. Like maybe a color but I'm going to let that be up to you." Sally nodded and took me in the back while Allison gave me two thumbs up.

Two hours later Sally turned me around and I was shocked my hair was a light brown color and curled. I squealed as did Allison as she ran over and attacked me putting her hands in my hair telling me how good it looked.

I was happy with my new hair because I knew it meant that a new me was coming to the surface.



I am so happy and sad that this book is over. It has truly been the best expeircene of my life and I am so estatc that you guys have been supporting me! I am so extremely excited

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