Chapter Two-The Player's Bestfriend

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Chapter Two-The Player's Bestfriend

I walked into the school building which was currently empty since I had been late, of course.

I had been trying to find the office but I finally realized that I'd been going in circles.

"This is why I didn't want to move!" I growled to myself and I turned into another hallway.

"Are you lost?" A voice echoed through the hall and I turn to see a girl looking at me with her head tilted to the side.

I don't need your help! This is ridiculous!

"Yes, I can't seem to find the office. I keep going in circles," I admitted grudgingly.

The girl giggled and walked closer to me. She took my arm and tugged on it as she led me down two hallways before pointing to a glass door.

I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw how pretty she was; Long blonde hair cascaded down her back while bright blue eyes looked around with delight, her figure was curvy and long, and her caramel colored skin was kissed by perfection. She was flawless.

She reminded me a bit of my friend, Lilly. She had the same figure that most girls would kill for and her eyes were holding excitement. Lilly always had a way about her that made her so likeable.

I bit my lip, holding back a whimper. I missed all of my friends. I wanted to be with people who understood me. I wanted my boyfriend, Jake. I wanted to be held by him like he always did when we were studying together or just hanging out. Jake was always there for me.

"It's right there. I'm guessing you're new?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I came from North Carolina." I looked at her.

"I'm Claire," She introduced herself, sticking her hand out after unraveling it from my arm.

"Leah," I replied and shook her hand.

"So what made you want to come all the way down to this small town?" She looked at me curiously as we entered the office.

"Honestly, I had no say in the move. If I did, I'd still be back in North Carolina with all my friends." I replied.

I walk up to the desk clerk who is banging her fingers against the keys. She glanced up at me, a small smile forming on her lips, and she pushed her glasses up higher onto her nose.

"Hi, sweetheart, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Um, I'm new. I was told to come here for my class schedule." I bit my lip.

"Of course, what's your last name, dear," The woman questioned, straightening her keyboard in front of her.


"And your first?" She began banging on the keyboard again.


"Alright, here you go, hon." She handed me a piece of paper that she had just printed out from the computer.

"Thank you." I gave her a forced smile.

It wasn't her fault I was in this hell hole.

I had English first period. Claire said she had the same class with me.

"You know the late bell rang like thirty minutes ago right?" I told her as we walked down the hallway.

"Yeah, my brother got here late as usual because he can never go one night without some chick warming his bed. He has a devil of a time getting the bitch out of the house." She rolled her eyes.

"He's such a player. I'm secretly hoping that he'll mess with the wrong girl and he'll get what's coming to him. He needs to grow up." She huffed, pulling me down several hallways.

"That bad, huh?" I raised my eyebrow.

"It's ridiculous. They're all one night stands. He never does a girl twice. Like I said, I hope he breaks the wrong girl's heart." She shrugged.

We stepped into a room, all heads turning towards us. The teacher fell silent and glared at us both.

"And who are you." The teacher demanded.

"I'm new, my name's Leah. Leah Colmes." I looked around the room.

There were only two seats smack dab in the front. Wonderful, I just love the front. Notice the sarcasm.

"Yeah, yeah, sit down," The teacher grumbled.

I gave him a flat look before Claire and I both took the two front seats.

"Just let him do his thing. If he gets to do what he wants, he'll leave you alone." Claire whispered as he began teaching again.

"What's his name?" I asked her.

"Mr. Snyder." She replied.

"Hey, Claire, who's your little friend there?" A voice whispered across the room.

I looked over my shoulder, into the far corner of the room, and saw a guy with blue eyes and blonde hair checking me out.

I gave him a dirty look before looking back at the front. I swear, guys are pigs. They'll lust after anything that walks.

"Fuck off, Blake." Claire flicked him off.

"Don't bother with him, either. He's a player as well. My brother's best friend actually." She leaned over.

Of course, most guys are.

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