Chapter 16

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We walked towards the cars. Happy, yet a little over whelmed. I stopped walking with made Scott and Derek stop also.

"I forgot my phone back there I'll go get it and meet you at home Scott" I said giving him a hug before he started jogging the rest of the way to the car.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Derek asked but I shook my head no.

"I'll be fine, Derek. I will call you when I'm home alright" He looked skeptical at first but gave in after I put out my bottom lip and pouted.

"Call me, I have to talk to you later about something" He said.

"Yeah, sure. Is it important? I could come over after I'm done here?" I put my hand on his upper arm and looked up at him. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"Just call me later, tonight okay, I'm.... busy tomorrow" He said and I nodded.

"Alright I'll talk to you later Derek." I said hugging him. It was suppose to be a quick hug but Derek held me tighter than I thought he could. It was a long hug, filled with emotions.

When we pulled away he kissed my lips. A gentle soft kiss yet held the same emotions as the hug did.

"Are you okay Derek? I have to go, but I will come by tonight if you need me to" He shook his head pulling me in for another hug kissing the top of my head.

"Goodbye Jenn" Was all he said to make me fall out of my daze and open my eyes to realize, Derek was gone.


So maybe I lied about the whole phone this but in my defense I felt like something was going to happen and I needed to see it. So I ran and let my legs follow me to wherever they were going to go.

I stopped when I was about 15 feet from the memeton. I saw Jennifercrawling towards it and I heard someone else. I jumped onto the closet tree and climbed it.

Getting a good view of what was happening in front of me I saw Jennifer pulling her body towards the memeton, Peter close behind her.

"Oh, Please, please. You saved me once before" She was out of breath and struggling, obviously on the verge of death. I mean she got her throat slit and she's still trying to save her sorry ass.

Her hand was about to touch the memeton when Peter gripped her wrist before she could get any power from it. She grunted and let out an exhale of hot air and defeat.

Peter forced her to turn towards him so her back was on the memeton. Jennifer let out a strained painful laugh.

"Of course it's you." She shook her head while looking at Peter. "Everyone else suffers, but somehow you end up on top and now that Scott's an Alpha. You'll be able to steal it from him. You'll be an Alpha again." She spat some blood onto the ground near Peter's feet.

Peter looked at Jennifer in disgust.

"Again? Again?" His left hand shot up and his claws grew. Jennifer started to protest but his claws cut her short. Ripping her neck open once again but this time, he finished the whole thing.

"I AM THE ALPHA! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THE ALPHA" He roared out putting his arms out and screaming into space. I almost let out a sob of freight but I knew my fate would be just like Jennifer if I didn't keep my mouth shut.

Peter staked off leaving Jennifer's body just laying there. I thought about burying it but I came to the conclusion that she has done nothing good for me; she didn't deserve to have her body buried

I jumped from my hiding spot in the trees and ran towards my house. I'll go see Derek tomorrow and talk about what happened but for now I need to take a deep breath and relax. I'll see Derek tomorrow.

Getting home, Scott bombarded me with questions as did my mother.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TONIGHT YOUNG LADY! WE ALL WE ALMOST KILLED AND YOU JUST WALTZ IN AT THIS HOUR!?" My mother was yelling but she pulled me into a hug after wards.

"I dropped my phone and went and got it, I got lost on the way home." She nodded and called for Scott to come downstairs we were having a family meeting as she called it.

"Tell me what happened tonight, what have I missed and what is going on in my supernatural children's lives" I laughed at her and Scott began to explain.

When Scott was done my mother look shocked yet relived no one got seriously hurt.

"So, you're telling me. Scott you're an Alpha, a true alpha. So you didn't have to kill for the power. That's good. As for you Jenn. You are a banshee? Who can sense death?"

"Well it's more of a feeling but whatever you want to call it is fine" I interrupted her.

"As I was saying, you're a werewolf too? How does that make sense" She said now allowing me to talk.

"Peter" I mentally cringed at the thought of him "told me its very rare, much like a true alpha. I'm a true...... whatever I am, so I'm not a werewolf. I am similar to a werewolf but, mountain ash, the lunar eclipse and the full moon don't bother me at all. I can shift into my half state like a werewolf but I am not a wolf. Peter said it only happens when your soul is pure enough that whatever you are doing is for the right reasons and that you changed out of genuine power. Also my intentions are good so that helps." I said tripping over my words a lot to try to find the best and easiest way to explain what had happened to me.

"But we don't know what I am, Jennifer was going to tell me but Duecallian killed her before she had a chance to tell me." I stumbled a little when I said Duecallian had killed Julia because Peter did not Duecallian.

"Oh, well your father is coming by tomorrow night to, discuss things. Until then get some sleep. I love you guys." Mom said before walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Kelsey" Scott said I nodded my head.

"Goodnight Scott love you" I said as we came to the top of the stairs and went our separate ways.

I pulled out my phone, texting Derek then brushing my teeth and changing my clothes.

I got home safely, Thanks for helping me out tonight Derek, Goodnight<3

It was weird I checked my phone again ten minutes later and he never responded. That's odd. I'll go to his apartment before work tomorrow morning.


HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WHO READ MY STORYSo only 3 more chapters left in this book and I think it's safe to say that this story has done better than I ever expected to do. I hope you enjoyed this extra chapter that sort of matched the show. The next chapter will only have a little bit of what happens in the show and the other 2 will be my own made up parts in the story. I will be posting the Sequel to voices right after I post this. I'm happy to announce that the sequel will be called

(Drum roll)


I thought this would fit the whole theme of 3b since the Oni come out after dark! And Nyctophobia is the fear of the dark

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