Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own any part of teen wolf

Kelsey's POV:

Do you know what they say about fate. It's just an imaginary thing, a coincidence not meant to be. But, some people think fate is real as dogs and others believe fate is just something that religious people think of, but in reality it's fate depends on your fate, a never ending circle, of whether you believe in it or not. How you believe in things how much, how little defines a part of you.

That's how I'm looking at this crazy mess me and everyone I care about have gotten into. Something are meant to happen but fate might not be on your side.

So many terrible things have happened so much death and grief and it defines us, how much we fight back, how much trust me put in each other.

I honestly believe that everything that has happened has happened for a reason. No doubt we wish it didn't but there's a part of me that thinks if It were any different it wouldn't be the same, it wouldn't feel right. Not like this feels right but just different.

I could died right there and then on the hospital bed getting numerous medical examinations done on my body but it wasn't the right time to do this. It wasn't the right time.

When I woke up in that hospital bed I couldn't help but be extremely happy of course my body hurt like hell but I could go home.

They insisted I stay but I told them no and my mother would take care of me, they don't know that she's missing.

They finally agreed but no work for a few days. .

When I got out of there I went straight home and called Scott.

"Kel? we've all been worried sick what happened are you getting better?"

"Well not exactly, they don't know what is going on with me they gave me medication but it doesn't work"

"I'm sorry Jenn but you need to go to Derek's right now, Stiles Allison and I are doing something to find mom alright I'm going to find her and bring her home"

"Okay Scott, please be safe I love you"

"I love you too Kel I need to go but I'll see you soon."

After we hung up I immediately went to my car and started driving to Derek's loft. Running up the stairs I finally reached Derek's door. Not even bother knocking just walking straight in to see Derek taking away Cora's pain.

"She's dying isn't she" Isaac asked looking back and fourth at Derek and Cora.

I walked over to Peter on the stairs and wrapped him into a hug while they kept talking.

"I- I don't know" Derek whispered.

"Well what are you going to do?" Isaac was getting angry at Derek but his sister is dying he's upset!

"I don't know" Derek's voice was stronger this time but not nearly like Isaac's. You could just see the frustration that was going through Isaac right now. "Erica and Boyd are dead! Cora's dying and Kelsey's going through transition. Whatever hell that is and your doing nothing!"

I flinched back at Isaac's words and his tone it was frightening at the least.

"Why did you do all of this to us Derek? Was it all about he power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?" his voice had gone softer and quiet.

"There isn't time!" Isaac was now yelling "The full moon is coming! Melissa and the Sheriff are going to be dead so I'm going to try and help them. " That when I felt tears in my eyes and I walked up to Isaac, I was so angry I wanted to rip his face open but I just smacked him in the face and turned away.

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