Chapter Six-A Misunderstanding

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Chapter Six-A Misunderstanding

"Hey Leah!" My best friend, Courtney, chirped, smiling widely as she starred back at me from the computer screen.

"Hey, girl!" I smiled back.

"What's up? How are you liking the new town?" She asked.

I sighed.

"I don't like it. I guess you could say I've made friends but they aren't like you and the other guys. They're...hyper here. The town is small, not much to do but do homework or read. there is absolutely nowhere to go. They don't even have a Dairy Queen. I'm serious, like who doesn't have a Dairy Queen?" I yap away.

"Sounds terrible, I wish you were here." She pouts.

"I wish every minute for me to be back home, and my parents find nothing wrong with the move. They're completely uncooperative in seeing my side of the argument. They're so opposed to it." I shook my head.

"So how's Jake?" I asked, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Fine!" She answered a little too quickly.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's going on Courtney?" I asked skeptically.

"Nothing." She shook her head vigorously with wide eyes.

"Courtney." I urged.

"I saw him with Amanda a couple days ago." She said miserably.

"They're friends, what's wrong with that?" I shrugged.

"No, Leah, you don't understand. They were sitting really close together at lunch. And not as two friends." She admitted.

"Maybe she was feeling upset and he was comforting her." I argued.

Jake would never cheat on me. He said we could continue our relationship even though I was moving and I believed him. I believed him with all my heart. I loved him.

"How would she be upset if she was laughing?" Courtney countered.

"Well I'm sure it was nothing. Just forget about it. Te him to Skype me, will ya?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. I just don't want to see you get hurt, Leah." She looked at me sadly.

I smiled.

"Don't worry I won't." And we both said our goodbyes before logging off.

I shutdown my computer and went to my closet. Today was the party that Cassius wanted me to go to. I told Anna about it and she freaked out.

"Don't go to it!" She had warned.

"Why not? I just want to have a little fun. Do you know how long it's been since I've been to a party?" I had said and she scowled.

"Just don't go to it if you know what's good for you." She had replied.

But then Claire invited me and said I should come. I didn't want to miss a party and I didn't want to turn her down so I said yes. Hopefully Anna wouldn't get to upset over it.

I looked through the overflowing amounts of clothing and tried to decide what would be a good outfit.

I had successfully finished my room yesterday but my parents have yet to finish the rest of the house. They don't want me touching anything because I apparently "don't have any tastes". Whatever, the less work I have to do during his move, the better.

"Leah, come down here please." My mother called from downstairs.

Seriously? I already told her I was going out tonight!

I found a nice blue comfortable dress that went down to my knees and flared out. The waste would fit me snugly so it would hug my curves.

I quickly slipped it on, putting minimal makeup on and running a brush through my outrageous brown hair.

I had already taken a shower before I Skyped Courtney so I was good and clean.

I ran downstairs, flats in hand before waving to my mom.

"See you later," I called before she could call me back and ran to the car.

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