Chapter 17

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I woke up super early the next day, I had to shower and go see Derek before school even starts. I took a quick hot shower scrubbing at all the dried blood. I know your probably thinking why didn't she just shower last night? Well it was late and I wanted my bed. I then blow dried my hair. I put I Putting on a black and white striped dress. I straightened my hair (not really I just quickly did it in 5 minutes so it wasn't poofy) my hair had gotten pretty long since I've come home. Maybe stress makes hair grow longer? I wish.

I ate my bagel that I stole from the kitchen as I did my makeup. I put light shimmering white eye shadow on and a few flicks of mascara I put on concealer and powder and I was good.

I brushed my teeth the put on my black flats and a charm bracelet and then I was out the door

I drove with my phone connected to the car and I had it blaring. I have to admit I was a pretty good singer. I was in all the musicals and shows at my old school so I had some talent or they wouldn't let me keep singing.

Fifth Harmony's song miss moving on came on and I smiled. It's my favorite song at the moment! I sang along to the words as I drove.


I was singing my heart out to the amazing song, but once I saw the apartment building I turned it down knowing they could most likely hear me with there werewolf hearing.

To say I wasn't scared to see Peter was an understatement. I would piss my pants if he was here. I wish he'd be at his house since he has his own apartment in Beacon Hills.

When I pulled up it was quiet, like extremely quiet I know it's seven a m but this is odd. I guess it's alright since he lives in an abandoned building. Which reminds me how did he get to rent this place out- to live in it?

I walked in and went up to Derek's loft. I knocked a few times before I just walked in. No one was home. I searched the whole place looking for a sign that he and Cora were just out somewhere and were coming back home- back to me. Derek's stuff was gone as was Cora's.

Only a few things were left in the loft such as the bed with the sheets and blankets were still on it also a small couch and a lamp on a table. That's when I noticed his car wasn't in the parking lot. Looking out the window from his loft I stepped outside on the balcony thing. I took a deep breathe putting my hands on the railing, rocking back and forth.

"Don't jump" I heard someone say, I was too busy trying to control myself then to identify whose voice it was. I turned around hoping it was Derek here to come back and be with me.

It was Peter.

I sighed and turned back towards the town.

"I'm not going to jump so you don't have to watch me. He left, that's it, its over. He didn't want me he had to protect Scott, he helped him the threat is gone. He is free to leave whenever he wants to." I was surprised by the snappy tone in my voice but ignored it not wanting to think too much.

"You just missed him. He and Cora went to catch a flight to- I'm going tomorrow. Derek wanted me to stay and talk to you about why he- we are all leaving." Peter spoke he moved next to me and looked over at the town in the distance.

"Than what does he want you to tell me? Because I have to go to school and I don't want to be late. So please make it quick" I snapped at him just wanting to get out of Derek's old loft.

"We have to go se where Cora has been staying all these years, we need to..... talk to some people about a few things. It's not the best thing for us to be here right now. People are, looking for Cora. We need to protect her. Derek wants you to understand that. I'll let you go but here" He handed me a thick big brown envelope

"He is sorry. This may help. Goodbye kelsey." He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. He was gone a few minutes later.

I couldn't help but be reminded the last time I saw Derek by Peters actions.

"Are you ok Derek? I have to go, but I will come by tonight if you need me to" He shook his head pulling me in for another hug kissing the top of my head.

"Goodbye Jenn" Was all he said to make me fall out of my daze and open my eyes to realize, Derek was gone.

I swallowed back my cries. I wouldn't be weak no. I just fought a demon wolf and a darach with magic powers.

But the pain was so much. Kali is dead; Derek and Cora are gone, Peters leaving, Duecallian is gone, Ennis is gone, and my fathers back. I just need a release. I need to turn it off.

My emotions have to be canceled out, pushed away till further notice. This was all too much for me to handle. I will no longer feel this pain. No one can inflict emotional pain on me unless I let them. I am not weak anymore. No more crying or hiding.

I can feel something coming, and I will be ready


I pulled up to school with no emotion at all. I just got out of my car and went to my class that was now mine since Jennifer died. I stopped in the middle of the hallway looking around.

Lydia and Aiden were against her locker. She was playing hard to get and he loved it.

Ethan and Danny walked out of a classroom holding hands and smiling at each other.

Allison and Isaac were walking down the stairs smiling and laughing about something.

Scott and Stiles were ahead of me walking together talking/laughing.

How? I don't get it. With everything that happened last night they act like this? They are totally unaffected by all of it. Allison, Scott and Stiles didn't seem fazed that their parents were about to be scarified. Ethan and Aiden didn't look like they give a shit that they were no longer alphas. They looked like Kalis death was nothing to them.

It made me angry. Everyone almost died last night but everything is fine now. No one cares how I am? I guessed as much. I mean they all have a partner/best friend. I was alone now.

I went about my day not talking to anyone, that brown envelope sat in my cars glove box waiting to be opened. When I finally made it to the end of the day, I ran to my car and ripped open the envelope. The suspense was killing me!

What if there was a plane ticket to where he was or a letter saying he will be back tomorrow. What If he made me a map so I had to find him and him and Cora leaving was all just a game? When I opened it up, there was nothing in it but a small slip of paper with two simple words.

I'm sorry

How dare he leave with no trace and leave me a tiny slip of paper that says I'm sorry on it. I am no longer hurt but pissed. He cannot play with my feelings like this I will not allow him to. He left me without a sign of what was going on. He left me out in the cold (metaphorically) He better wish that I'm not pissed anymore if he comes back. Because as of now.

I turning everything off


"I honestly don't know if he's every coming back. Part of me hopes so, not just for me but for Jenn but another part hopes that maybe he'll be okay, somewhere else. My dad doesn't look like he'll be leaving for a while but just because he's staying doesn't mean he's welcome. Kelsey hasn't even spoken to him yet, she sees him and turns around and walks in a different direction so she won't have to talk to him. Stiles and I both feel it everyday, just like you said we would and it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class, cause when I feel it it's like I'm looking into a heart of immense darkness"

"So what do you do instead" Deaton asked me.

"I look for my friends" I replied smiling slightly remembering who I still had in my life.

"What about Miss Blake?"

"I don't know. When we went back inside the distillery her body was gone" I said looking up a Deaton, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and understanding.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter there is only 2 left and it so sad

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