Chapter Eighteen-Some Loser And Some Tramp

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Chapter Eighteen-Some Loser And Some Tramp

I was completely miserable in last period, creative writing. Summer kept giving me glares.

She heard about Cassius talking to me at the party last night, which she couldn't attend, and keeps giving me the stink eye.

I glance up and see her scowling at me. She gave me a sneer and rolled her eyes before inspecting her nails.

"Oh. My. Gosh. This is the most boring class ever!" Claire groaned quietly so the teacher didn't hear.

"I don't think so." Anna piped up.

Anna sat on one side of me while Claire sat on the other side. We currently watching a famous author speak about what inspired her to write and how she became such a good writer.

"No one asked you your opinion." Claire snapped.

"And no one asked you your opinion." Anna snarled.

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I closed my eyes. Here we go again.

"God, you're so stuck up and snotty." Anna muttered under her breath but both Claire and I heard it.

Claire stood up, knocking her chair over in the process.

"What did you just call me?" Claire growled.

"I called you stuck up and snotty." Anna repeated, a smug look on her face.

"At least I'm not some girl who chose to be a loser when she could have been popular." Claire snapped.

"At least I'm not some tramp who sleeps with anything that walks." Anna growled, standing up as well, her chair scooting across the floor.

"Ladies!" The teacher said but they weren't listening.

"Oh, so now I'm a tramp? Well you're some low scum off the poor side of town!" Claire shot back.

"Stop it now! I've had enough of both of you!" I yelled, standing up myself.

They looked at me in utter shock, shutting there mouths.

"Claire, just because Anna chooses not to be popular doesn't make her a loser. Anna, just because Claire may be popular doesn't make her a tramp. Now, you'll both sit down without any trouble for the rest of the class or so help me god, your asses will beat to the pulp by the time this day is over." I threatened and they quietly got their chairs, behaving the rest of the class.

I seriously have no idea what their problem is, but they better settle it soon before I settle it, and that never ends well.

When the bell rang, we all happily gathered our things and left the class room but my happiness was short-lived when the sound of stiletto heels came closer and Summer stepped in front of me.

"I told you who owned this school: me. I'm not going to let some newbie walk in a steal my position, is that clear. With that position, comes with Cassius. He's mine, bitch." She sneered at me.

"First of all, teachers and staff own the school. Second of all, get your facts straight before you point fingers. Cassius and I talked, it's not like we had some rated make-out session or had rough sex. It was a talk, get over it. Most human beings have conversations, believe it or not." I snapped, not in the mood for her crap.

"My father is the principle, I could to him right now and he could punish you." She spat, spit flinging on my face.

How disgusting can this girl be? She already dresses like some prostitute and that's gross enough.

"What are you going to tell daddy? That I talked to a boy because I have a life? Get real, bitch. Daddy can't do squat unless he has a valid reason." I growled and she opened her mouth, just to close it.

"You're so infuriating!" She huffed before stomping away.

People like Summer never cease to amaze me.

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