Chapter 18

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1 week

7 days

168 hours

10,080 minutes

604,800 seconds

Since Derek left. A week since I last felt emotion. A week since I went no where but to school and my bedroom.

Moms began to get worried, Scott brings me food. My dad, well he comes often enough for me to loose my voice. Lydia and Allison come by too, they chat with me about school drama or the latest tv episode in a series.

They talk about Pretty Little Liars, Orange is The New Black, Gossip Girl, The Carrie Diaries and House Hunters international. They squeal and giggle at the tv characters. I just sit there staring at them a light smile on my face.

I don't contribute to the conversations very much. I'm more into American Horror Story or reading books.

I haven't really spoken much in the last week. I only talk when called on in school or when my father comes, then I scream at him.

Stiles comes too, he'll bring over movies or board games for me him and Scott to play.

I appreciate everyone coming trying to make me feel better but I don't feel bad. I don't feel upset or abandoned. I don't feel anything. Why can't they notice that?

In school I have been going rough patch. My grades weren't slipping, the greatness of being a teenage genius I guess. But my social skills were plummeting. I no longer smiled or waved to people in the halls. People ignored me now, walked around me when they were 20 feet away. I was an now an outcast.

The only thing that brought a smile to myself now was reading. I've read more books in the last week than people have in a lifetime. My brain didn't hurt from the extensive reading, I felt refreshed and smarter like my brain had been been super washed.


3 weeks

21 days

504 hours

30,240 minutes

1,814,400 seconds

People started coming less. My mom only came to say she was leaving. I think my father gave up on me. Scott comes in every night and saying that he loves me. I just nod not being able to do anything else.

Lydia has stopped completely calling me a lost cause. Stiles came too, not often though. Just when he came to see Scott he'd stop by and say hello and then leave right after.

Allison, she was a different story. She came everyday. After school, before school, on the weekends she even slept over a few times. Sleeping next to me and hugging me tightly as if she thought I was going to fade into nothing if she didn't.

She didn't mind that I didn't talk. She understood that I needed time. She talked and laughed. She became my best best friend, I clung onto her like a television show. I was waiting for the next time I saw her, she was the only different thing in my life.

I had gotten more happier in the last week. Allison got happiest when I would laugh or smile and throw my head back. Everyday she told me

"A little everyday will do the trick. We'll take baby steps but I promise you I will get you back to your peppy badass kelsey."

I appreciated her courage to try to fix me. She was slowly breaking the shell I had carved myself into. She was now my rock. She was the shoulder I went to when I needed to cry. She went with me to get Kali's body cremated. The ashes were on my bedside table.

Kali Roman

A warrior

A best friend

A mother

We love you Kali, we will miss you.

That's what it said on the ashes container. Yes, she was pregnant with Ennis' pups. She was my best friend and I will never forget her. I will remember her in the way she was in London. Strong, protecting and kind. She was fierce and loved. She will be missed but Allison has helped me forget the pain.

Allison just left. She had to go to dinner with her father. I didn't mind, family comes first, not your mentally unstable friend. I laughed tonight. I had smiled. I was having a good time with Allison.

I walked into the bathroom and my reflection caught the corner of my eye. My skin was pale and dull. My cheeks and eyes were hollowed. I looked scary. I looked like a witch on Halloween.

Right then looking at my reflection my back was hunched and I looked ill. I then made a pact to myself. I would never do to myself again. I straightened my back and stripped my clothes off and jumped into the shower taking my dandy long time cleansing myself of the sadness that dwindled on me.


Hey guys so this chapter is so lame it's so short so I will make a few more or one after this. I'm having a really stressful day because school and writing and projects that it's too much for me to handle. I will of course keep updating this but it will not be my best work. I will try so hard to make it perfect but it may take a day or two for the next chapter to be up!

This chapter was absolute shit but It was sort of a filler on to what Kel is going through. I hope it gives you some sort of information on how I will be starting off the sequel!

Until then I love you all<3

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